PMO, Environmental S&T Group
318 publications found:
- Zhang H., Z. Wang, Y. Zhao, W. Cui, X. Zhang, S. Wang, and E.D. Walter, et al. 2023. "Metal ion (Cr3+, Eu3+, UO22+) adsorption on gibbsite nanoplates." Engineered Science 24, no. 1:Art. No. 896. PNNL-SA-184575. doi:10.30919/es896
- Kruska K., W. Jiang, X. Wang, L. Shao, B.J. Riley, and R. Devanathan. 2021. "Formation of multicomponent alloy particles in doped ceria under I2+ ion irradiation and thermal annealing." Journal of Nuclear Materials 545. PNNL-SA-150713. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2020.152638
- Plymale A.E., J.R. Wells, C.I. Pearce, C.J. Brislawn, E.B. Graham, T. Cheeke, and J.L. Allen, et al. 2021. "Niche partitioning of microbial communities at an ancient vitrified hillfort: implications for vitrified radioactive waste disposal." Geomicrobiology Journal 38, no. 1:36-56. PNNL-SA-150253. doi:10.1080/01490451.2020.1807658
- Schwantes J.M., J. Bair, E.C. Buck, R. Devanathan, S.H. Kessler, T.G. Lach, and J.M. Lonergan, et al. 2020. "A new non-diffusional gas bubble production route in used nuclear fuel: Implications for fission gas release, cladding corrosion, and next generation fuel design." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22, no. 11:6086-6099. PNNL-SA-144695. doi:10.1039/C9CP05363H
- Wenzlick M.Z., J.R. Bauer, K.K. Rose, J.A. Hawk, and R. Devanathan. 2020. "Data Assessment Method to Support the Development of Creep-Resistant Alloys." Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation 9, no. 1:89-102. PNNL-SA-148614. doi:10.1007/s40192-020-00167-3
- Cordova E., and E.C. Golovich. 2019. FY19 Radionuclide Migration Tests. PNNL-29445. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. FY19 Radionuclide Migration Tests
- Cullinan V.I., L.A. Mahoney, T.M. Brouns, S.K. Nune, J.A. Bamberger, C.K. Clayton, and L.F. Pease, et al. 2019. BY-110 Headspace Sampling Comparison Test. PNNL-28801 Vol. 1. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. BY-110 Headspace Sampling Comparison Test
- Deguire E., L. Bartolo, R. Brindle, R. Devanathan, E. Dickey, J. Fessler, and R.H. French, et al. 2019. "Data-driven glass/ceramic science research: Insights from the glass and ceramic and data science/informatics communities." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 102, no. 11:6385-6402. PNNL-SA-136773. doi:10.1111/jace.16677
- Devanathan R., W. Jiang, K. Kruska, M.A. Conroy, T.C. Droubay, and J.M. Schwantes. 2019. "Hexagonal Close-Packed High-Entropy Alloy Formation under Extreme Processing Conditions." Journal of Materials Research 34, no. 5:709-719. PNNL-SA-137859. doi:10.1557/jmr.2018.438
- Jiang W., M.A. Conroy, K. Kruska, M.J. Olszta, T.C. Droubay, J.M. Schwantes, and C.A. Taylor, et al. 2019. "In situ Study of Particle Precipitation in Metal-doped CeO2 during Thermal Treatment and Ion Irradiation for Emulation of Irradiating Fuels." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123, no. 4:2591-2601. PNNL-SA-139442. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b11027
- Setyawan W., D.J. Senor, and R. Devanathan. 2019. "Role of Interfaces in Damage Process of Irradiated Lithium Aluminate Nanocrystals." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 102, no. 4:1982-1993. PNNL-SA-131764. doi:10.1111/jace.16051
- Shin Y., M.N. Taufique, R. Devanathan, E.C. Cutsforth, J. Lee, W. Liu, and L.S. Fifield, et al. 2019. "Highly Selective Supported Graphene Oxide Membranes for Water-Ethanol Separation." Scientific Reports 9, no. 1:Article No. 2251. PNNL-SA-130472. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-38485-y
- Devanathan R. 2018. "An Introduction to Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes [Book Review]." MRS Bulletin 43, no. 2:148-149. PNNL-SA-130325. doi:10.1557/mrs.2018.25
- Devanathan R. 2018. "Review of ‘Materials for the 21st century'." MRS Bulletin 43. PNNL-SA-136357. doi:10.1557/mrs.2018.286
- Garrett K.E., A.M. Ritzmann, F.N. Smith, S.H. Kessler, R. Devanathan, N.J. Henson, and D.G. Abrecht. 2018. "First principles investigation of the structural and bonding properties of hydrated actinide (IV) oxalates, An(C2O4)2·6H2O (An = U, Pu)." Computational Materials Science 153. PNNL-SA-133111. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2018.06.033
- Garrett K.E., D.G. Abrecht, S.H. Kessler, N.J. Henson, R. Devanathan, J.M. Schwantes, and D.D. Reilly. 2018. "Carbon diffusion in molten uranium: an ab initio molecular dynamics study." Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 26, no. 3:Article No. 035013. PNNL-SA-129429. doi:10.1088/1361-651X/aaad72
- Rishel J.P., J.M. Barnett, A.V. Mozhayev, E.B. Dutcher, S.A. Colby, G.L. Carter, and G.K. Patello, et al. 2018. "EVALUATION OF AN UPWARD TREND IN BACKGROUND COUNT RATES FROM A STACK PARTICULATE CONTINUOUS AIR MONITOR." Health Physics 115, no. 4:531-538. PNNL-SA-131367. doi:10.1097/HP.0000000000000901
- Tonks M., D. Andersson, R. Devanathan, R. Dubourg, A.A. El-Azab, M. Freyss, and F. Iglesias, et al. 2018. "Unit Mechanisms of Fission Gas Release: Current Understanding and Future Needs." Journal of Nuclear Materials 504. PNNL-SA-129199. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.03.016
- Weaver J.L., C.I. Pearce, R. Sjoblom, J.S. McCloy, M.D. Miller, T. Varga, and B.W. Arey, et al. 2018. "Pre-Viking Swedish Hillfort Glass: A Prospective Long-Term Alteration Analogue for Vitrified Nuclear Waste." International Journal of Applied Glass Science 9, no. 4:540-544. PNNL-26864. doi:10.1111/ijag.12351
- Devanathan R. 2017. "Ion sieving and desalination: Energy penalty for excess baggage." Nature Nanotechnology 12. PNNL-SA-124040. doi:10.1038/nnano.2017.53
- Devanathan R. 2017. "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Fission Fragment Damage in Nuclear Fuel and Surrogate Material." MRS Advances 2, no. 21-22:1225-1230. PNNL-SA-123157. doi:10.1557/adv.2017.9
- Devanathan R. 2017. "Review of "Computational Thermodynamics of Materials"." MRS Bulletin 42, no. 2:162-163. PNNL-SA-123080. doi:10.1557/mrs.2017.21
- Devanathan R. 2017. "Review of Fundamentals of Condensed Matter Physics." MRS Bulletin 42, no. 6:470-471. PNNL-SA-125215. doi:10.1557/mrs.2017.134
- Dong L., W. Setyawan, Y. Li, R. Devanathan, and F. Gao. 2017. "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Low-energy Recoil Events in Titanate Pyrochlores." RSC Advances 7, no. 56:35403-35410. PNNL-SA-125690. doi:10.1039/c7ra04699e
- Dong L., Y. Li, R. Devanathan, W. Setyawan, and F. Gao. 2017. "Low Energy Ion-Solid Interactions and Chemistry Effects in a Series of Pyrochlores." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 100, no. 7:3132-3144. PNNL-SA-123171. doi:10.1111/jace.14836
- Jensen P.J., T. Tran, B.G. Fritz, F.C. Rutz, S.B. Ross, A.M. Gorton, and R. Devanathan, et al. 2017. "Preliminary Evaluation of the DUSTRAN Modeling Suite for Modeling Atmospheric Chloride Transport." Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health 10, no. 1:25-31. PNNL-SA-113805. doi:10.1007/s11869-016-0404-5
- Jiang W., M.A. Conroy, K. Kruska, N.R. Overman, T.C. Droubay, J. Gigax, and L. Shao, et al. 2017. "Nanoparticle Precipitation in Irradiated and Annealed Ceria Doped with Metals for Emulation of Spent Fuels." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121, no. 40:22465-22477. PNNL-SA-126918. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b06188
- Jiang W., M.A. Conroy, R. Devanathan, C. Taylor, K. Hattar, J.G. Gigax, and L. Shao. 2017. "Precipitation of Epsilon Particles in Metal Doped Ceria Irradiated with Energetic Ions." In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, June 11-15, 2017, San Francisco, CA, 116, 431-434. La Grange Park, Illinois:American Nuclear Society. PNNL-SA-125926.
- Setyawan W., D.J. Senor, and R. Devanathan. 2017. "Insights on Amorphization of Lithium Aluminate from Atomistic Simulation." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121, no. 14:7635-7642. PNNL-SA-122303. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b12562
- Xu K., D.K. Schreiber, Y. Li, B.R. Johnson, and J.S. McCloy. 2017. "Effect of defects, magnetocrystalline anisotropy, and shape anisotropy on magnetic structure of iron thin films by magnetic force microscopy." AIP Advances 7, no. 5:056806. PNNL-SA-123819. doi:10.1063/1.4976580
- Devanathan R. 2016. "Herbert Frohlich: A Physicist Ahead of his Time [Book Review]." MRS Bulletin 41, no. 2:166. PNNL-SA-114043.
- Devanathan R. 2016. "Moore's Law: The Life of Gordon Moore, Silicon Valley's Quiet Revolutionary Arnold Thackray, David C. Brock, and Rachel Jones [Book Review]." MRS Bulletin 41, no. 5:412-413. PNNL-SA-116343. doi:10.1557/mrs.2016.107
- Devanathan R. 2016. "Review of Nanomaterials in Extreme Environments." MRS Bulletin 41, no. 10:817-818. PNNL-SA-119224. doi:10.1557/mrs.2016.226
- Devanathan R., D.G. Chase-Woods, Y. Shin, and D.W. Gotthold. 2016. "Molecular Dynamics Simulations Reveal that Water Diffusion between Graphene Oxide Layers is Slow." Scientific Reports 6. PNNL-SA-117768. doi:10.1038/srep29484
- Dong L., Y. Li, R. Devanathan, and F. Gao. 2016. "Molecular dynamics simulation of the structural, elastic, and thermal properties of pyrochlores." RSC Advances 6, no. 47:41410-41419. PNNL-SA-116029. doi:10.1039/c6ra04779c
- Shin Y., W. Liu, B. Schwenzer, S. Manandhar, D.G. Chase-Woods, M.H. Engelhard, and R. Devanathan, et al. 2016. "Graphene oxide membranes with high permeability and selectivity for dehumidification of air." Carbon 106. PNNL-SA-112915. doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2016.05.023
- Bertolus M., M. Krack, M. Freyss, and R. Devanathan. 2015. "Assessment of current atomic scale modelling methods for the investigation of nuclear fuels under irradiation: Example of uranium dioxide." In State of the Art Report on Multiscale Modeling of Nuclear Fuels, edited by S Massara. 246-276. Paris:OECD Publishing. PNNL-SA-104212.
- Devanathan R. 2015. "Review of “Metals in Past Societies: A Global Perspective on Indigenous African Metallurgy” by Shadreck Chirikure, Springer, 2015." MRS Bulletin 40, no. 10:880. PNNL-SA-111840. doi:10.1557/mrs.2015.251
- Devanathan R., M. Krack, and M. Bertolus. 2015. "Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nuclear Fuel." In State of the Art Report on Multiscale Modeling of Nuclear Fuels, edited by S Massara. 236-245. Paris:OECD Publishing. PNNL-SA-82914.
