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Energy and Environment Directorate


Experimental & Computational Engineering Group

47 publications found:



  • Arm S.T., S.D. Davidson, G.B. Hall, M.J. Iedema, A.P. Jivelekas, G.J. Lumetta, and R.M. Pratt, et al. 2023. Feasibility of Pulsed Current Technology for Removing Bulk Carbon from TRISO-based Fuels. PNNL-34412. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Feasibility of Pulsed Current Technology for Removing Bulk Carbon from TRISO-based Fuels
  • Asmussen R.M., A.M. Westesen, E. Cordova, A. Fujii Yamagata, P.P. Schonewill, A.C. Moore, and A. Bourchy, et al. 2023. "Iodine Removal from Carbonate-Containing Alkaline Liquids using Strong Base Resins, Hybrid Resins, and Silver Precipitation." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 62, no. 7:3271-3281. PNNL-SA-178096. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.2c03527
  • Bamberger J.A., L.F. Pease, J.E. Serkowski, M.J. Minette, and C. Burns. 2023. "Comparing Experimental Results for Large Particle Separation from Non-Newtonian Slurries Using Full and Tapered Bump Arrays." In Proceedings of the ASME 2023 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, October 29-November 2, 2023, New Orleans, LA, 9: Fluids Engineering, Paper No: IMECE2023-110897, V009T10A041. New York, New York:ASME. PNNL-SA-184603. doi:10.1115/IMECE2023-110897
  • Clarity J.B., S.J. Maheras, V.M. Wilson, K. Banerjee, and P. Miller. 2023. "A Comparison of As-loaded Dose Calculations to Measured Dose Rates." In American Nuclear Society Winter Conference and Technology Expo, (ANS 2023), November 12-15, 2023, Washington DC. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 129, 260 - 263. Westmont, Illinois:American Nuclear Society. PNNL-SA-186837.
  • Ivanusa P., J.B. Clarity, and S.T. Arm. 2023. "Modeling Non-UO2 Fuel With UNF-ST&DARDS." In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 128, 91-94. Downers Grove, Illinois:American Nuclear Society. PNNL-SA-181629.
  • Minette M.J., C. Burns, N. Phillips, C.L. Davidson, J.A. Bamberger, J.E. Serkowski, and L.F. Pease. 2023. "Targeted Particle Fractionation Technologies: Proof of Concept." In Proceedings of the ASME 2023 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, October 29-November 2, 2023, New Orleans, LA, 9: Fluids Engineering, Paper No: IMECE2023-110684, V009T10A046. New York Mls, New York:ASME. PNNL-SA-184841. doi:10.1115/IMECE2023-110684
  • Sakalaukus Jr. P.J., N.P. Barrett, and B.J. Koeppel. 2023. "Supplemental Structural Analyses Used in Support of Certification of the Defense Programs Package 3." In Proceedings of the ASME 2023 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, July 16-21, 2023, Atlanta, Georgia, 6, Paper No. PVP2023-106501, V006T07A032. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-181294. doi:10.1115/PVP2023-106501
  • Wang D., J. Bao, M. Zamarripa-Perez, B. Paul, Y. Chen, P. Gao, and T. Ma, et al. 2023. "A coupled reinforcement learning and IDAES process modeling framework for automated conceptual design of energy and chemical systems." Energy Advances 2, no. 10:1735-1751. PNNL-SA-178647. doi:10.1039/d3ya00310h


