Robert Dahowski

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
Richland, WA 99352
(509) 372-4574
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Mr. Dahowski leads a wide array of energy and environmental systems analyses and support for government agencies, industrial clients, and international organizations. He specializes in resource-focused techno-economic systems analysis and is nationally and internationally recognized for his contributions in the fields of both building energy efficiency and climate change mitigation research. He is the lead developer of the Facility Energy Decision System (FEDS) building energy simulation and analysis software as well as creator of the Battelle CO2-GIS, the first geospatial techno-economic model for examining the potential large-scale deployment of CO2 capture and storage (CCS) systems.
Mr. Dahowski is experienced in facility energy and water efficiency auditing and assessment, and leads comprehensive energy and water evaluations for federal agencies, including the training of facility resource managers to perform assessments of their own assets. He collaborates with researchers across the globe to examine advanced technologies and quantify their potential impacts and policy implications. His team's ground-breaking research on assessing the technical and economic deployment potential of CCS technologies in North America and China has helped define the state of knowledge for CCS' potential to contribute to global climate change mitigation efforts.
Highlighted Publications
Regional Opportunities for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage in China
Research Interests
- Integrated energy and environmental systems analysis
- Building energy simulation and savings evaluations
- Carbon management analysis
- Geospatial analysis with Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Model development, application, outreach and capacity building
Education and Credentials
- M.S., Environmental Engineering, Washington State University
- B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Clarkson University
Awards and Recognitions
- Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum Award
PNNL Publications
- Dahowski R.T. 2021. Managing Army Plug Load Equipment Energy Use: Breakroom Appliances. PNNL-SA-160984. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Managing Army Plug Load Equipment Energy Use: Breakroom Appliances
- Dahowski R.T. 2021. Managing Army Plug Load Equipment Energy Use: Office Equipment. PNNL-SA-160985. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Managing Army Plug Load Equipment Energy Use: Office Equipment
- Dahowski R.T. 2021. Managing Army Plug Load Equipment Energy Use: Workstation Computing Systems. PNNL-SA-160987. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Managing Army Plug Load Equipment Energy Use: Workstation Computing Systems
- Dahowski R.T. 2021. Study Highlights: Characterizing Plug Load Energy Use and Savings Potential in Army Buildings. PNNL-SA-160990. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Study Highlights: Characterizing Plug Load Energy Use and Savings Potential in Army Buildings
- Balducci P.J., K. Mongird, D. Wu, D. Wang, V. Fotedar, and R.T. Dahowski. 2020. "An Evaluation of the Economic and Resilience Benefits of a Microgrid in Northampton, Massachusetts." Energies 13, no. 18:4802. PNNL-SA-155031. doi:10.3390/en13184802
- Dahowski R.T., G.P. Sullivan, A.R. Davila, and B.G. Ratliff Pennell. 2020. Characterizing Plug Load Energy Use and Savings Potential in Army Buildings. PNNL-29914. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Characterizing Plug Load Energy Use and Savings Potential in Army Buildings
- Dahowski R.T., S.F. Newman, V. Sood, and T.C. Douville. 2020. "EVALUATING FACILITY ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND RESILIENCE OPPORTUNITIES WITH FEDS AND MCOR." In 2020 Building Performance Analysis Conference and SimBuild, September 29-October 1, 2020, (Virtual), 19-26. Atlanta, Georgia:ASHRAE. PNNL-SA-151591.
- Li X., N. Wei, Z. Jiao, S. Liu, and R.T. Dahowski. 2019. "Cost Curve of Large-scale Deployment of CO2-Enhanced Water Recovery Technology in Modern Coal Chemical Industries in China." International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 81. PNNL-SA-131590. doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2018.12.012
- Yu S., J.D. Horing, Q. Liu, R.T. Dahowski, C.L. Davidson, J.A. Edmonds, and B. Liu, et al. 2019. "CCUS in China's Mitigation Strategy: Insights from Integrated Assessment Modeling." International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 84. PNNL-SA-128974. doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2019.03.004
- Dahowski R.T., C.L. Davidson, S. Yu, J.D. Horing, N. Wei, L.E. Clarke, and S.R. Bender. 2017. "The impact of CCS readiness on the evolution of China's electric power sector." Energy Procedia 114. PNNL-SA-121580. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.1817
- Davidson C.L., R.T. Dahowski, H.C. McJeon, L.E. Clarke, G.C. Iyer, and M. Muratori. 2017. "The value of CCS under current policy scenarios: NDCs and beyond." Energy Procedia 114. PNNL-SA-121411. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.1885
- Woodward J.C., and R.T. Dahowski. 2017. "Lessons Learned from Comprehensive Energy and Water Evaluations at U.S. Army Campus Installations." Energy Engineering 114, no. 3:31-50. PNNL-SA-121079.