- Lang M., R. Devanathan, M. Toulemonde, and C. Trautmann. 2015. "Advances in Understanding of Swift Heavy-Ion Tracks in Complex Ceramics." Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 19, no. 1:39-48. PNNL-SA-105245. doi:10.1016/j.cossms.2014.10.002
- Suter J.D., P. Ramuhalli, J.S. McCloy, K. Xu, S.Y. Hu, Y. Li, and W. Jiang, et al. 2015. "Meso-Scale Magnetic Signatures for Nuclear Reactor Steel Irradiation Embrittlement Monitoring." In 41ST ANNUAL REVIEW OF PROGRESS IN QUANTITATIVE NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION: Volume 34, edited by Dale E Chimenti and Leonard J. Bond, 1650, 1476-1485. Melville, New York:AIP Publishing LLC. PNNL-SA-105084. doi:10.1063/1.4914765
- Yablinsky C., R. Devanathan, J. Pakarinen, J. Gan, D. Severin, C. Trautmann, and T.R. Allen. 2015. "Characterization of swift heavy ion irradiation damage in ceria." Journal of Materials Research 30, no. 9:1473-1484. PNNL-SA-101304. doi:10.1557/jmr.2015.43
- Johnson B.R. 2014. "Scientific Solutions to Nuclear Waste Environmental Challenges." Architectural Glass Concepts Magazine 5, no. 1:30-49. PNNL-SA-93309.
- Zarkadoula E., R. Devanathan, W.J. Weber, M. Seaton, I. Todorov, K. Nordlund, and M.T. Dove, et al. 2014. "High-energy radiation damage in zirconia: modeling results." Journal of Applied Physics 115, no. 8:083507. PNNL-SA-96637. doi:10.1063/1.4866989
- Chung C., L.A. Turo, J.V. Ryan, B.R. Johnson, and J.S. McCloy. 2013. "The effect of concentration on the structure and crystallinity of a cementitious waste form for caustic wastes." Journal of Nuclear Materials 437, no. 1-3:332-340. PNNL-SA-90536. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.02.035
- Ding F., W. Xu, X. Chen, J. Zhang, M.H. Engelhard, Y. Zhang, and B.R. Johnson, et al. 2013. "Effects of Carbonate Solvents and Lithium Salts on Morphology and Coulombic Efficiency of Lithium Electrode." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 160, no. 10:A1894-A1901. PNNL-SA-96244. doi:10.1149/2.100310jes
- McCloy J.S., B.J. Riley, D.A. Pierce, B.R. Johnson, and H. Qiao. 2013. "Infrared-Transmitting Glass-Ceramics: A Review." In Window and Dome Technologies and Materials XIII, April 29, 2013, Baltimore, Maryland. Proceedings of the SPIE, edited by RW Tustison and BJ Zelinski, 8708, Article No. 87080N. Bellingham, Washington:SPIE. PNWD-SA-10109. doi:10.1117/12.2019142
- Riley B.J., B.R. Johnson, H.T. Schaef, and S.K. Sundaram. 2013. "Sublimation-Condensation of Multiscale Tellurium Structures." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, no. 19:10128-10134. PNNL-SA-92535. doi:10.1021/jp400363a
- Riley B.J., B.R. Johnson, J.V. Crum, and M.R. Thompson. 2012. "Tricadmium Digermanium Tetraarsenide: a New Crystalline Phase Made with a Double-Containment Ampoule Method." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 95, no. 7:2161-2168. PNNL-SA-82633.
- McCloy J.S., R.K. Kukkadapu, J.V. Crum, B.R. Johnson, and T.C. Droubay. 2011. "Size Effects on Gamma Radiation Response of Magnetic Properties of Barium Hexaferrite Powders." Journal of Applied Physics 110, no. 11:Article No. 113912. PNNL-SA-80909. doi:10.1063/1.3665769
- Chun J., P.R. Bredt, E. Hansen, P.S. Bhosale, and J.C. Berg. 2010. "Impact of Rheological Modifiers on Various Slurries Supporting DOE Waste Processing." In Waste Management 2010: Improving the Future by Dealing with the Past, March 7-11, 2010, Phoenix, Arizona, Paper No. 10099. Phoenix, Arizona:WM Symposia. PNNL-SA-70278.
- Brothers A.J., S.V. Mattigod, D.M. Strachan, G.H. Beeman, P.K. Kearns, A.N. Papa, and C. Monti. 2009. "Resource-Limited Multiattribute Value Analysis of Alternatives for Immobilizing Radioactive Liquid Process Wastes Stored in Saluggia, Italy." Decision Analysis 6, no. 2:98-114. PNWD-SA-8133. doi:10.1287/deca.1090.0140
- Holladay J.D., J. Hu, D.L. King, and Y. Wang. 2009. "An Overview of Hydrogen Production Technologies." Catalysis Today 139, no. 4:244-260. PNNL-SA-54171.
- McKinnon A.D., R.B. Bass, M.S. Elder, and M. Johnson. 2009. "Design and Implementation of a Radiation Portal Monitor Multi-Lane Simulator." In 2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NSS/MIC), October 25-31, 2009, Orlando, Florida, edited by B Yu, 2087-2091. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-69607. doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2009.5402116
- Rinker M.W., S. Pilli, N.K. Karri, J.E. Deibler, K.I. Johnson, J.D. Holbery, and O. Mullen, et al. 2009. "Structural Integrity of Single Shell Tanks at Hanford - 9491." In Waste Management for the Nuclear Renaissance: Waste Mangement Symposium 2009; March 1-5, 2009, Phoenix, Arizona, 978-986. Tucson, Arizona:WM Symposia. PNNL-SA-63733.
- Valdez P.L., and M.W. Rinker. 2009. "Material Open Test Assembly Specimen Retrieval from Hanford's Shielded Material Facility." Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 100, no. 1:664. PNNL-SA-66530.
- Berry J.J., D.S. Ginley, and P.E. Burrows. 2008. "Organic Light Emitting Diodes Using a Ga:ZnO Anode." Applied Physics Letters 92, no. 19:193304. PNNL-SA-57249. doi:10.1063/1.2917565
- Ozensoy E., D.R. Herling, and J. Szanyi. 2008. "NOx Reduction on a Transition Metal-free ?-Al2O3 Catalyst Using Dimethylether (DME)." Catalysis Today 136, no. 1-2:46-54. PNNL-SA-56943.
- Roh H., Y. Wang, and D.L. King. 2008. "Selective Production of H2 from Ethanol at Low Temperatures over Rh/ZrO2-CeO2 Catalysts." Topics in Catalysis 49, no. 1-2:32-37. PNNL-SA-46943.
- Walton T.L., W.L. Johnson, M. Connolly, P.C. Mcginnis, and K.L. Manke. 2008. "National Laboratories Role in Nuclear Cleanup." Nuclear Future 4, no. 1:44-50. PNNL-SA-57548.
- Yang Z., G. Xia, J.W. Stevenson, and P. Singh. 2008. "Corrosion Behavior of Interconnect Candidate Alloys under Air//Simulated Reformate Dual Exposure Conditions." In Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings. Advances in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells III - A Collection of Papers Presented at the 31st International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 21-26, 2007, Daytona Beach, Florida, 28, 279-288. Hoboken, New Jersey:John Wiley & Sons, Inc. PNNL-SA-53557.
- Canfield N.L., J.V. Crum, J. Matyas, A. Bandyopadhyay, K.S. Weil, L.R. Pederson, and J.S. Hardy. 2007. "Sintering of Mixed-Conducting Composites for Hydrogen Membranes From Nanoscale Co-Synthesized Powders." In Processing and manufacturing of advanced materials international conference; THERMEC 2006, Jul 5th, 2006, Vancouver, Canada. Materials Science Forum, 539-543, 1413-1420. Zurich:Trans Tech Publications. PNNL-SA-48245.
- Chou Y.S., J.W. Stevenson, and P. Singh. 2007. "Novel refractory alkaline earth silicate sealing glasses for planar solid oxide fuel cells." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 154, no. 7:B644-B651. PNNL-SA-52170. doi:10.1149/1.2733868
- Coffey G.W., L.R. Pederson, D.M. Ponds, P.C. Rieke, and E.C. Thomsen. 2007. "Fabrication and Characterization of a Novel Luggin Capillary Reference Electrode for use in Solid State Electrolytes." Solid State Ionics 178, no. 11-12:827-832. PNNL-SA-54159.
- Einziger R.E., and C.E. Beyer. 2007. "Characteristics and Behaviour of High Burnup Fuel that May Affect the Containment Source Terms for Cask Accidents." Nuclear Technology 159, no. 2:134-146. PNNL-SA-57192.
- Gaspar D., and D.R. Baer. 2007. "Thoughts on Prospects for New Characterization Tools." In Productive Nanosystems; a Technology Roadmap: Part 3 Proceedings of the Roadmap Working Group. N/A:Foresight Nanotech Institute. PNNL-SA-57250.
- Hardy J.S., E.C. Thomsen, N.L. Canfield, J.V. Crum, K.S. Weil, and L.R. Pederson. 2007. "Development of Passive Hydrogen Separation Membranes made from Co-Synthesized Nanoscale Cermet Powders." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32. PNNL-SA-48968. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2006.08.016
- Hardy J.S., N.L. Canfield, J.V. Crum, A. Bandyopadhyay, K.S. Weil, and L.R. Pederson. 2007. "Co-synthesis of Mixed Conducting Composites for Hydrogen Separation: Compositional Considerations." In Materials in Clean Power Systems: Applications, Corrosion, and Protection: 2006 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, edited by ZG Yang, KS Weil and MP Brady, 3-14. Warrendale, Pennsylvania:TMS. PNNL-SA-47483.
- Hong S., and D.R. Herling. 2007. "Aluminum Foam-Phase Change Material Composites as Heat Exchangers." In SAE 2007 World Congress & Exhibition, SP-2105, 2007-01-0419. Warrendale, Pennsylvania:Society of Automotive Engineers. PNNL-SA-52080.
- Hong S., and D.R. Herling. 2007. "EFFECTS OF SURFACE AREA DENSITY OF ALUMINUM FOAMS ON THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF ALUMINUM FOAM-PHASE CHANGE MATERIAL COMPOSITES." Advanced Engineering Materials 9, no. 7:554-557. PNNL-SA-53707. doi:10.1002/adem.200700023
- Jana s., R.S. Mishra, H.N. Chou, and D.R. Herling. 2007. "FRICTION STIR MICROSTRUCTURAL MODIFICATION OF INVESTMENT CAST F357." In Friction Stir Welding and Processing IV, 439-448. Warrendale, Pa:TMS. PNNL-SA-52708.
- Marina O.A., L.R. Pederson, M.C. Williams, G.W. Coffey, K.D. Meinhardt, C.D. Nguyen, and E.C. Thomsen. 2007. "Electrode Performance in Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cells." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 154, no. 5:B452-B459. PNNL-SA-50946.
- McCarthy B., L.R. Pederson, H.U. Anderson, X.D. Zhou, P. Singh, G.W. Coffey, and E.C. Thomsen. 2007. "Enhanced Shrinkage of Lanthanum Strontium Manganite (La0.90Sr0.10MnO3+d) Resulting from Thermal and Oxygen Partial Pressure Cycling." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 90, no. 10:3255-3262. PNNL-SA-53837. doi:10.1111/j.1551-2916.2007.01890.x
- Peterson R.B., B. Paul, T. Palmer, Q. Wu, W. Jost, C.T. Tseng, and S. Tiwari, et al. 2007. "Microscale Power Generation based on Radiolytic Processes." In The Sixth International Workshop on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS 2006), November 29-December 1, 2006, Berkeley, California, 235-238. Bristol:IOPScience. PNWD-SA-7665.
- Peterson R.B., B. Paul, T. Palmer, Q. Wu, W. Jost, C.T. Tseng, and S. Tiwari, et al. 2007. "Radiolytic microscale power generation based on single chamber fuel cell operation." Journal of Micromechanics and microengineering: structures, devices & systems 17. PNWD-SA-8045. doi:10.1088/0960-1317/17/9/S07
- Recknagle K.P., B.J. Koeppel, X. Sun, M.A. Khaleel, S.T. Yokuda, and P. Singh. 2007. "Analysis of Percent On-Cell Reformation of Methane in SOFC Stacks and the Effects on Thermal, Electrical, and Mechanical Performance." ECS Transactions 5, no. 1:473-480. PNNL-SA-53556.