  • Bamberger J.A., L.F. Pease, C. Burns, and M.J. Minette. 2022. "Separating Oil-Water Mixtures Using Bump Arrays." In Proceedings of the ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE 2022), October 30-November 3, 2022, Columbus, OH, IMECE2022-95920, V008T10A039. New York, New York:ASME. PNNL-SA-172341. doi:10.1115/IMECE2022-95920
  • Bamberger J.A., L.F. Pease, J.E. Serkowski, M.J. Minette, and C. Burns. 2022. "Experimental Results for Large Particle Separation from Non-Newtonian Slurries Using Tapered Bump Arrays." In Proceedings of the ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE 2022), October 30-November 3, 2022, Columbus, OH, IMECE2022-94469, V008T10A027. New York, New York:ASME. PNNL-SA-172553. doi:10.1115/IMECE2022-94469
  • Bao J., N.K. Karri, K.P. Recknagle, C. Wang, B.J. Koeppel, and O.A. Marina. 2022. "Modeling Framework to Analyze Performance and Structural Reliability of Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 169, no. 5:Art. No. 054523. PNNL-SA-170581. doi:10.1149/1945-7111/ac6f87
  • Carter J.T., K. Banerjee, and S. Peters. 2022. Spent Nuclear Fuel and Reprocessing Waste Inventory, Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition. PNNL-33938. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Spent Nuclear Fuel and Reprocessing Waste Inventory, Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition
  • Coles G.A., P.P. Lowry, J.R. Phillips, S.M. Short, C.A. Condon, S.J. Maheras, and T.A. Ikenberry, et al. 2022. Parametric Study of Factors that Affect Calculated Dose from TRISO Fueled Microreactor Transportation Accident. PNNL-33607. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Parametric Study of Factors that Affect Calculated Dose from TRISO Fueled Microreactor Transportation Accident
  • Coles G.A., S.M. Short, S.J. Maheras, and H.E. Adkins. 2022. "Risk-Informed Approach for Regulatory Approval of Microreactor Transport." In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (PSAM 2022), June 26-July 1, 2022, Honolulu, HI. Los Angeles, California:International Association for Probablistic Safety Assessment and Management. PNNL-SA-172477.
  • Condon C.A., M. Abkowitz, H. Gadey, R. Claypool, S.J. Maheras, M.R. Feldman, and E. Bickford. 2022. "Verification and Validation of START: A Spent Nuclear Fuel Routing and Decision Support Tool." In International High Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference, November 13-17, 2022, Phoenix, AZ, 115-119. La Grange Park, Illinois:American Nuclear Society. PNNL-SA-174406.
  • Felmy H.M., H.E. Lackey, A. Schafer Medina, M.J. Minette, S.A. Bryan, and A.M. Lines. 2022. "Leveraging multiple Raman excitation wavelength systems for process monitoring of nuclear waste streams." ACS ES&T Water 2, no. 3:465-473. PNNL-SA-166535. doi:10.1021/acsestwater.1c00408
  • Hobbs M.L., P.F. Britt, D.T. Hobbs, M.J. Kaneshige, M.J. Minette, J. Mintz, and F.M. Pennebaker, et al. 2022. "Thermal runaway of nitric acid-soaked kitty litter in transuranic waste." Process Safety and Environmental Protection 167. PNNL-SA-175761. doi:10.1016/j.psep.2022.09.047
  • Jenks J.W., C.L. Painter, H.E. Adkins, D.J. Sunderland, R.A. Schwarz, S.R. Suffield, and B.E. Bernacki, et al. 2022. A Very High Temperature Lead Cooled Microreactor Concept using Advanced Materials and Thermophotovoltaics Direct Energy Conversion Technology. PNNL-32953. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. A Very High Temperature Lead Cooled Microreactor Concept using Advanced Materials and Thermophotovoltaics Direct Energy Conversion Technology
  • Nguyen B., N.K. Karri, C. Mason, J.F. Fitzpatrick, and B.J. Koeppel. 2022. "A Mechanistic Damage Model for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Ceramic Materials - Part I: Constitutive Modeling." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47, no. 11:7388-7402. PNNL-SA-163297. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2021.10.101
  • Pease L.F., J.A. Bamberger, and M.J. Minette. 2022. "Critical Shear Stress for Erosion Under Laminar Jet Flow." In ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE 2021), November 1-5, 2021, Virtual, Online, 10: Fluids Engineering, Paper No: IMECE2021-67639, V010T10A033. New York City, New York:American Society of Mechanical Engineers. PNNL-SA-159608. doi:10.1115/IMECE2021-67639
  • Pease L.F., J.A. Bamberger, and M.J. Minette. 2022. "JET EROSION OF PARTICLE BEDS: PROJECTING CRITICAL SUSPENSION VELOCITIES FROM EFFECTIVE CLEARING / CLEANING RADII." In Proceedings of the ASME 2022 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (FEDSM 2022), August 1-3, 2022, Toronto, Canada, 2: Multiphase Flow, Paper No: FEDSM2022-85965, V002T04A003. New York, New York:ASME. PNNL-SA-170452. doi:10.1115/FEDSM2022-85965
  • Pease L.F., N. Phillips, J.E. Serkowski, T.G. Veldman, M.J. Minette, and C. Burns. 2022. "Industrial Scale Mesofluidic Particle Separation." Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 173. PNNL-SA-152593. doi:10.1016/j.cep.2022.108795


