Research Capabilities
Market, Financial & Policy Analysis
PNNL specializes in analyzing and understanding the impacts of the interface between science and society. As a consequence of working closely with physicists, chemists, and engineers on the front lines of the nation's energy challenges, our research economists, social and behavioral scientists and policy analysts bring a valuable cross-disciplinary approach to the social, institutional, and policy dimensions of research, analysis, and impact assessment.
In addition to basic and applied research in support of DOE, PNNL has leveraged long-standing relationships with industry, academia, regulators and a wide variety of state and federal agencies, to develop unique analytic tools, metrics and methodologies necessary to infuse the energy policy development process with enhanced empirical rigor. PNNL has long recognized that establishing a robust, data-driven analytic foundation—tethered to the real-world, market-based dynamics that shape the trajectory of energy infrastructure investment and technology deployment—is key to fostering consensus across the diverse set of stakeholders.
With over 130 economists, statisticians, policy, social, and behavioral scientists, PNNL has strong capabilities in economics, statistics, financial and market analyses in support of Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Transportation, Environment, and National Security projects.
PNNL market and policy analyses have provided key insights and guidance to decision makers in developing significant investments in smart grid and electricity infrastructure technology. PNNL regulatory analysis and energy efficiency rule development in support of the DOE have resulted in projected national cost savings of $1.1 Trillion and over 200 Quads of energy (equivalent of 2 years energy consumption in the U.S.) saved by 2035. Similarly, a recent PNNL analysis showed that a 75 percent market penetration of Electric Vehicles was feasible with the nation’s existing power infrastructure. Meanwhile, PNNL's integration of models associated with climate, water and energy infrastructure provide a uniquely predictive capability on the impacts of global change, down to the regional level meaningful to an array of policymakers.
In addition to our experienced staff, we have developed a toolbox of economic, financial, and policy simulation, analysis, and modeling capabilities that are especially focused on answering the kind of policy questions to which decision-makers need answers. Our toolbox is focused on the following areas:
- Market\Policy Simulation, Analysis & Modeling
- Market Rate Analysis
- Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Economic Analyses & Modeling
- Microeconomic, Natural Resource, Environmental, Regional & Socio Economic Modeling
We have developed and utilize specialized tools that include:
- SEDS – Stochastic Energy Deployment System Model
- IMSET – Impact of Sector Energy Technologies Model
- SEADS – Sector Energy/Employment Analysis and Data System Model
- GridLab-D – Energy Grid Simulator
- PRIMA – Platform for Regional Integrated Modeling and Analysis
- RIM – Renewables Integration Model
- ESIOS – Electric System Intrahour Operations Simulator
- PROMOD – Production Cost Modeling
- PHOENIX - Global Computable General Equilibrium Model for International Policy Analysis
- GCAM – Global Change Assessment Model

For a copy of the full summary of PNNL Market, Financial & Policy Analysis Capabilities go to:
For further information on market, financial & policy analysis capabilities, please contact Todd Samuel at (509) 375-6707.