- Sapochak L.S., A.B. Padmaperuma, P.A. Vecchi, X. Cai, and P.E. Burrows. 2007. "Designing Organic Phosphine Oxide Host Materials Using Heteroaromatic Building Blocks: Inductive Effects on Electroluminescence." In Proceedings of the SPIE: Organic Light Emitting Materials and Devices XI, edited by ZH Kafafi; F So, 6655. Bellingham, Washington:SPIE Press. PNNL-SA-56685. doi:10.1117/12.740970
- Wang L.Q., G.J. Exarhos, C.F. Windisch, C. Yao, L.R. Pederson, and X.D. Zhou. 2007. "Probing hydrogen in ZnO nanorods using solid-state 1H nuclear magnetic resonance." Applied Physics Letters 90, no. 17:Art. No. 173115. PNNL-SA-51672. doi:10.1063/1.2731688
- Wang L.Q., X.D. Zhou, G.J. Exarhos, L.R. Pederson, C.M. Wang, C.F. Windisch, and C. Yao. 2007. "Proton Dynamics in ZnO Nanorods Quantified by In Situ Solid-State 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance." Applied Physics Letters 91, no. 17:paper number 173107. PNNL-SA-54034. doi:10.1063/1.2799734
- Wang Y., and D.L. King. 2007. "Preface." Catalysis Today 120, no. 1:1. PNNL-SA-51157.
- Yang Z., G. Xia, M.S. Walker, C.M. Wang, J.W. Stevenson, and P. Singh. 2007. "HIGH TEMPERATURE OXIDATION/CORROSION BEHAVIOR OF METALS AND ALLOYS UNDER A HYDROGEN GRADIENT." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32, no. 16:3770-3777. PNNL-SA-51809. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2006.08.056
- Yang Z., J.W. Stevenson, and P. Singh. 2007. "Corrosion and Protection of Metallic Interconnects in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells." In Materials for the Hydrogen Economy, edited by GJ Thomas and RH Jones. 229-250. Boca Raton, Florida:CRC Press. PNNL-SA-54296.
- Chen L., B. Jha, Z. Yang, G. Xia, J.W. Stevenson, and P. Singh. 2006. "Clad metals by roll bonding for SOFC interconnects." Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 15, no. 4:399-403. PNNL-SA-47987.
- Chin Y., D.L. King, H. Roh, Y. Wang, and S. Heald. 2006. "Structure and Reactivity Investigations on Supported Bimetallic Au-Ni Catalysts Used for Hydrocarbon Steam Reforming." Journal of Catalysis 244, no. 2:153-162. PNNL-SA-52736.
- Chou Y.S., J.W. Stevenson, J.S. Hardy, and P. Singh. 2006. "Material Degradation During Isothermal Ageing and Thermal Cycling of Hybrid Mica Seals under Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Exposure Conditions." Journal of Power Sources 157, no. 1:260-270. PNNL-SA-44932. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2005.07.027
- Chou Y.S., J.W. Stevenson, J.S. Hardy, and P. Singh. 2006. "Material Degradation during Isothermal Aging and Thermal Cycling of Hybrid Mica Seal with Ag Interlayer under SOFC Exposure Conditions." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 153, no. 8:A1591-A1598. PNNL-SA-47857.
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- Huang X., and D.L. King. 2006. "Gas-Phase Hydrodesulfurization of JP-8 Light Fraction Using Steam Reformate." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 45, no. 21:7050-7056. PNNL-SA-50003.
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- Nguyen B.N., B.J. Koeppel, S. Ahzi, M.A. Khaleel, and P. Singh. 2006. "Crack Growth in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Materials: From Discrete to Continuum Damage Modeling." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 89, no. 4:1358. PNNL-SA-43900. doi:10.1111/j.1551-2916.2005.00874.x
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- Roh H., A. Platon, Y. Wang, and D.L. King. 2006. "Catalyst Deactivation and Regeneration in Low Temperature Ethanol Steam Reforming with Rh/CeO2-ZrO2 Catalysts." Catalysis Letters 110, no. 1-2:1-6. PNNL-SA-47728.
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- Sapochak L.S., A.B. Padmaperuma, P.A. Vecchi, H. Qiao, and P.E. Burrows. 2006. "Design strategies for achieving high triplet energy electron transporting host materials for blue electrophosphorescence." In Organic Light Emitting Materials and Devices X. Proceedings of SPIE, edited by Zakya H. Kafafi and Franky So, 6333, 57-69. Bellingham:International Society for Optical Engineering: SPIE. PNNL-SA-51005. doi:10.1117/12.684126
- Stevenson J.W., L.A. Chick, M.A. Khaleel, D.L. King, L.R. Pederson, G.L. McVay, and P. Singh. 2006. "Recent Advances in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Technology at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory." In Fuel Cell Seminar 2006, November 13-17, Honolulu, HI. Pennington, New Jersey:Electrochemical Society. PNNL-SA-51396.
- Vecchi P.A., A.B. Padmaperuma, H. Qiao, L.S. Sapochak, and P.E. Burrows. 2006. "A Dibenzofuran-Based Host Material for Blue Electrophosphorescence." Organic Letters 8, no. 19:4211-4214. PNNL-SA-50647. doi:10.1021/ol0614121
- Yang Z., G. Xia, P. Singh, and J.W. Stevenson. 2006. "Electrical Contacts between Cathodes and Metallic Interconnects in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells." Journal of Power Sources 155, no. 2:246-252. PNNL-SA-44409.
- Yang Z., G.W. Coffey, J.P. Rice, P. Singh, J.W. Stevenson, and G. Xia. 2006. "High Temperature Corrosion Behavior of Oxidation Resistant Alloys under SOFC Interconnect Dual Exposures." In Advances in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells II: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, edited by NP Bansal, A Wereszczak and E Lara-Curzio, 27, 211-221. Westerville, Ohio:American Ceramic Society. PNNL-SA-48342. doi:10.1002/9780470291337.ch21
- Yang Z., P. Singh, J.W. Stevenson, and G. Xia. 2006. "Investigation of Modified Ni-Cr-Mn Base Alloys for SOFC Interconnect Applications." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 153, no. 10:A1873-A1879. PNNL-SA-49522.
- Zheng F., V.S. Stenkamp, W.E. TeGrotenhuis, X. Huang, and D.L. King. 2006. "Microchannel Distillation of JP-8 Jet Fuel for Sulfur Content Reduction." In 2006 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, November 12-17, San Francisco, California. New York, New York:AIChE. PNNL-SA-51796.
- Zhou X.D., J. Yang, E.C. Thomsen, Q. Cai, B.J. Scarfino, Z. Nie, and G.W. Coffey, et al. 2006. "Electrical, Thermoelectric, and Structural Properties of La(MxFe1-x)O3 (M=Mn, Ni, Cu)." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 153, no. 12:J133-J138. PNNL-SA-50730.
- Brooks K.P., J.M. Davis, C.M. Fischer, D.L. King, L.R. Pederson, G.C. Rawlings, and V.S. Stenkamp, et al. 2005. "Fuel Reformation: Microchannel Reactor Design." In Microreactor Technology and Process Intensification : ACS Symposium Series, edited by Yong Wang and Jamelyn D. Holladay. 238-257. New York, New York:Oxford University Press. PNNL-SA-42332.
- Chou Y.S., J.W. Stevenson, and P. Singh. 2005. "Combined Ageing and Thermal Cycling of Compressive Mica Seals for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells." In Advances in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, a collection of papers presented at the 29th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, published in Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings., 26, 265-272. Westerville, Oh:American Ceramic Society. PNNL-SA-43891.
- Chou Y.S., J.W. Stevenson, and P. Singh. 2005. "Glass Mica Composite Seals for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells." In Advances in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells , A Collection of Papers Presented at the 29th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, published in Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, 26, 257-264. Westerville, Ohio:American Ceramic Society. PNNL-SA-43969.
- Chou Y.S., J.W. Stevenson, and P. Singh. 2005. "Thermal Cycle Stability of a Novel Glass-Mica Composite Seal for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: Effect of Glass Volume Fraction and Stresses." Journal of Power Sources 152, no. 1:168-174. PNNL-SA-44566.
- Chou Y.S., Z. Yang, P. Singh, J.W. Stevenson, and G. Xia. 2005. "SOFC Interconnect and Compressive Seal Development at PNNL." In 2005 Fuel Cell Seminar, Progress, Challenges and Markets, November 14–18, 2005, Convention Center, Palm Springs, California, 4 pages. Washington, District Of Columbia:Courtesty Associates. PNNL-SA-46693.
- Coffey G.W., J.S. Hardy, O.A. Marina, L.R. Pederson, P.C. Rieke, and E.C. Thomsen. 2005. "Copper Doped Lanthanum Strontium Ferrite for Reduced Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells." In Fourteenth International Conference on Solid State Ionics, Jun 22-27 2003, Monterey, CA., USA. Published in Solid State Ionics, 175, 73-78. Amsterdam:Elsevier. PNNL-SA-44931.
- King D.L., K.P. Brooks, C.M. Fischer, L.R. Pederson, G.C. Rawlings, V.S. Stenkamp, and W.E. TeGrotenhuis, et al. 2005. "Fuel Reformation: Catalyst Requirements in Microchannel Architectures." In Microreactor Technology and Process Intensification, ACS Symposium Series, edited by Yong Wang and Jamelyn D. Holladay. 119-128. Washington, District Of Columbia:American Chemical Society. PNNL-SA-44437.
- Li L., and D.L. King. 2005. "High-Capacity Sulfur Dioxide Absorbents for Diesel Emissions Control." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 44, no. 1:168-177. PNNL-SA-42474.
- Li L., and D.L. King. 2005. "Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Hollandite and its Application in Emission Control." Chemistry of Materials 17, no. 17:4335-4343. PNNL-SA-44400. doi:10.1021/cm0506508
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- Nguyen B.N., J.D. Holbery, K.I. Johnson, and M.T. Smith. 2005. "Long-Fiber Thermoplastic Injection Molded Composites: from Process Modeling to Property Prediction." In Proceedings of the 5th Annual Automotive Composites Conference and Exhibition (ACCE), Troy, MI, September 12-14, 2005, 27-35 (9 pages). Troy, Michigan:Society of Plastics Engineers, Automotive Division. PNNL-SA-45807.
- Owings R.R., G.J. Exarhos, C.F. Windisch, P.H. Holloway, and J.G. Wen. 2005. "Process Enhanced Polaron Conductivity of Infrared Transparent Nickel-Cobalt Oxide." Thin Solid Films 483, no. 1-2:175-184. PNNL-SA-41056.
- Shin Y., C.M. Wang, X.S. Li, and G.J. Exarhos. 2005. "Synthesis of supported carbon nanotubes in mineralized silica-wood composites." Carbon 43, no. 5:1096-1098. PNNL-SA-39765.
- Simner S.P., M.D. Anderson, G. Xia, Z. Yang, L.R. Pederson, and J.W. Stevenson. 2005. "SOFC Performance with Fe-Cr-Mn Alloy Interconnect." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 152, no. 4:A740-A745. PNNL-SA-42784.
- Simner S.P., M.D. Anderson, L.R. Pederson, and J.W. Stevenson. 2005. "Performance Variability of La(Sr)FeO3 SOFC Cathode with Pt, Ag and Au Current Collectors." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 152, no. 9:A1851-A1859. PNNL-SA-44657. doi:10.1149/1.1995687
- Stevenson J.W., P. Singh, and S.C. Singhal. 2005. "Secrets of SOFC Success." The Fuel Cell Review 2, no. 2:15-21. PNNL-SA-44653.
- Windisch C.F., G.J. Exarhos, and S.K. Sharma. 2005. "Viscosity by Fluorescence Depolarization of Probe Molecules. A Physical Chemistry Laboratory Experiment." Journal of Chemical Education 82, no. 6:916-918. PNNL-SA-41676.
