Research Capabilities
Environmental Radiation Health Assessment
Team Lead:
Eva Eckert Hickey
The Environmental Radiation Health Assessment Team leads a broad range of environmental and human health assessments surrounding the use of nuclear power, fuel cycle facilities, and radioactive waste management. This team has the assessment capabilities and experience necessary to perform a wide range of environmental impact analyses associated with the use of nuclear materials and radioactive sources.
Core Capabilities:
- Preparing environmental impact statements for actions involving nuclear facilities and nuclear materials
- Emergency preparedness and emergency response
- Occupational and environmental radiation safety
- Hazard, exposure, and dose assessments
- Risk estimation and human health consequence assessment
- Assessing risks to military and civilian personnel from radioactive dispersal devices and radioactive sources
- Decontaminating and decommissioning nuclear power reactors and associated radioactive waste management, both domestically and internationally.
Key Clients:
- U.S. Department of Energy
- U.S. Department of Homeland Security
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- Department of Defense
- Hanford Site contractors.