  • Addleman R.S., A.J. Schmidt, L.F. Pease, M.J. Minette, M.R. Thorson, W. Chouyyok, and S. Lee, et al. 2021. Hydrothermal Liquid Recovery of Rare Earth Elements and Critical Materials. PNNL-31328. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Hydrothermal Liquid Recovery of Rare Earth Elements and Critical Materials
  • Bryan S.A., M.J. Minette, H.M. Felmy, A. Schafer Medina, K.M. Denslow, M.S. Fountain, and A.M. Lines, et al. 2021. "Advancements of On-Line Monitoring and Real-Time Characterization of Actual Low-Level Hanford Tank-Waste Samples." In Proceedings of the 47th Annual Waste Management Conference (WM 2021), March 8-12, 2021, Phoenix, AZ. Tempe, Arizona:WM Symposia. PNNL-SA-157321.
  • Coles G.A., S.M. Short, S.J. Maheras, and H.E. Adkins. 2021. Proposed Risk-Informed Regulatory Framework for Approval of Microreactor Transportation Packages. PNNL-31867. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
  • Eidelpes E., B.M. Hom, R. Hall, H.E. Adkins, and J. Jarrell. 2021. "A High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium Fuel Transportation Concept." Nuclear Science and Engineering 195, no. 3:279-299. PNNL-SA-156769. doi:10.1080/00295639.2020.1802161
  • Lines A.M., H.M. Felmy, S.A. Bryan, and M.J. Minette. 2021. Raman Spectroscopy Based On-Line, Real-Time Monitoring to Reduce Composition Uncertainties: Enhanced sensitivity through optimization of Raman Parameters. PNNL-31681. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Raman Spectroscopy Based On-Line, Real-Time Monitoring to Reduce Composition Uncertainties: Enhanced sensitivity through optimization of Raman Parameters
  • Maheras S.J., G.A. Coles, J.R. Phillips, C.A. Condon, S.M. Short, H.E. Adkins, and P.P. Lowry, et al. 2021. Plan for Development and Application of Risk Assessment Approach for Transportation Package Approval of an MNPP for Domestic Highway Shipment. PNNL-33524. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Plan for Development and Application of Risk Assessment Approach for Transportation Package Approval of an MNPP for Domestic Highway Shipment
  • Nguyen B., N.K. Karri, C. Mason, J.F. Fitzpatrick, and B.J. Koeppel. 2021. "Damage Modeling of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Accounting for Redox Effects." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 168, no. 11:Art. No. 114514. PNNL-SA-164101. doi:10.1149/1945-7111/ac39de
  • Pease L.F., J.A. Bamberger, and M.J. Minette. 2021. "Attached and Attaching Three-Dimensional Jets from Circular Nozzles: Analytical Model." Journal of Fluids Engineering--Transactions of the ASME 143, no. 3:034503. PNNL-SA-153350. doi:10.1115/1.4049045
  • Pease L.F., J.A. Bamberger, C. Burns, and M.J. Minette. 2021. "LARGE PARTICLE SEPARATION FROM NON-NEWTONIAN SLURRIES USING BUMP ARRAYS." In Proceedings of the ASME 2021 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (FEDSM 2021), August 10-12, 2021, Virtual, Online, 3, FEDSM2021-65904, V003T08A023. New York, New York:ASME. PNNL-SA-159468. doi:10.1115/FEDSM2021-65904
  • Pease L.F., J.E. Serkowski, T.G. Veldman, J. Williams, X. Yu, M.J. Minette, and J.A. Bamberger, et al. 2021. "Can Bump Arrays Separate Particles from Turbulent Flows?." In Proceedings of the ASME 2021 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (FEDSM 2021), August 10-12, 2021, Virtual, Online, 3, FEDSM2021-67696, V003T08A024. New York, New York:ASME. PNNL-SA-153733. doi:10.1115/FEDSM2021-67696
  • Schonewill P.P., P.A. Gauglitz, R.C. Daniel, C. Burns, S.D. Davidson, and G.K. Boeringa. 2021. High Solids Performance Testing in a Scaled TSCR System. PNNL-31877. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. High Solids Performance Testing in a Scaled TSCR System
  • Viswanathan S., M.L. Stewart, and D. Rothamer. 2021. "Experimental investigation of the effect of pore size distribution on nano-particle capture efficiency within ceramic particulate filters." Emission Control Science and Technology 7, no. 1:26–40. PNNL-SA-153961. doi:10.1007/s40825-021-00184-4
  • Wang D., J. Bao, Z. Xu, B.J. Koeppel, O.A. Marina, A. Noring, and M. Zamarripa-Perez, et al. 2021. "Machine Learning Tools Set for Natural Gas Fuel Cell System Design." In 17th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOF-XVII) July 18, 2021 - July 23, 2021 Stockholm, Sweden. ECS Transactions, 103, Paper No. 2283. PNNL-SA-162378. doi:10.1149/10301.2283ecst