- Yang Z., G. Xia, P. Singh, and J.W. Stevenson. 2005. "Effects of Water Vapor on Oxidation Behavior of Ferritic Stainless Steels Under Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Interconnect Exposure Conditions." Solid State Ionics 176. PNNL-SA-42171.
- Coffey G.W., J.S. Hardy, O.A. Marina, L.R. Pederson, P.C. Rieke, and E.C. Thomsen. 2004. "Copper Doped Lanthanum Strontium Ferrite for Reduced Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells." Solid State Ionics 175, no. 1-4:73-78. PNNL-SA-46526. doi:10.1016/j.ssi.2004.09.015
- Exarhos G.J., and K.F. Ferris. 2004. "Optical Limiting by Index-Matched Phase-Segregated Mixtures." In Quantum sensing and nanophotonic devices : Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, 29-25 January, 2004, San Jose, California, USA /, edited by Manijeh Razeghi, Gail J. Brown, 5359, 309-323. Bellingham, Washington:SPIE. PNNL-SA-40502.
- Exarhos G.J., K.F. Ferris, and W.D. Samuels. 2004. "Heterogeneous Mixtures as NLO Christiansen Filters for Optical Limiting." In SPIE Proceedings, edited by Exarhos, Gregory J.; et. al., 5273, 402-412. Bellingham, Washington:SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering. PNNL-SA-40261.
- Fryxell G.E., R.S. Addleman, S.V. Mattigod, Y. Lin, T.S. Zemanian, H. Wu, and J.C. Birnbaum, et al. 2004. "Environmental and Sensing Applications of Molecular Self-Assembly." In Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, edited by J. A. Schwarz, C. Contescu, K. Putyera. 1135-1145. New York:Marcel Dekker. PNNL-SA-38029.
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- Graff G.L., R.E. Williford, and P.E. Burrows. 2004. "Mechanisms of Vapor Permeation Through Multilayer Barrier Films: Lag Time Versus Equilibrium Permeation." Journal of Applied Physics 96, no. 4:1840-1849. PNNL-SA-41581.
- Jones R.H., V.Y. Gertsman, J.S. Vetrano, and C.F. Windisch. 2004. "Crack-Particle Interactions During Intergranular Stress Corrosion in AA5083 as Observed by Cross-section Transmission Electron Microscopy." Scripta Materialia 50, no. 10:1355-1359. PNNL-SA-36192.
- Khaleel M.A., Z. Lin, P. Singh, W. Surdoval, and D. Collin. 2004. "A finite element analysis modeling tool for solid oxide fuel cell development: coupled electrochemistry, thermal and flow analysis in MARC®." Journal of Power Sources 130, no. 1-2:136-148. PNNL-SA-41691.
- Li L., and D.L. King. 2004. "Method for Determining Performance of Sulfur Oxide Adsorbents for Diesel Emission Control Using Online Measurement of SO2 and SO3 in the Effluent." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 43, no. 15:4452-4456. PNNL-SA-40282.
- Marina O.A., and L.R. Pederson. 2004. "High Temperature Electrolysis of Water in a “Reversible” Solid Oxide Fuel Cell." In Proceedings of the 6th European Solid Oxide Fuel cell Forum, edited by M Mogensen, 1, 388-393. Oberrohrdorf:European Fuel Cell Forum. PNNL-SA-41811.
- Marina O.A., G.W. Coffey, L.R. Pederson, P.C. Rieke, E.C. Thomsen, and M.C. Williams. 2004. "ELECTRODE DEVELOPMENT FOR REVERSIBLE SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELLS." In 2004 Joint International Meeting, Fifth International Symposium on Ionic and Mixed Conducting Ceramics, 368-381. Pennington, New Jersey:Electrochemical Society. PNNL-SA-42319.
- Marina O.A., J.W. Stevenson, and L.R. Pederson. 2004. "Sulfur-Tolerant Ceramic Anodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells." In Fuel Cell Seminar 2004: Markets and Commercialization, 174. Washington Dc:Fuel Cell Seminar Headquarters. PNNL-SA-42318.
- Nguyen B.N., B.J. Koeppel, P. Singh, M.A. Khaleel, and S. Ahzi. 2004. "Numerical Characteriztion of the Fracture Behavior of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Materials by Means of Modified Boundary Layer Modeling." In 28th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, 25-30 Jan. 2004, Cocoa Beach, FL, USA. Published in: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, edited by E. Lara-Curzio, M. J. Readey, 25, 393-399. Westerville, Ohio:The American Ceramic Society. PNNL-SA-40285.
- Qi L., B.I. Lee, P. Badheka, D. Yoon, W.D. Samuels, and G.J. Exarhos. 2004. "Short-Range Dissolution-Precipitation Crystallization of Hydrothermal Barium Titanate." Journal of the European Ceramic Society 24, no. 13:3553-3557. PNNL-SA-40411.
- Shin Y., X.S. Li, C.M. Wang, J.E. Coleman, and G.J. Exarhos. 2004. "Synthesis of Hierarchical Titanium Carbide from Titania-Coated Cellulose Paper." Advanced Materials 16, no. 14:1212-1215. PNNL-SA-41057.
- Singh P., and N.Q. Minh. 2004. "Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: Technology Status." International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 1, no. 1:5 - 15. PNNL-SA-40598.
- Sun Y., J.L. Qi, M. Lee, B.I. Lee, W.D. Samuels, and G.J. Exarhos. 2004. "Photoluminescent properties of Y2O3:Eu3+ phosphors prepared via urea precipitation in non-aqueous solution." Journal of Luminescence 109, no. 2:85-91. PNNL-SA-37124.
- Sun Y., L. Qi, M. Lee, B.I. Lee, B.I. Lee, W.D. Samuels, and G.J. Exarhos. 2004. "Photoluminescent Properties of Y2O3:Eu3+ Phosphors Prepared via Urea Precipitation in Non-Aqueous Solution." Journal of Luminescence 109, no. 2:85-91. PNNL-SA-39970.
- Williford R.E., and P. Singh. 2004. "Engineered Cathodes for High Performance SOFCs." Journal of Power Sources 128, no. 1:45-53. PNNL-SA-39744.
- Windisch C.F., G.J. Exarhos, and R.R. Owings. 2004. "Vibrational Spectroscopic Study of the Site Occupancy Distribution of Cations in Nickel Cobalt Oxides." Journal of Applied Physics 95, no. 10:5435-5442. PNNL-SA-40671.
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- Yantasee W., Y. Lin, G.E. Fryxell, K.L. Alford, B.J. Busche, and C.D. Johnson. 2004. "Selective Removal of Copper(II) from Aqueous Solutions Using Fine-Grained Activated Carbon Functionalized with Amine." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 43, no. 11:2759-2764. PNNL-SA-38034.
- Yantasee W., Y. Lin, K.L. Alford, B.J. Busche, G.E. Fryxell, and M.H. Engelhard. 2004. "Electrophilic Aromatic Substitutions of Amine and Sulfonate onto Fine-Grained Activated Carbon for Aqueous-Phase Metal Ion Removal." Separation Science and Technology 39, no. 14:3263-3279. PNNL-SA-38033.
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- Zheng F., R.K. Bordia, and L.R. Pederson. 2004. "Phase Constitution in Sr and Mg doped LaGaO3 System." Materials Research Bulletin 39, no. (1):141-155. PNNL-SA-41580.
- Zhou X.D., L.R. Pederson, Q. Cai, J. Yang, B.J. Scarfino, M. Kim, and W.B. Yelon, et al. 2004. "Structural and magnetic properties of LaMn1-xFexO3 (0
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- Birnbaum J.C., G.E. Fryxell, X.S. Li, C.A. Coyle, G.C. Dunham, and S. Baskaran. 2003. "Effects of Trace Metals and Organic Additives on Porosity and Dielectric Constant of High Purity Mesoporous Silica Films." Chemical Communications 2003, no. 15:1830-1831. PNWD-SA-5825.
- Chou Y.S., J.W. Stevenson, and L.A. Chick. 2003. "Novel Compressive Mica Seals with Metallic Interlayers for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Applications." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 86, no. 6:1003-1007. PNNL-SA-37654.
- Coffey G.W., J.S. Hardy, L.R. Pederson, P.C. Rieke, and E.C. Thomsen. 2003. "Oxygen Reduction Activity of Lanthanum Strontium Nickel Ferrite." Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 6, no. 6:A121-A124. PNNL-SA-38106.
- Coffey G.W., J.S. Hardy, L.R. Pederson, P.C. Rieke, E.C. Thomsen, and M.B. Walpole. 2003. "Electrochemical Properties of Lanthanum Strontium Aluminum Ferrites for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction." Solid State Ionics 158, no. 1-2:1-9. PNNL-SA-36085.
- Dausch D., S. Goodwin, and G.J. Exarhos. 2003. "Chopping of Near- and Mid-Infrared Radiation Using a Curled Electrostatic MEMS Actuator." In PROCEEDINGS- SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING: Infrared technology and applications, 29th Conference, Orlando, FL, edited by Andresen, B. F. and Fulop, G. F., 5074, 903-910. Bellingham, Washington:INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING (SPIE). PNNL-SA-40263.
- Edwards D.J., E.P. Simonen, and S.M. Bruemmer. 2003. "Evolution of Fine-Scale Defects in Stainless Steels Neutron-Irradiated at 275 degrees C." Journal of Nuclear Materials 317, no. 1:13-31. PNNL-SA-37982.
- Edwards D.J., E.P. Simonen, F.A. Garner, L.R. Greenwood, B.M. Oliver, and S.M. Bruemmer. 2003. "Influence of Irradiation Temperature and Dose Gradients on the Microstructural Evolution in Neutron-Irradiated 316SS." Journal of Nuclear Materials 317, no. 1:32-45. PNNL-SA-37983.
- Exarhos G.J., K.F. Ferris, W.D. Samuels, and R.R. Owings. 2003. "Optical Limiting Based on Liquid-Liquid Immiscibility." In Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2002 and 7th International Workshop on Laser Beam and Optics Characterization, 4932, 319 - 333. Bellingham, Washington:SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. PNNL-SA-37710.
- Jones R.H. 2003. "INFLUENCE OF HYDROGEN ON THE STRESS CORROSION CRACKING OF LOW-STRENGTH AL-MG ALLOYS." JOM. The Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society 55, no. 2:42-46. PNNL-SA-36724.
- Jones R.H. 2003. "SiCf/SiC Composites for Advanced Nuclear Applications." In Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings,, 24, 261-267. Westerville, Ohio:American Ceramic Society. PNNL-SA-37828.
- Jones R.H. 2003. "The Influence of Hydrogen on the Stress Corrosion Cracking of Low-Strength AL-MG Alloys." JOM. The Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society 55, no. 2:42-46. PNNL-SA-37789.
- Keegan K.R., M.A. Khaleel, L.A. Chick, K.P. Recknagle, S.P. Simner, and J.E. Deibler. 2003. "Analysis of a Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cell based Automotive Auxiliary Power Unit." In SAE 2002 World Congress & Exhibition, March 2002, Detroit, MI, USA, Session: Fuel Cell Power for Transportation, SP-1691, 135-144. Warrendale, Pennsylvania:Society for Automotive Engineers. PNNL-SA-37965.
- King D.L., J.C. Birnbaum, and P. Singh. 2003. "SULFUR REMOVAL FROM PIPE LINE NATURAL GAS FUEL: APPLICATION TO FUEL CELL POWER GENERATION SYSTEMS." In 2002 Fuel Cell Seminar: Fuel Cells - Reliable, Clean Energy for the World, November 19-21, 2002, Palm Springs, California., 782-785. Washington, District Of Columbia:2002 Fuel Cell Seminar. PNNL-SA-38199.
- Li X.S., J.C. Birnbaum, R.E. Williford, G.E. Fryxell, C.A. Coyle, G.C. Dunham, and S. Baskaran. 2003. "Effect of Humidity Treatments on Porosity and Mechanical Integrity of Mesoporous Silica Films." Chemical Communications. PNWD-SA-5824.
- Martin P.M. 2003. "Composite Thin Films." Vacuum Technology & Coating 4, no. 2:6-13. PNWD-SA-5905.
