Donna Hostick
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
Richland, WA 99352
(509) 372-4323
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As a project manager, Donna Hostick leads PNNL’s Strategic Programming effort in support of the Federal Energy Management Program, and provides management support to PNNL’s FEMP portfolio. She oversaw the Fort Hood Installation Energy and Water Plan effort, and served as Deputy Project Manager for PNNL's Appliance and Commercial Equipment Standards (ACES) program and PNNL’s Buildings Transactive Controls portfolio. She also managed the portfolio of work conducted for the U.S. DOE's former Office of Planning, Budget and Analysis within the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office (EERE), and headed the End-Use Electricity Team in support of the Renewable Electricity Futures Study, a multi-party effort led by NREL and MIT and funded by DOE. As an economist, Donna’s primary focus has been on building energy issues, with most of her experience relating to the impact assessment of energy-efficiency projects, technologies, and research programs. Her technical contributions include economic analyses in support of commercial appliance rulemakings and developing program impact-related information for FEMP outreach materials. From 1994-2010, she supported the DOE Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Metrics, which developed estimates of the energy, environmental, and cost impacts of the DOE EERE annual budget request; and developing inputs and impact estimates for the EERE's Building Technologies Office, Federal Energy Management Program, and Weatherization and Intergovernmental Program.
Research Interests
- Energy Efficiency Economics
- Benefit/Cost Analysis
- Life Cycle Cost Analysis
- Socioeconomic Analysis
Education and Credentials
- M.S., Agricultural Economics, Purdue University
- B.A., Economics, Pacific Lutheran University
- Project Management Professional (PMP)
PNNL Publications
- Katipamula S., C.D. Corbin, J.N. Haack, H. Hao, W. Kim, D.J. Hostick, and B.A. Akyol, et al. 2017. Transactive Campus Energy Systems: Final Report (CRADA 356). PNNL-26866. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. doi:10.2172/1398229.Transactive Campus Energy Systems: Final Report (CRADA 356)
- Mai T., M. Hand, S.F. Baldwin, R. Wiser, G. Brinkman, P. Denholm, and D. Arent, et al. 2014. "Renewable Electricity Futures for the United States." IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 5, no. 2:372-378. PNNL-SA-102579. doi:10.1109/TSTE.2013.2290472
- Hostick D.J., A.K. Nicholls, S.C. McDonald, and J.B. Hollomon. 2005. "Buildings Sector Analysis." In Energy Sector Market Analysis (NREL/TP-620-40541). 3-16. Golden, Colorado:National Renewable Energy Laboratory. PNNL-SA-45929. Buildings Sector Analysis
- Hostick D.J., D.M. Anderson, D.B. Belzer, K.A. Cort, J.P. Dion, J.A. Dirks, and S.C. McDonald. 2004. "Scenario-Based R&D Portfolio Analysis: Informing the Tough Decisions." In 2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, 4-148 - 4-162. Washington, District Of Columbia:American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. PNNL-SA-41698.
- Hostick D.J., K.A. Cort, D.B. Belzer, J.A. Dirks, D.B. Elliott, D.M. Anderson, and J.P. Dion. 2003. "Measurement and Baseline Issues Related to Evaluating a Diverse Portfolio of Federally-Supported Building Energy-Saving Programs." In 2003 International Energy Program Evaluation Conference Proceedings. Evaluation: Meeting Diverse Needs, August 20-22, 2003, Seattle, WA.. Madison, Wisconsin:IEPEC Committee. PNNL-SA-38308.
- Scott M.J., D.J. Hostick, and D.B. Elliott. 2000. Impact of 2001 Building Technology, State and Community Programs on United States Employment and Wage Income. PNNL-13182. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Impact of 2001 Building Technology, State and Community Programs on United States Employment and Wage Income