Projects & Programs
Tank Farm Vadose Zone Studies
The goal of this project was to define risks from past and future single-shell tank farm activities at the Hanford Site.
PNNL chemists, geologists, hydrologists and computer modelers conducting multi-tiered investigations/measurements of contaminated vadose zone sediment, pore water and groundwater samples proximal to single-shell tanks (SSTs) at the Hanford Site. Samples for characterized for geologic, geochemical and selected hydrologic and physicochemical properties. The resulting data were interpreted within the context of sediment types, the vertical extent of contamination, the migration potential of the contaminants since their release and the likely source or sources (specific SSTs or nearby cribs and trenches or tank infrastructure (pipes and junction boxes) of the contamination in the vadose zone. These data have been used to develop conceptual transport models for key contaminants of concern.
This work feeds directly into the client's field investigation reports and will ultimately be used to make remedial action decisions en route to closure of Hanford's tank farms.
These studies resulted in formal PNNL technical reports documenting results of the studies as well as peer-reviewed journal articles highlighting advanced geochemistry findings and analytical techniques.
- Brown CF, JP Icenhower, W Um, BN Bjornstad, MM Valenta, C Iovin, DC Lanigan, RE Clayton, KN Geiszler, ET Clayton, IV Kutnyakov, SR Baum, MJ Lindberg, and RD Orr. 2007. Characterization of Direct-Push Vadose Zone Sediments from the 241-B and 241-BX Tank Farms. PNNL-17162, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Brown CF, RJ Serne, BN Bjornstad, MM Valenta, DC Lanigan, TS Vickerman, RE Clayton, KN Geiszler, C Iovin, ET Clayton, IV Kutynakov, SR Baum, MJ Lindberg, and RD Orr. 2008. Characterization of Vadose Zone Sediments from C Waste Management Area: Investigation of the C-152 Transfer Line Leak. PNNL-15617 Rev. 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Brown CF, RJ Serne, BN Bjornstad, DG Horton, DC Lanigan, RE Clayton, MM Valenta, TS Vickerman, IV Kutnyakov, KN Geiszler, SR Baum, KE Parker, and MJ Lindberg. 2008. Characterization of Vadose Zone Sediments Below the C Tank Farm: Borehole C4297 and RCRA Borehole 299-E27-22. PNNL-15503 Rev. 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Brown CF, RJ Serne, HT Schaef, BA Williams, MM Valenta, VL LeGore, MJ Lindberg, KN Geiszler, SR Baum, IV Kutnyakov, TS Vickerman, and RE Clayton. 2008. Investigation of Accelerated Casing Corrosion in Two Wells at Waste Management Area A-AX. PNNL-15141 Rev.1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Brown CF, MM Valenta, RJ Serne, BN Bjornstad, DC Lanigan, C Iovin, RE Clayton, KN Geiszler, ET Clayton, IV Kutnyakov, SR Baum, MJ Lindberg, and RD Orr. 2007. Characterization of Direct Push Vadose Zone Sediments from the 241-U Single-Shell Tank Farm. PNNL-17163, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Brown CF, MM Valenta, RJ Serne, BN Bjornstad, DC Lanigan, C Iovin, RE Clayton, KN Geiszler, ET Clayton, IV Kutnyakov, SR Baum, MJ Lindberg, and RD Orr. 2007. Characterization of Direct Push Vadose Zone Sediments from the T and TY Waste Management Areas. PNNL-16649, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Lindenmeier CW, RJ Serne, BN Bjornstad, GW Gee, HT Schaef, DC Lanigan, MJ Lindberg, RE Clayton, VL Legore, IV Kutnyakov, SR Baum, KN Geiszler, CF Brown, MM Valenta, TS Vickerman, and LJ Royack. 2008. Characterization of Vadose Zone Sediment: RCRA Borehole 299-E33-338 Located Near the B-BX-BY Waste Management Area. PNNL-14121 Rev. 