- Martin P.M. 2003. "Optical Properties of Non-metal Thin Films." Vacuum Technology & Coating 4, no. 1:6-15. PNWD-SA-5906.
- Martin P.M. 2003. "Spring Technical Conferences." Vacuum Technology & Coating March. PNWD-SA-5930.
- Martin P.M., G.L. Graff, M.E. Gross, P.E. Burrows, W.D. Bennett, E.S. Mast, and M.G. Hall, et al. 2003. "Micro- and Nanostructured Materials for Active Devices and Molecular Electronics." In 46th Annual Technical Conference Proceedings, 287-291. San Francisco, California:Society of Vacuum Coaters. PNNL-SA-38184.
- Martin P.M., L.C. Olsen, J.W. Johnston, and D.M. Depoy. 2003. "Hybrid Deposition of Sputtered and Evaporated Multilayer Thin Films." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B--Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures 21, no. 4:1384-1390. PNNL-SA-37923.
- Mattigod S.V., R. Skaggs, and G.E. Fryxell. 2003. "Removal of Heavy Metals From Contaminated Waters Using Novel Nanoporous Adsorbent Materials." In Industrial Wastes, Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, 10, 622-631. Colchester:Portland Press. PNWD-SA-5955.
- Mukerjee S., S.J. Shaffer, J. Zizelman, L.A. Chick, S. Baskaran, Y.S. Chou, and C.A. Coyle, et al. 2003. "Development Of A Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stack By Delphi And Battelle." In Solid Oxide Fuel Cells VIII (SOFC VIII). Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, edited by S.C. Singhal; M. Kokiya, 2003-07, 88-97. Pennington, New Jersey:The Electrochemical Society, Inc. PNWD-SA-5904.
- Qi J.L., B.I. Lee, B.I. Lee, X. Gu, M. Grujicic, W.D. Samuels, and G.J. Exarhos. 2003. "Concentration Efficiency of Doping in Phosphors: Investigation of the Copper and Aluminum Doped Zinc Sulfide." Applied Physics Letters 83, no. 24:4945-4947. PNNL-SA-39971.
- Shin Y., L.Q. Wang, G.E. Fryxell, and G.J. Exarhos. 2003. "Hygroscopic Growth of Self-Assembled Layered Surfactant Molecules at the Interface between Air and Organic Salts." In Self-Assembled Nanostructured Materials: Symposium held April 22-25, 2003, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, edited by Lu, Yunfeng, 775, 141-145. Warrendale, Pennsylvania:Materials Research Society. PNNL-SA-38544.
- Shin Y., L.Q. Wang, J. Liu, and G.J. Exarhos. 2003. "pH-Controlled Synthesis of Hierarchically Ordered Ceramics with Wood Cellular Structures by Surfactant-Directed Sol-Gel Procedure." Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry 9, no. 1:76-82. PNNL-SA-37122.
- Stevenson J.W., S. Baskaran, L.A. Chick, Y.S. Chou, J.E. Deibler, M.A. Khaleel, and O.A. Marina, et al. 2003. "Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Development at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory." In Solid Oxide Fuel Cells VIII (SOFC VIII). Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, edited by S.C. Singhal; M Kokiya, 2003-07, 31-42. Pennington, New Jersey:The Electrochemical Society, Inc. PNNL-SA-36986.
- Wang L.Q., and G.J. Exarhos. 2003. "Study of Local Molecular Ordering in Layered Surfactant-Silicate Mesophase Composites." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107, no. 2:443-450. PNNL-SA-37723.
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- Wang L.Q., Y. Shin, W.D. Samuels, G.J. Exarhos, I.L. Moudrakovski, V.V. Terskikh, and J.A. Ripmeester. 2003. "Magnetic Resonance Studies of Hierarchically Ordered Replicas of Wood Cellular Structures Prepared by Surfactant-Mediated Mineralization." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107, no. 50:13793-13802. PNNL-SA-37827.
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- Williford R.E., L.A. Chick, G.D. Maupin, S.P. Simner, and J.W. Stevenson. 2003. "Diffusion Limitations in the Porous Anodes of SOFCs." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 150, no. 8:A1067-A1072. PNNL-SA-36893.
- Williford R.E., L.A. Chick, G.D. Maupin, S.P. Simner, J.W. Stevenson, and M.A. Khaleel. 2003. "Anodic Concentration Polarization in SOFCs." In Solid State Ionic Devices III: Proceedings of the International Symposium, edited by Wachsman, ED, et al, 2002-26, 101-112. Pennington, New Jersey:Electrochemical Society, Inc. PNNL-SA-37802.
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- Yantasee W., Y. Lin, G.E. Fryxell, B.J. Busche, and J.C. Birnbaum. 2003. "Removal of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solution Using Novel Nanoengineered Sorbents: Self-Assembled Carbamoylphosphonic Acids on Mesoporous Silica." Separation Science and Technology 38, no. 15:3809-3825. PNNL-SA-38412.
- Yantasee W., Y. Lin, T.S. Zemanian, and G.E. Fryxell. 2003. "Voltammetric detection of lead (II) and mercury (II) using a carbon paste electrode modified with thiol self-assembled monolayer on mesoporous silica (SAMMS)." Analyst 128, no. 5:467-472. PNNL-SA-37939.
- Yantasee W., Y. Lin, X.S. Li, G.E. Fryxell, T.S. Zemanian, and V.V. Viswanathan. 2003. "Nanoengineered Electrochemical Sensor Based on Mesoporous Silica Thin-film Functionalized with Thiol-Terminated Monolayer." Analyst 128, no. 7:899-904. PNNL-SA-38216.
- Youngblood G.E., D.J. Senor, and R.H. Jones. 2003. "THERMAL DIFFUSIVITY/CONDUCTIVITY OF IRRADIATED MONOLITHIC CVD-SIC." In Fusion Materials: Semi-Annual Progress Report Ending December 31, 2002, edited by Ron Klueh and Renetta Godfrey. 27-33. Washington Dc:DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences. PNNL-SA-38238. THERMAL DIFFUSIVITY/CONDUCTIVITY OF IRRADIATED MONOLITHIC CVD-SIC
- Ballard W.W., R.A. Holten, W.L. Johnson, B.A. Reichmuth, M.K. White, and T.W. Wood. 2002. "Outcome-Based Planning--Hanford's Shift Towards Closure and Shrinking the Hanford Site." In Waste Management: Proceedings of the Symposium on Waste Management, (WM '02). Tucson, Arizona:Arizona Board of Regents. PNNL-SA-35687.
- Birnbaum J.C., B.J. Busche, Y. Lin, W.J. Shaw, and G.E. Fryxell. 2002. "Synthesis of Carbamoylphosphonate Silanes for the Selective Sequestration of Actinides." Chemical Communications 13. PNNL-SA-36185.
- Birnbaum J.C., X.S. Li, C.R. Yonker, G.E. Fryxell, and S. Baskaran. 2002. "Effect of Solution Chemistry and Speciation on Shelf-life of Silica Sols and Characteristics of Deposited Mesoporous Thin Films." Chemical Communications 19. PNNL-SA-36867.
- Bozlee B.J., G.J. Exarhos, A.E. Jimenez, and S.L. Van Swam. 2002. "Measurement of the Index of Refraction of Solids by UV-Vis Spectroscopy." Journal of Chemical Education 79, no. 5:619-622. PNNL-SA-39822.
- Chang J.H., L.Q. Wang, Y. Shin, B. Jeong, J.C. Birnbaum, and G.J. Exarhos. 2002. "The Core-Shell Approach to Formation of Ordered Nanoporous Materials." Advanced Materials 14, no. 5:378-382. PNNL-SA-35349.
- Chou Y.S., J.W. Stevenson, and L.A. Chick. 2002. "Ultra-low Leak Rate of Hybrid Compressive Mica Seals for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells." Journal of Power Sources 112, no. 1:130-136. PNNL-SA-36784.
- Garner F.A., B.M. Oliver, L.R. Greenwood, D.J. Edwards, S.M. Bruemmer, and M.L. Grossbeck. 2002. "Generation and Retention of Helium and Hydrogen in Austenitic Steels Irradiated in a Variety of LWR and Test Reactor Spectral Environments." In Fusion Materials: Semi-Annual Progress Report Ending June 30, 2001. 127-147. Washington Dc:DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences. PNNL-SA-31899. Generation and Retention of Helium and Hydrogen in Austenitic Steels Irradiated in a Variety of LWR and Test Reactor Spectral Environments
- Gertsman V.Y., and S.M. Bruemmer. 2002. "Grain Boundary Character Along Intergranular Stress Corrosion Crack Paths in Austenitic Stainless Alloys Removed from High-Temperature Water Service." In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems-Water Reactors, August 5-9, 2001, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, paper no. 55, 8 pages. Houston, Texas:Nace International. PNNL-SA-34786.
- Johnson W.L., B.A. Reichmuth, T.W. Wood, M. Glasper, and J.P. Hanson. 2002. "Hanford Site Cleanup Challenges and Opportunities for Science and Technology--A Strategic Assessment." In Waste Management 2002 (WM '02), 1-18. Tuscon, Arizona:Arizona Board of Regents. PNNL-SA-35698.
- Jones R.H. 2002. "Corrosion Damage Functions." JOM. The Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society 54, no. 11:155-163. PNNL-SA-37728.
- Jones R.H., L. Giancarli, A. Hasegawa, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, B. Riccardi, and L.L. Snead, et al. 2002. "Promise and Challenges of SiCf/SiC Composites for Fusion Energy Applications." Journal of Nuclear Materials 307, no. Pt B:1057-1072. PNNL-SA-37013.
- Khaleel M.A., K.P. Recknagle, Z. Lin, J.E. Deibler, L.A. Chick, and J.W. Stevenson. 2002. "Thermo-Mechanical and Electrochemistry Modeling of Planar SOFC Stacks." In Solid Oxide Fuel Cell VII, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, 16, 1032-1041. Pennington:Electrochemical Society, Inc. PNNL-SA-37966.
- Lewinsohn C.A., R.H. Jones, P. Colombo, and B. Riccardi. 2002. "Silicon Carbide- Based Materials for Joining Silicon Carbide Composites for Fusion Energy Applications." Journal of Nuclear Materials 307, no. Pt B:1232-1236. PNNL-SA-36992.
- Liang L., J. Liu, C.F. Windisch, G.J. Exarhos, and Y. Lin. 2002. "Direct Assembly of Large Arrays of Oriented Conducting Polymer Nanowires." Angewandte Chemie International Edition 41, no. 19:3665-3668. PNNL-SA-37103.
- Martin P.M., L.C. Olsen, J.W. Johnston, and D.M. Depoy. 2002. "Investigation of Sputtered HfF4 Films and Application to Interference Filters for Thermophotovoltaics." Thin Solid Films 420. PNNL-SA-36064.
- Martin P.M., L.C. Olsen, J.W. Johnston, and D.M. Depoy. 2002. "Sputtered Si:H Alloys for Edge Filters: Application to Thermophotovoltaics." Applied Optics 41, no. 31:6702-6707. PNNL-SA-35631.
- Moudrakovski I.L., V.V. Terskikh, C.I. Ratcliffe, J.A. Ripmeester, L.Q. Wang, Y. Shin, and G.J. Exarhos. 2002. "A Xe-129 NMR Study of Functionalized Ordered Mesoporous Silica." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 106, no. 23:5938-5946. PNNL-SA-35917.
- Recknagle K.P., R.E. Williford, L.A. Chick, D.R. Rector, and M.A. Khaleel. 2002. "Three-Dimensional Thermo-Fluid-Electrochemical Modeling of Planar SOFC Stacks." Journal of Power Sources 113, no. 1:109-114. PNNL-SA-36906.
- Shin Y., J. Liu, J.H. Chang, and G.J. Exarhos. 2002. "Sustained Drug Release on Temperature-Responsive Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-Integrated Hydroxyapatite." Chemical Communications 16. PNNL-SA-36662.