  • Arm S.T. 2020. Considerations on Managing Flowsheet and Technology for DFLAW Production. PNNL-30768. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Considerations on Managing Flowsheet and Technology for DFLAW Production
  • Enderlin C.W., J.A. Bamberger, and M.J. Minette. 2020. "Evaluating Transfer and Pumping of Slurries from Pulsed Jet Mixed Vessels." In Proceedings of the ASME 2020 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting FEDSM2020 July 13-16, 2020, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2, Paper No: FEDSM2020-20390, V002T04A031. New York, New York:ASME. PNNL-SA-152678. doi:10.1115/FEDSM2020-20390
  • Liu J., L.A. Mahoney, M.J. Minette, S.K. Nune, C.K. Clayton, C. Bottenus, and C.J. Freeman, et al. 2020. Overview of 2017 Through 2018 Testing of Powered Air-Purifying Respirator (PAPR) Cartridge Performance on Multiple Hanford Tank Headspaces and Exhausters. PNNL-29416 Rev. 0. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Overview of 2017 Through 2018 Testing of Powered Air-Purifying Respirator (PAPR) Cartridge Performance on Multiple Hanford Tank Headspaces and Exhausters
  • Maheras S.J., and H.E. Adkins. 2020. Complete Documentation of Applicable Regulations and Regulatory Authority for Transportation. PNNL-29718. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Complete Documentation of Applicable Regulations and Regulatory Authority for Transportation
  • Maheras S.J., and H.E. Adkins. 2020. Concept of Operations for Microreactor Transportation. PNNL-30166 Revision 1. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Concept of Operations for Microreactor Transportation
  • Pease L.F., M.J. Minette, and J.A. Bamberger. 2020. "Radial Wall Jet Flow Over Sigmoidal Surfaces." In Proceedings of the ASME 2020 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition IMECE2020 November 16-19, 2020, Virtual, Online, 10, Paper No: IMECE2020-24058, V010T10A017. New York, New York:ASME. PNNL-SA-153394. doi:10.1115/IMECE2020-24058

Energy and Environment

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