David Winiarski
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
Richland, WA 99352
(509) 375-4461
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Since joining PNNL in 1993, David Winiarski's research has focused on commercial building energy use, building codes, and more recently standards activities. Since 2013, Mr. Winiarski has served as a lead investigator for PNNL's Appliance and Commercial Equipment Standards (ACES) program. David has supported development of energy use and economic analysis for energy conservation standards and test procedures on air conditioning, commercial refrigeration, space and water heating, and lighting equipment. Prior to this, David developed commercial building code change proposals, code evaluation tools, and energy analysis for ASHRAE 90.1 and the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC); worked on development of Federal building codes; directed technical determination of energy savings activities for DOE; and participated and directed state assessments of energy savings from commercial codes through simulation modeling. Mr. Winiarski has also directed and performed long-term metering and field evaluations of efficiency and operational performance of air conditioning and water heating technologies for the U.S. Navy and for the Federal Energy Management Program.
Research Interests
- Appliance and Equipment Standards
- Field Measurement and Simulation of Building Energy End-Use Loads and Consumption
- Efficiency Measurement Development and Evaluation
Education and Credentials
- M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University
- B.A./B.S., Physics, Oregon State University
PNNL Publications
- Tyler M.T., E.A. Poehlman, D.W. Winiarski, J.M. Niemeyer, and M.I. Rosenberg. 2023. Impacts of Model Building Energy Codes. PNNL-33251. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Impacts of Model Building Energy Codes
- Butzbaugh J.B., and D.W. Winiarski. 2020. "We Just Want to Pump...You Up! Forecasting Grid-Connected Heat Pump Water Heater Energy Savings and Load Shifting Potential for the Southeast U.S." In 2020 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, 1-17 - 1-31. Dc, Washington:American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy. PNNL-SA-152203.
- Butzbaugh J.B., D.W. Winiarski, M.A. Halverson, A.L. Cooke, and B. Liu. 2018. "Understanding the U.S. Commercial Building Stock: Building Envelope and HVAC Systems Characteristics Using 2012 CBECS Data Analysis." In 2018 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, August 12-17, 2018, Pacific Grove, CA, 5-1 - 5-12. Washington, Dc:American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. PNNL-SA-135725.
- Xing R., Y. Rao, W.E. TeGrotenhuis, N.L. Canfield, F. Zheng, D.W. Winiarski, and W. Liu. 2013. "Advanced Thin Zeolite/Metal Flat Sheet Membrane for Energy Efficient Air Dehumidification and Conditioning." Chemical Engineering Science 104. PNNL-SA-86852. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2013.08.061
- Armstrong P., P. Armstrong, W. Jiang, D.W. Winiarski, S. Katipamula, and L.K. Norford. 2009. "Efficient Low-Lift cooling with Radiant Distribution, Thermal Storage and Variable-Speed Chiller Controls Part II: Annual Energy Use and Savings." HVAC & R Research 15, no. 2:402-432. PNNL-SA-61299.
- Armstrong P., P. Armstrong, W. Jiang, D.W. Winiarski, S. Katipamula, L.K. Norford, and r. Willingham, et al. 2009. "Efficient Low-Lift Cooling with Radiant Distribution, Thermal Storage and Variable-Speed Chiller Controls Part I: Component and Subsystem Models." HVAC & R Research 15, no. 2:367-401. PNNL-SA-61020.
- Somasundaram S., D.W. Winiarski, Z.T. Taylor, and R.E. Jarnagin. 2006. "Energy Simulations of Commercial Buildings for DOE's Standards Development Projects." In 18th National & 7th ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, January 4-6, 2006, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India, edited by S.C.Mishra, B.V.S.S.S. Prasad, S.V. Garimella, 2274-2281. New Delhi:Tate McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. PNNL-SA-45427.
- Nasseri C.H., S. Somasundaram, and D.W. Winiarski. 2004. "Improving Energy Efficiency in Federal Commercial Buildings." In Breaking Out of the Box. 2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings Proceedings, 9 pp. Washington, District Of Columbia:American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. PNNL-SA-41559.
- Chvala W.D., and D.W. Winiarski. 2002. "Magnetically Coupled Adjustable Speed Drive Systems." Energy Engineering 99, no. 6:38-59. PNNL-SA-36168.
- Chvala W.D., and D.W. Winiarski. 2002. "Technology Demonstration: Magnetically-Coupled Adjustable Speed Drive Systems." In Solutions for Energy Security & Facility Managment Challenges: Proceedings of the 25th World Energy Engineering Congress, October 9-11, 2002, 53-62. Atlanta, Georgia:The Association of Energy Engineers. PNNL-SA-36482.
- Somasundaram S., P.R. Armstrong, D.B. Belzer, S.C. Gaines, D.L. Hadley, S. Katipumula, and D.L. Smith, et al. 2000. Screening Analysis for EPACT-Covered Commercial HVAC and Water-Heating Equipment. PNNL-13232. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Screening Analysis for EPACT-Covered Commercial HVAC and Water-Heating Equipment