- Simonen E.P., D.J. Edwards, S.M. Bruemmer, J.T. Busby, and G.S. Was. 2002. "Light-Water Reactor Microstructural Characterization from Post-Irradiation Annealing Behavior." In Tenth International Conference on Environmental Degradation Materials in Nuclear Power Systems - Water Reactors, August 5 to 9, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA, 12 pages. Houston, Texas:National Association of Corrosion Engineers. PNNL-SA-34962.
- Thomas L.E., and S.M. Bruemmer. 2002. "Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy Characterization of Stress Corrosion Cracks in an Irradiated Type 316 Stainless Steel Core Component." In Fontevraud 5 International Symposium: Contribution of Materials Investigation to the Resolution of Problems Encountered in Pressurized Water Reactors, 347-359. Paris:Societe Francaise d'Energie Nucleaire. PNNL-SA-36553.
- Thomas L.E., S.M. Bruemmer, and P.M. Scott. 2002. "Analytical TEM Comparisons of Stress-Corrosion-Crack Microstructure in Alloy 600 under Steam-Generator Service and Laboratory Test Conditions." In Fontevraud 5 International Symposium: Contribution of Materials Investigation to the Resolution of Problems Encountered in Pressurized Water Reactors, 1037-1048. Paris:Societe Francaise d'Energie Nucleaire. PNNL-SA-36554.
- Wang L.Q., and G.J. Exarhos. 2002. "Study of Local Molecular Ordering in Layered Surfactant-silicate Mesophase Composites." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107, no. 2:443-450. PNNL-SA-36579.
- Weaver M., L. Michalski, K. Rajan, M.A. Rothman, J.A. Silvernail, J.J. Brown, and P.E. Burrows, et al. 2002. "Organic Light-Emitting Devices with Extended Operating Lifetimes on Plastic Substrates." Applied Physics Letters 81, no. 16:2929-2931. PNWD-SA-5773.
- Windisch C.F., D.R. Baer, M.H. Engelhard, M.J. Danielson, and R.H. Jones. 2002. "Effects of Mg And Cu on Al Corrosion In Alkaline Solutions." In State-of-the-Art Application of Surface and Interface Analysis Methods to Environmental Material Interactions: In Honor of James E. Castle's 65th Year, edited by D.R. Baer; C.R. Clayton; G.D. Davis; G.P. Halada, 2001-5, 251-260. Pennington, New Jersey:The Electrochemical Society. PNNL-SA-35839.
- Windisch C.F., G.J. Exarhos, and S.K. Sharma. 2002. "Influence of Temperature and Electronic Disorder on the Raman Spectra of Nickel Cobalt Oxides." Journal of Applied Physics 92, no. 9:5572-74. PNNL-SA-36851.
- Windisch C.F., J.W. Stevenson, S.P. Simner, R.E. Williford, and L.A. Chick. 2002. "Experimentally-Calibrated, Spreadsheet-Based SOFC Unit-Cell Performance Model." In 2002 Fuel Cell Seminar: Fuel Cells - Reliable, Clean Energy for the World, November 19-21, 2002, Palm Springs, California., 383-386. Washington, District Of Columbia:Fuel Cell Seminar. PNNL-SA-37014.
- Windisch C.F., K.F. Ferris, G.J. Exarhos, and S.K. Sharma. 2002. "Conducting Spinel Oxide Films with Infrared Transparency." Thin Solid Films 420. PNNL-SA-37293.
- Youngblood G.E., D.J. Senor, and R.H. Jones. 2002. "MODELING THE TRANSVERSE THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF 2D-SICF/SIC COMPOSITES." In Fusion Materials: Semi-Annual Progress Report Ending December 31, 2001. 57-63. Washington Dc:DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences. PNNL-SA-31911. MODELING THE TRANSVERSE THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF 2D-SICF/SIC COMPOSITES
- Youngblood G.E., R.H. Jones, W. Kowbel, P. De Heij, and A. Kohyama. 2002. "An Update on the KFIB Experiment." In Fusion Materials: Semi-Annual Progress Report Ending June 30, 2001. 64-71. Washington Dc:DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences. PNNL-SA-31897. An Update on the KFIB Experiment
- Bruemmer S.M., and L.E. Thomas. 2001. "High-Resolution Analytical Electron Microscopy Characterization of Corrosion and Cracking at Buried Interfaces." Surface and Interface Analysis 31, no. 7:571-81. PNNL-SA-33979.
- Bruemmer S.M., and L.E. Thomas. 2001. "High-Resolution Analytical Electron Microscopy Characterization of Stress Corrosion Crack Tips." In 10th International Conference on Fracture, December 2-6, 2001, Honolulu, HI, 695. Amsterdam:Elsevier Science. PNNL-SA-34992.
- Bruemmer S.M., and L.E. Thomas. 2001. "Insights into Environmental Degradation Mechanisms from High-Resolution Characterization of Crack Tips." In Chemistry and Electrochemistry of Corrosion and Stress Corrosion Cracking, 123-144. Warrendale, Pennsylvania:The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society. PNNL-SA-33694.
- Bruemmer S.M., D.J. Edwards, V.Y. Guertsman, and E.P. Simonen. 2001. "Grain Boundary Modification During Neutron Irradiation at Intermediate Temperatures." In Microstructural Processes in Irradiated Materials, 2000 MRS Proceedings, 650. Warrendale, Pennsylvania:Materials Research Society. PNNL-SA-33978.
- Burrows P.E., G.L. Graff, M.E. Gross, P.M. Martin, M. Shi, M.G. Hall, and E.S. Mast, et al. 2001. "Ultrabarrier Flexible Substrates for Flat Panel Displays." Displays 22, no. 2:65-69. PNNL-SA-33452.
- Chick L.A., J.W. Stevenson, K.D. Meinhardt, S.P. Simner, J.E. Jaffe, and R.E. Williford. 2001. "Modeling and Performance of Anode-Supported SOFC." In Fuel Cells - Powering the 21st Century : 2000 Fuel Cell Seminar, October 30-November 2, 2000, Portland, Oregon, 619-622. Washington, Dc:Courtesy Associates. PNNL-SA-34228.
- Chou Y.S., K.J. Kerstetter, L.R. Pederson, and R.E. Williford. 2001. "Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Combustion Synthesized Pervoskites, La1-xSrCr0.2Fe0.8O3." Journal of Materials Research 16, no. 12:3545-3553. PNNL-SA-33958.
- Dougherty L.M., I.M. Robertson, J.S. Vetrano, and S.M. Bruemmer. 2001. "A Microstructural Study of the Effect of Particle Aging On Dynamic Continuous Recrystallization in Al-4Mg-0.3Sc." In Superplasticity in Advanced Materials: Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on Superplasticity in Advanced Materials (ICSAM-2000). Materials Science Forum, edited by N Chandra, 357-359, 93-98. Uetikon-Zuerich:Trans Tech Publications. PNNL-SA-33580.
- Exarhos G.J., A.H. Guenther, M.R. Kozlowski, K.L. Lewis, and M.J. Soileau. 2001. Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2000, Proceedings of SPIE,. Bellingham, Washington:SPIE- The International Society for Optical Engeneering. PNNL-SA-35761.
- Exarhos G.J., K.F. Ferris, C.F. Windisch, B.J. Bozlee, S.M. Risser, and S.L. Van Swam. 2001. "An Index-Mismatch Scattering Approach to Optical Limiting." In Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 16-18 Oct. 2000, Boulder, CO. Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering., 4347, 432-443. Bellingham, Washington:SPIE-Int. Society Optical Engineering. PNNL-SA-33851.
- Henager C.H., C.A. Lewinsohn, and R.H. Jones. 2001. "Subcritical Crack Growth in CVI SiCf/SiC Composites at Elevated Temperatures: Effect of Fiber Creep Rate." Acta Materialia 49, no. 18:3727-3738. PNNL-SA-32904.
- Henager C.H., C.A. Lewinsohn, E.P. Simonen, and R.H. Jones. 2001. "Environmental Effects on Crack Growth in Continuous Fiber SiC-Composites." In IFC-10, The 10th International Congress on Fracture, December 6-10, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii (electronic media proceedings), ICF100962OR. Oxford:Elsevier Science Ltd. PNNL-SA-34705.
- Jones R.H. 2001. "Response of SiC/SiC to Transient Thermal Conditions: A Review." In Fusion Materials: Semi-Annual Progress Report for Period Ending June 30, 2001. 45-54. Washington Dc:US Department of Energy, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences. PNNL-SA-31903. Response of SiC/SiC to Transient Thermal Conditions: A Review
- Jones R.H., C.H. Henager, C.A. Lewinsohn, and C.F. Windisch. 2001. "Ceramic Matrix Composites." In Environmental Effects on Engineered Materials, edited by Russell H. Jones. 391-418. New York, New York:Marcel Dekker. PNNL-SA-32809.
- Jones R.H., D.R. Baer, M.J. Danielson, and J.S. Vetrano. 2001. "Role of Magnesium in the Stress Corrosion Cracking of an Al-Mg Alloy." Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A, Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science 32A. PNNL-SA-33021.
- Jones R.H., D.R. Baer, M.J. Danielson, and J.S. Vetrano. 2001. "Role of Mg in the Stress Corrosion Cracking of an Al-Mg Alloy." Materials Science and Engineering. A. Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing 32, no. 7:1699-1711. PNNL-SA-34131.
- Jones R.H., D.R. Baer, M.J. Danielson, J.S. Vetrano, and C.F. Windisch. 2001. "Crack-Tip Interactions With Electrochemically Active Particles." In Chemistry and Electrochemistry of Corrosion and Stress Corrosion Cracking : a Symposium Honoring the Contributions of R.W. Staehle : Proceedings of Symposium, 583-596. Warrendale, Pennsylvania:TMS. PNNL-SA-33793.
- Kelly S.D., K.M. Kemmer, G.E. Fryxell, J. Liu, S.V. Mattigod, and K.F. Ferris. 2001. "X-Ray-Absorption Fine-Structure Spectroscopy Study Of The Interactions Between Contaminant Tetrahedral Anions And Self-Assembled Monolayers On Mesoporous Supports." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 105, no. 27:6337-6346. PNNL-SA-31646.
- Lewinsohn C.A., C.H. Henager, G.E. Youngblood, R.H. Jones, E. Lara-Curzio, and R. Scholz. 2001. "Failure Mechanisms in Continuous-Fiber Ceramic Composites in Fusion Energy Environments." Journal of Nuclear Materials 289. PNNL-SA-32947.
- Lewinsohn C.A., C.H. Henager, R.H. Jones, and J.I. Eldridge. 2001. "MEASURING INTERPHASE RECESSION BY FIBER PUSH-IN TESTING." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 84, no. 4:866-868. PNNL-SA-33612.
- Lewinsohn C.A., R.H. Jones, T. Nozawa, M. Kotani, H. Kishimoto, Y. Katoh, and A. Kohyama. 2001. "Effect of Heat Treatment on Silicon Carbide Based Joining Materials for Fusion Energy." In Fusion Materials: Semi-Annual Progress Report for Period Ending December 31, 2000. 63-68. Washington Dc:US Department of Energy, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences. PNNL-SA-31892. Effect of Heat Treatment on Silicon Carbide Based Joining Materials for Fusion Energy
- Lewinsohn C.A., R.H. Jones, T. Nozawa, M. Kotani, Y. Katoh, and A. Kohyama. 2001. "POLYMER DERIVED SIC MATERIALS FOR JOINING SILICON CARBIDE COMPOSITES FOR FUSION ENERGY." In Fusion Materials: Semi-Annual Progress Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2000, edited by Berk, S.E. 89-95. Washington Dc:US Department of Energy, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences. PNNL-SA-31879.
- Shin Y., J. Liu, J.H. Chang, Z. Nie, and G.J. Exarhos. 2001. "Hierarchically Ordered Ceramics through Surfactant-Templated Sol-Gel Mineralization of Biological Cellular Structures." Advanced Materials 13, no. 10:728-732. PNNL-SA-34092.
- Shin Y., J.H. Chang, J. Liu, R.E. Williford, Y. Shin, and G.J. Exarhos. 2001. "Hybrid Nanogels for Sustainable Positive Thermosensitive Drug Release." Journal of Controlled Release 73, no. 2001:1-6. PNNL-SA-34146.