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Lindenmeier CW, RJ Serne, BN Bjornstad, GV Last, DC Lanigan, MJ Lindberg, RE Clayton, VL Legore, IV Kutnyakov, SR Baum, KN Geiszler, MM Valenta, and TS Vickerman. 2008. Characterization of Vadose Zone Sediment: Borehole C3103 Located in the 216-B-7A Crib Near the B Tank Farm. PNNL-14128, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Serne RJ, MJ Lindberg, TE Jones, HT Schaef, and KM Krupka. 2007. Laboratory Scale Bismuth Phosphate Extraction Process Simulation To Track Fate of Fission Products. PNNL-14120, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Serne RJ, BN Bjornstad, DG Horton, DC Lanigan, CW Lindenmeier, MJ Lindberg, RE Clayton, VL LeGore, KN Geiszler, SR Baum, MM Valenta, IV Kutnyakov, TS Vickerman, RD Orr, and CF Brown. 2008. Characterization of Vadose Zone Sediments Below the T Tank Farm: Boreholes C4104, C4105, 299-W10-196 and RCRA Borehole 299-W11-39 Rev. 1. PNNL-14849, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Serne RJ, BN Bjornstad, DG Horton, DC Lanigan, CW Lindenmeier, MJ Lindberg, RE Clayton, VL LeGore, RD Orr, IV Kutnyakov, SR Baum, KN Geiszler, MM Valenta, and TS Vickerman. 2008. Characterization of Vadose Zone Sediments Below the TX Tank Farm: Probe Holes C3830, C3831, C3832 and 299-W10-27. PNNL-14594 Rev.1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Serne RJ, BN Bjornstad, HT Schaef, BA Williams, DC Lanigan, DG Horton, RE Clayton, AV Mitroshkov, VL Legore, MJ O'Hara, CF Brown, KE Parker, IV Kutnyakov, JN Serne, GV Last, SC Smith, CW Lindenmeier, JM Zachara, and D Burke. 2008. Characterization of Vadose Zone Sediment: Uncontaminated RCRA Borehole Core Samples and Composite Samples. PNNL-13757-1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Serne RJ, HT Schaef, BN Bjornstad, DC Lanigan, GW Gee, CW Lindenmeier, RE Clayton, VL Legore, RD Orr, MJ O'Hara, CF Brown, GV Last, IV Kutnyakov, D Burke, TC Wilson, and BA Williams. 2008. Characterization of Vadose Zone Sediment: Borehole 299-W23-19 [SX -115] in the S-SX Waste Management Area. PNNL-13757-2 Rev.1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Serne RJ, GV Last, HT Schaef, DC Lanigan, CW Lindenmeier, CC Ainsworth, RE Clayton, VL Legore, MJ O'Hara, CF Brown, RD Orr, IV Kutnyakov, TC Wilson, KB Wagnon, BA Williams, and D Burke. 2008. Characterization of Vadose Zone Sediment: Borehole 41-09-39 in the S-SX Waste Management Area. PNNL-13757-3 Rev. 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Serne RJ, GV Last, HT Schaef, DC Lanigan, CW Lindenmeier, CC Ainsworth, RE Clayton, VL Legore, MJ O'Hara, CF Brown, RD Orr, IV Kutnyakov, TC Wilson, KB Wagnon, BA Williams, and D Burke. 2002. Characterization of Vadose Zone Sediment: Slant Borehole SX-108 in the S-SX Waste Management Area. PNNL-13757-4, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Serne RJ, GV Last, GW Gee, HT Schaef, DC Lanigan, CW Lindenmeier, MJ Lindberg, RE Clayton, VL Legore, RD Orr, IV Kutnyakov, SR Baum, KN Geiszler, CF Brown, MM Valenta, and TS Vickerman. 2008. Characterization of Vadose Zone Sediment: Borehole 299-E33-45 Near BX-102 in the B-BX-BY Waste Management Area. PNNL-14083 Rev. 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Serne RJ, BN Bjornstad, GW Gee, HT Schaef, DC Lanigan, RG Mccain, CW Lindenmeier, RD Orr, VL Legore, RE Clayton, MJ Lindberg, IV Kutnyakov, SR Baum, KN Geiszler, MM Valenta, TS Vickerman, and LJ Royack. 2008. Characterization of Vadose Zone Sediment: Borehole 299-E33-46 Near Tank B-110 in the B-BX-BY Waste Management Area. PNNL-14119 Rev. 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Valenta MM, KN Geiszler, BN Bjornstad, HT Schaef, and CF Brown. 2009. Tier II Analysis of Vadose Zone Sediments from UPRS 200-E-81 and 200-E-86. PNNL-18383, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.