- Shin Y., J.H. Chang, J. Liu, R.E. Williford, Y. Shin, and G.J. Exarhos. 2001. "Hybrid Nanogels for Sustainable Positive Thermosensitive Drug Release." Journal of Controlled Release. PNNL-SA-34063.
- Thomas L.E., B.H. Sencer, and S.M. Bruemmer. 2001. "Radiation-Induced Phase Instabilities and Their Effects on Hardening and Solute Segregation in Precipitation-Strengthened Alloy 718." In Microstructural Processes in Irradiated Materials, MRS Proceedings, 650, R1.5. Warrendale, Pennsylvania:Materials Research Society. PNNL-SA-33980.
- Weaver M.S., J.J. Brown, R.H. Hewitt, S.Y. Mao, L. Michalski, T. Ngo, and K. Rajan, et al. 2001. "Flexible Organic LEDs." Information Display 17, no. 5-6:26-29. PNNL-SA-35546.
- Wegeng R.S., L.R. Pederson, W.E. TeGrotenhuis, and G.A. Whyatt. 2001. "COMPACT FUEL PROCESSORS FOR FUEL CELL POWERED AUTOMOBILES BASED ON MICROCHANNEL TECHNOLOGY." Fuel Cells Bulletin 3, no. 28:8-13. PNNL-SA-33893. doi:10.1016/S1464-2859(01)80001-8
- Williford R.E., J.W. Stevenson, Y.S. Chou, and L.R. Pederson. 2001. "Computer Simulations of Thermal Expansion in Lanthanum-Based Perovskites." Journal of Solid State Chemistry 156, no. 2:394-399. PNNL-SA-32526.
- Windisch C.F., D.R. Baer, M.H. Engelhard, and R.H. Jones. 2001. "Analyzing Localized Corrosion in Ion-Implanted Metals via XPS/AES." JOM. The Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society 53, no. 7:37-41. PNNL-SA-34450.
- Windisch C.F., G.J. Exarhos, K.F. Ferris, M.H. Engelhard, and D.C. Stewart. 2001. "Infrared Transparent Spinel Films with p -Type Conductivity." Thin Solid Films 398-399. PNNL-SA-34448.
- Windisch C.F., K.F. Ferris, and G.J. Exarhos. 2001. "Synthesis and Characterization of Transparent Conducting Oxide Cobalt-Nickel Spinel Films." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A--Vacuum, Surfaces and Films 19, no. 4 PT 2:1647-1651. PNNL-SA-33669.
- Youngblood G.E., and R.H. Jones. 2001. "A NEW TYPE OF SIC COMPOSITE FOR FUSION." In Fusion Materials Volume: Semi-Annual Progress Report Ending December 31, 2000, edited by Berk, S.E. 112-120. Washington Dc:US Department of Energy, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences. PNNL-SA-31886. A NEW TYPE OF SIC COMPOSITE FOR FUSION
- Youngblood G.E., C.A. Lewinsohn, R.H. Jones, and A. Kohyama. 2001. "Tensil Strength and Fracture Surface Characterization of Hi-Nicalon (TM) SiC Fibers." Journal of Nuclear Materials 289, no. 1-2:1-9. PNNL-SA-33668.
- Youngblood G.E., R.H. Jones, W. Kowbel, P. De Heij, and A. Kohyama. 2001. "An Update on the KFIB Experiment." In Fusion Materials: Semi-Annual Progress Report for Period Ending June 30, 2001. 64-71. Washington Dc:US Department of Energy, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences. PNNL-SA-31888. An Update on the KFIB Experiment
- Zemanian T.S., G.E. Fryxell, J. Liu, S.V. Mattigod, Y. Shin, J.A. Franz, and O.A. Ustyugov, et al. 2001. "Chemical Functionalization of Nanostructured Materials Using Supercritical Reaction Media." In IEEE-NANO 2001 : proceedings of the 2001 1st IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, October, 28-30, 2001, Maui, Hawaii /, 288-292. New York, New York:IEEE. PNNL-SA-35244.
- Alfonso D., J.A. Snyder, J.E. Jaffe, A.C. Hess, and M.S. Gutowski. 2000. "First-Principles Studies of Adsorption of CO on the Na(100) Surface." Surface Science 453, no. 1-3:130-136. PNNL-SA-31494.
- Baer D.R., C.F. Windisch, M.H. Engelhard, M.J. Danielson, R.H. Jones, and J.S. Vetrano. 2000. "Influence of Mg on the Corrosion of Al." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A--Vacuum, Surfaces and Films 18, no. 1:131-136. PNNL-SA-31321.
- Bozlee B.J., and G.J. Exarhos. 2000. "Preparation and Characterization of Gold and Ruthenium Colloids in Thin Zinc Oxide Films." Thin Solid Films 377. PNNL-SA-33158.
- Bruemmer S.M., V.Y. Guertsman, and L.E. Thomas. 2000. "High-resolution comparison of primary- and secondary-side intergranular degradation in alloy 600 steam generator tubing." In Corrosion 2000, 00196.1-00196.14. Houston, Texas:NACE International. PNNL-SA-32467.
- Burrows P.E., G.L. Graff, M.E. Gross, P.M. Martin, M.G. Hall, E.S. Mast, and C.C. Bonham, et al. 2000. "Gas Permeation and Lifetime Tests on Polymer-Based Barrier Coatings." In Organic Light-Emitting Materials and Devices IV, Proceedings of SPIE, edited by Zakya H. Kafafi, 4105, 75-83. Bellingham, Washington:SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering. PNNL-SA-33956.
- Chou Y.S., J.W. Stevenson, T.R. Armstrong, and L.R. Pederson. 2000. "Mechanical Properties of La1-xSrxCo0.2Fe0.803 Mixed-Conducting Perovskites Made by the Combustion Synthesis Technique." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 83, no. 6:1457-1464. PNNL-SA-31317.
- Chou Y.S., J.W. Stevenson, T.R. Armstrong, and L.R. Pederson. 2000. "Mechanical Properties of La1-xSrxCo0.2Fe0.803 Mixed-Conducting Perovskites Made by the Combustion Synthesis Technique." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 83, no. 6:1457-1464. PNNL-SA-31317.
- Chou Y.S., J.W. Stevenson, T.R. Armstrong, J.S. Hardy, K. Hasinska, and L.R. Pederson. 2000. "Microstructure and mechanical properties of Sm1-xSrxCo0.2Fe0.8O3." Journal of Materials Research 15, no. 7:1505-1513. PNNL-SA-32329.
- Domansky K., A. Rose, H. Gover, and G.J. Exarhos. 2000. "Localized Deposition of Zinc Oxide Films by Automated Fluid Dispensing Method." Materials Science and Engineering. B. Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology 76, no. 2:161-121. PNNL-SA-29251.
- Goodwin-Johansson S., P. Holloway, G. Mcguire, L.J. Buckley, R. Cozzens, R. Schwartz, and G.J. Exarhos. 2000. "Artificial Eyelid for Protection of Optical Sensors." In Electroactive polymer actuators and devices, PROCEEDINGS- SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, edited by Yoseph Bar-Cohen, 3987, 225-231. Bellingham, Washington:INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING. PNNL-SA-33320.
- Gutowski M.S., P. Skurski, and J. Simons. 2000. "Bi-Dipole-Bound Anions." International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes 201, no. 1-3:245-252. PNNL-SA-31493.
- Henager C.H., J.S. Vetrano, V.Y. Guertsman, and S.M. Bruemmer. 2000. "Effect of Sn Additions on Superplasticity in Al-Mg-Mn-Sc Alloys." In Superplasticity-Current Status and Future Potential, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, edited by P.B. Berbon, 601, 31-36. Warrendale, Pennsylvania:Materials Research Society. PNNL-SA-33514.
- Herling D.R., and M.T. Smith. 2000. "SUPERPLASTIC MICROSTRUCTURE OF MODIFIED AA-5083 ALUMINUM ALLOY PROCESSED BY EQUAL CHANNEL ANGULAR EXTRUSION." In Ultrafine Grained Materials: Proceedings of a Symposium held during the 2000 TMS Annual Meeting, edited by RS Mishra, 411-420. Warrendale, Pennsylvania:TMS. PNNL-SA-32379.
- Higgins J., T. Hollenbeek, J. Reho, T. Ho, K.K. Lehmann, H. Rabitz, and G. Scoles, et al. 2000. "On the Importance of Exchange Effects in Three-Body Interactions: The Lowest Quartet State of Na3." Journal of Chemical Physics 112, no. 13:5751. PNNL-SA-32476.
- Jaffe J.E., J.A. Snyder, Z. Lin, and A.C. Hess. 2000. "LDA and GGA Calculations for High-Pressure Phase Transitions in ZnO and MgO." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 62, no. 3:1660-1665. PNNL-SA-32437.
- Jaffe J.E., R.J. Kurtz, and M.S. Gutowski. 2000. "Comparison of Embedded-Atom Models and First-Principles Calculations for Al Phase Equilibrium." Computational Materials Science 18, no. 2:199-204. PNNL-SA-31505.
- Jones R.H., C.H. Henager, C.A. Lewinsohn, and C.F. Windisch. 2000. "Stress-Corrosion Cracking of Silicon Carbide Fiber/Silicon Carbide Composites." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 83, no. 8:1999-2005. PNNL-SA-32579.
- Jones R.H., M.J. Danielson, D.R. Baer, C.F. Windisch, J.S. Vetrano, and D.J. Edwards. 2000. "Stress Corrosion Cracking Issues in Light Metals for Automotive Applications." In NACE Paper #51300-01235-SG. Houston, Texas:National Association of Corrosion Engineers. PNNL-SA-33888.
- Lee B.I., B.I. Lee, Z. Cao, W.D. Samuels, and G.J. Exarhos. 2000. "Sol-gel synthesis and properties of phosphate ceramics." Korean Journal of Ceramics 6, no. 4:390-395. PNNL-SA-33523.
- Lewinsohn C.A., C.H. Henager, and R.H. Jones. 2000. "Time-dependent crack growth in ceramic composites: from single fibers to bridged cracks." In 24th Annual Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures. A. Jan 23-Jan 28 2000, Cocoa Beach, FL, USA. In Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, 21, 415-422. Westerville, Ohio:American Ceramic Society. PNNL-SA-32532.
- Lewinsohn C.A., G.E. Youngblood, C.H. Henager, E.P. Simonen, and R.H. Jones. 2000. "Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms in Silicon Carbide Composites for Fusion Energy Applications." In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-9), Colorado Springs, CO, USA, October 10-15, 1999. Published in Journal of Nuclear Materials, edited by LK Mansur, et al, 283-287, 584-587. Amsterdam:Elsevier. PNNL-SA-32125.
- Lewinsohn C.A., R.H. Jones, M. Singh, H. Serizawa, Y. Katoh, and A. Kohyama. 2000. "Reaction-Based SiC Materials for Joining Silicon Carbide Composites for Fusion Energy." In Fusion Materials: Semi-Annual Progress Report Ending December 31, 1999, edited by Rowcliffe, A.F. 119-127. Washington, Dc:US Department of Energy, Office of Fusion Sciences. PNNL-SA-31878. Reaction-Based SiC Materials for Joining Silicon Carbide Composites for Fusion Energy
- Liu J., Y. Shin, Z. Nie, J.H. Chang, L.Q. Wang, G.E. Fryxell, and W.D. Samuels, et al. 2000. "Molecular Assembly in Ordered Mesoporosity: A New Class of Highly Functional Nanoscale Materials." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 104, no. 36:8328-8339. PNNL-SA-32914.
- Martin P.M., D.W. Matson, W.D. Bennett, D.C. Stewart, and C.C. Bonham. 2000. "Laminated Ceramic Microfluidic Components for Microreactor Applications." In IMRET 4: 4th International Conference on Microreactor Technology: AIChE Spring Meeting, 410-415. New York, New York:American Institute of Chemical Engineers. PNNL-SA-32609.
- Martin P.M., G.L. Graff, W.D. Bennett, J.W. Johnson, M.E. Gross, and D.C. Stewart. 2000. "Vapor Deposited Multifunctional Optical Coatings." In Recent Research Developments in Vacuum Science & Technology. 113-132. Kerala, :Transworld Research Network. PNNL-SA-31478.
- Martin P.M., W.D. Bennett, G.L. Graff, M.E. Gross, and D.C. Stewart. 2000. "Large Area Optical Coatings." Vacuum Technology & Coating September. PNNL-SA-34626.
- Matson D.W., P.M. Martin, W.D. Bennett, J.W. Johnston, D.C. Stewart, and C.C. Bonham. 2000. "Sputtered Coatings for Microfluidic Applications." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A--Vacuum, Surfaces and Films 18, no. 4, pt 2:1998-2002. PNNL-SA-32348.
- Samuels W.D., K.L. Simmons, G.E. Fryxell, K.L. Alford, R.S. Brooks, M. Neil, and K.E. Piippo, et al. 2000. "Interfacial Chemical Control for Enhancement of Composite Material Strength." In ICCE/7 Seventh Annual International Conference on Composites Engineering, edited by David Hui, 767-768. New Orleans, Louisiana:International Community for Composites Engineering and College of Engineering, U. of New Orleans. PNNL-SA-33296.
- Shi M., G.C. Dunham, M.E. Gross, G.L. Graff, and P.M. Martin. 2000. "Plasma Treatment of PET and Acrylic Coating Surfaces: I. In-situ XPS Measurements." Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 14, no. 120:1485-1498. PNWD-SA-5019.
- Shi M., G.L. Graff, M.E. Gross, and P.M. Martin. 2000. "In situ and Real-Time Monitoring of Plasma-Induced Etching of PET and Acrylic Films." Plasmas and Polymers 4, no. 4:247-258. PNWD-SA-5020.
- Shin Y., J. Liu, L.Q. Wang, Z. Nie, W.D. Samuels, G.E. Fryxell, and G.J. Exarhos. 2000. "Ordered Hierarchical Porous Materials: Towards Tunable Size- and Shape-Selective Microcavities in Nanoporous Channels." Angewandte Chemie International Edition 39, no. 15:2702-2707. PNNL-SA-33975.
- Simner S.P., J.W. Stevenson, J.S. Hardy, and L.A. Chick. 2000. "Cost Reduction of Lanthanum Chromite Materials." In 2000 Fuel Cell Seminar, 631-634. Washington, District Of Columbia:Courtesy Associates. PNNL-SA-33985.
- Simner S.P., J.W. Stevenson, J.S. Hardy, and L.A. Chick. 2000. "Cost Reduction of Lanthanum Chromite Materials." In Fuel cells--powering the 21st Century : 2000 Fuel Cell Seminar, October 30-November 2, 2000, Portland, Oregon, Oregon Convention Center : abstracts, 631-634. Washington, District Of Columbia:Courtesy Associates. PNNL-SA-34229.
- Skurski P., M.S. Gutowski, and J. Simons. 2000. "On the Possibility of Binding of Two Electrons to Dipole Potentials." International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 76, no. 2:197-204. PNNL-SA-30856.
- Snyder J.A., D.R. Alfonso, J.E. Jaffe, Z. Lin, A.C. Hess, and M.S. Gutowski. 2000. "Periodic Density Functional LDA and GGA Study of CO Adsorption at the (001) Surface of MgO." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 104, no. 19:4717-4722. PNNL-SA-30921.
- Snyder J.A., J.E. Jaffe, M.S. Gutowski, Z. Lin, and A.C. Hess. 2000. "LDA and GGA Calculations of Alkali Metal Adsorption at the (001) Surface of MgO." Journal of Chemical Physics 112, no. 6:3014-3022. PNNL-SA-30866.
- Snyder J.A., J.E. Jaffe, Z. Lin, A.C. Hess, and M.S. Gutowski. 2000. "Adsorption of CO on MgO Supported Alkali Monolayers: A Periodic Density Functional Local Density Approximation and Generalized Gradient Approximation Study." Surface Science 445, no. 2-3:495-505. PNNL-SA-30979.
- Thomas L.E., and S.M. Bruemmer. 2000. "High-Resolution Characterization of Intergranular Attack and Stress Corrosion Cracking of Alloy 600 in High-Temperature Primary Water." Corrosion 56, no. 6:572-587. PNNL-SA-32906.
- Wang L.Q., J. Liu, G.J. Exarhos, K. Flanigan, and R. Bordia. 2000. "Conformation Heterogeneity and Mobility of Surfactant Molecules in intercalated Clay Minerals Studied by Solid-State NMR." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 104(13), no. April 6, 2000:2810-2816. PNNL-SA-32627.
- Williford R.E., C.F. Windisch, and R.H. Jones. 2000. "In Situ Observations of the Early Stages of Localized Corrosion in Type 304 SS Using the Electrochemical Atomic Force Microscope." Materials Science and Engineering. A. Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing 288, no. 1:54-60. PNNL-SA-32968.
- Windisch C.F., and G.J. Exarhos. 2000. "Mott-Schottky Analysis of Thin ZnO Films." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A--Vacuum, Surfaces and Films 18, no. 4 pt 2:1677-1680. PNNL-SA-33524.
- Youngblood G.E., C.A. Lewinsohn, R.H. Jones, and A. Kohyama. 2000. "TENSILE STRENGTH AND FRACTURE SURFACE CHARACTERIZATION OF HI-NICALONTM SIC FIBERS." In Fusion Materials Semi-Annual Progress Report Ending June 30, 2000, edited by Berk, S.E. 96-97. Washington Dc:Department of Energy, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences. PNNL-SA-31887. TENSILE STRENGTH AND FRACTURE SURFACE CHARACTERIZATION OF HI-NICALONTM SIC FIBERS
- Youngblood G.E., D.J. Senor, R.H. Jones, W. Kowbel, and A. Kohyama. 2000. "THE KFIB EXPERIMENT." In Fusion Materials: Semi-Annual Progress Report Ending June 30, 2000, edited by Berk, S.E. 102-108. Washington Dc:US Department of Energy, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences. PNNL-SA-31885. THE KFIB EXPERIMENT
- Affinito J.D., G.L. Graff, M. Shi, M.E. Gross, P.A. Mounier, and M.G. Hall. 1999. "A New Hybird Deposition Process, Combining PML and PECVD, for High Rate Plasma Polymerization of Low Vapor Pressure and Solid, Monomer Precursors." In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 42nd ANNUAL TECHNICAL CONFERENCE- SOCIETY OF VACUUM COATERS, 102-107. Albuquerque, New Mexico:Society of Vacuum Coaters. PNWD-SA-4621.
- Bozlee B.J., G.J. Exarhos, and R.W. Teel. 1999. "Spectroscopic Studies of Pulsed-Laser-Induced Damage Sites in Heated CaF2 Crystals." In Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 1998, 3578, 533 - 554. Bellingham, Washington:SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering. PNNL-SA-32099.
- Davies R.W., H.E. Oliver, H.E. Oliver, M.T. Smith, and G.J. Grant. 1999. "Characterizing Al Tailor-Welded Blanks for Automotive Applications." JOM. The Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society 51, no. 11:46-50. PNNL-SA-33482.
- Gutowski M.S. 1999. "Favorable Performance of the DFT Methods in Predicting the Minimum-Energy Structure of the Lowest Triplet State of WF4." International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 73, no. 4:369-375. PNNL-SA-30862.
- Gutowski M.S. 1999. "Highly Accurate ab initio Calculation of the Interaction Potential for Two Sodium Atoms with Parallel Spins." Journal of Chemical Physics 110, no. 10:4695-4698. PNNL-SA-30857.
- Gutowski M.S., and P. Skurski. 1999. "Electron Binding Energies in Linear Dipole-Bound (HCN)(n)(-) (n=2-5) Anions." Chemical Physics Letters 300, no. 3-4:338. PNNL-SA-30861.
- Gutowski M.S., and P. Skurski. 1999. "Electronic Structure of Dipole-Bound Anions." In Recent Research Developments in Physical Chemistry. 245-260. Kerala:Transworld Research Network. PNNL-SA-30859.
- Gutowski M.S., and P. Skurski. 1999. "Theoretical Study of the Quadrupole-Bound Anion (BeO)2-." Chemical Physics Letters 303, no. 1-2:65. PNNL-SA-30860.
- Martin P.M., J.W. Johnston, W.D. Bennett, D.C. Stewart, J. Robichaud, S. Daignault, and A. Raudenbush. 1999. "Ultrathick Silicon Coatings for Infrared Mirror Applications." In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Technical Conference, 223-226. Albuquerque, New Mexico:Society of Vacuum Coaters. PNNL-SA-31030.
- Matson D.W., P.M. Martin, W.D. Bennett, D.C. Stewart, and C.C. Bonham. 1999. "Laminated Ceramic Components for Microfluidic Applications." In Microfluidic Devices and Systems II, Proceedings of SPIE, edited by Ahn, C. H.; Frazier, A. B., 3877, 95-100. Bellingham, Washington:SPIE. PNNL-SA-31446.
- Mattigod S.V., G.E. Fryxell, X. Feng, and J. Liu. 1999. "Self-assembled monolayers on mesoporous supports for metal separation." In Metal Separation Technologies Beyond 2000: Integrating Novel Chemistry With Processing, 71-80. Warrendale, :Minerals, Metals & Materials Soc. PNNL-SA-31644.
- Skurski P., and M.S. Gutowski. 1999. "Ab Initio Study of the Dipole-Bound Anion (H2O..HCl)(-)." Journal of Chemical Physics 111, no. 7:3004-3011. PNNL-SA-31039.
- Skurski P., M.S. Gutowski, and J. Simons. 1999. "Dipole-Bound Anion of the HNNH3 Isomer of Hydrazine. An ab initio Study." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 103, no. 5:625-631. PNNL-SA-30858.
- Skurski P., M.S. Gutowski, and J. Simons. 1999. "Mixed Valence/Dipole-Bound dianions." Journal of Chemical Physics 111, no. 21:9469-9747. PNNL-SA-32027.
- Skurski P., M.S. Gutowski, and J. Simons. 1999. "Theoretical Study of the Dipole-Bound Anions (HPPH3)-." Journal of Chemical Physics 110, no. 1:274. PNNL-SA-30863.
- Wang L.Q., G.J. Exarhos, and J. Liu. 1999. "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance-Characterization of Self-Assembled Nanostructural Materials." Advanced Materials 11, no. 16:1331-1341. PNNL-SA-32132.
- Wang L.Q., G.J. Exarhos, and J. Liu. 1999. "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance-Characterization of Self-Assembled Nanostructured Materials." Advanced Materials 11, no. 16:1331-1340. PNNL-SA-34352.
- Gutowski M.S., K.D. Jordan, and P. Skurski. 1998. "Electronic Structure of Dipole-Bound Anions." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 102, no. 15:2624-2633. PNNL-SA-30859. doi:10.1021/jp980123u
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- Ewing R.C., W.J. Weber, and F.W. Clinard, Jr. 1995. "Radiation Effects in Nuclear Waste Forms for High-Level Radioactive Waste." Progress in Nuclear Energy 29, no. 2:63-127. PNNL-SA-25494. doi:10.1016/0149-1970(94)00016-Y
- Li H., D.R. Baer, M.H. Engelhard, J. Janata, and M.A. Josowicz. 1995. "Preparation and Characterization of Polyaniline-Palladium Composite Films." In Solid State Ionics IV: Materials Research Society 1994 Fall Meeting, edited by G-A. Nazri, M. Schreiber and J-M. Tarascon, 369, 581-585. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:Materials Research Society. PNNL-SA-24437. doi:10.1557/PROC-369-581
- Shultz A.N., W. Jang, W.M. Hetherington, D.R. Baer, L.Q. Wang, and M.H. Engelhard. 1995. "Comparative Second Harmonic Generation and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Studies of the UV Creation and 02 Healing of Ti3+ Defects on (110) Rutile Ti02 Surfaces." Surface Science 339, no. 1-2:114-124. PNNL-SA-26191. doi:10.1016/0039-6028(95)00650-8