- Cumming L.J., N. Gupta, N. Gupta, J.R. Sminchak, P.R. Ganesh, R.T. Dahowski, and X. Li, et al. 2014. "International collaboration to investigate carbon dioxide storage opportunities for a coal-fired power plant in Sichuan Basin, China." Energy Procedia 63. PNNL-ACT-SA-10024. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.522
- Davidson C.L., D.J. Watson, J.J. Dooley, and R.T. Dahowski. 2014. "Benefits and costs of brine extraction for increasing injection efficiency in geologic CO2 sequestration." Energy Procedia 63. PNNL-SA-105454. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.504
- Davidson C.L., R.T. Dahowski, J.J. Dooley, and B.P. McGrail. 2014. "Modelling the deployment of CO2 storage in U.S. gas-bearing shales." Energy Procedia 63. PNNL-SA-105506. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.763
- Wei N., X. Li, S. Liu, R.T. Dahowski, and C.L. Davidson. 2014. "Early opportunities of CO2 geological storage deployment in coal chemical industry in China." Energy Procedia 63. PNNL-SA-105764. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.767
- Dahowski R.T., C.L. Davidson, X. Li, and N. Wei. 2013. "Examining CCS deployment potential in China via application of an integrated CCS cost curve." Energy Procedia 37. PNNL-SA-91322. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2013.06.130
- Wei N., X. Li, Y. Wang, R.T. Dahowski, C.L. Davidson, and G. Bromhal. 2013. "A preliminary sub-basin scale evaluation framework of site suitability for onshore aquifer-based CO2 storage in China." International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 12. PNNL-SA-91284. doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2012.10.012
- Dahowski R.T., C.L. Davidson, X. Li, and N. Wei. 2012. "A $70/tCO2 greenhouse gas mitigation backstop for China's industrial and electric power sectors: insights from a comprehensive CCS cost curve." International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 11. PNNL-SA-86835. doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2012.07.024
- Dahowski R.T., C.L. Davidson, and J.J. Dooley. 2011. "Comparing large scale CCS deployment potential in the USA and China: a detailed analysis based on country-specific CO2 transport & storage cost curves." In 10th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, September 19-23, 2010, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Energy Procedia, edited by J Gale, C Hendriks and W Turkenberg, 4, 2732-2739. London:Elsevier. PNNL-SA-74866. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2011.02.175
- Davidson C.L., R.T. Dahowski, and J.J. Dooley. 2011. "A quantitative comparison of the cost of employing EOR-coupled CSS supplemented with secondary DSF storage for two large CO2 point sources." In 10th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, September 19-23, 2010, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Energy Procedia, edited by J Gale, C Hendricks and W Turkenberg, 4, 2361-2368. London:Elsevier. PNNL-SA-74756. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2011.02.128
- Dooley J.J., R.T. Dahowski, and C.L. Davidson. 2009. "The Potential for Increased Atmospheric CO2 Emissions and Accelerated Consumption of Deep Geologic CO2 Storage Resources Resulting from the Large-Scale Deployment of a CCS-Enabled Unconventional Fossil Fuels Industry in the U.S." International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 3, no. 6:720-730. PNNL-SA-66061. doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2009.08.004
- Dahowski R.T., X. Li, C.L. Davidson, N. Wei, W. Chen, F. Teng, and J.J. Dooley, et al. 2008. "Developing Cost Curves for Carbon Dioxide Transport and Storage in China." In Seventh Annual Conference on Carbon Capture and Sequestration. Washington, District Of Columbia:Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory. PNWD-SA-8180.
- Dooley J.J., and R.T. Dahowski. 2008. "Large Scale U.S. Unconventional Fuels Production and the Role of Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Technologies in Reducing Their Greenhouse Gas Emissions." In Energy Procedia: 9th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Contorol Technologies (GHGT9), 1, 4225-4232. London:Elsevier. PNNL-SA-62477. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2009.02.233
- Parker G.B., and R.T. Dahowski. 2008. "The Elephant in the Room: Dealing with Carbon Emissions from Synthetic Transportation Fuels Production." Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment 28, no. 1:12-33. PNWD-SA-8041.
- Dooley J.J., R.T. Dahowski, and C.L. Davidson. 2007. "CCS: A Strategy for Tackling Climate Change." In Fundamentals of the Global Oil and Gas Industry, 2007. 67-69. London:World Petroleum Council. PNNL-SA-56031.
- Parker G.B., and R.T. Dahowski. 2007. "The Elephant in the Room: Dealing with Carbon Emissions from Synthetic Transportation Fuels Production." In World Energy Engineering Congress - August 15-17, 2007, Atlanta, GA, Paper No. 27. Lilburn, Georgia:Fairmont Press. PNNL-SA-56152.
- Wise M.A., J.J. Dooley, R.T. Dahowski, and C.L. Davidson. 2007. "Modeling the Impacts of Climate Policy on the Deployment of Carbon Dioxide Capture and Geologic Storage across Electric Power Regions in the United States." International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 1, no. 2:261-270. PNWD-SA-7387. doi:10.1016/S1750-5836(07)00017-5
- Wise M.A., J.J. Dooley, R.T. Dahowski, and C.L. Davidson. 2007. "Modelling the impacts of climate policy on the deployment of carbon dioxide capture and geologic storage across electric power regions in the United States." International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 1, no. 2:261-270. PNWD-SA-7449. doi:10.1016/S1750-5836(07)00017-5
- Dooley J.J., C.L. Davidson, M.A. Wise, and R.T. Dahowski. 2004. "ACCELERATED ADOPTION OF CARBON DIOXIDE CAPTURE AND STORAGE WITHIN THE UNITED STATES ELECTRIC UTILITY INDUSTRY: THE IMPACT OF STABILIZING AT 450 PPMV AND 550 PPMV." In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-7), edited by ES Rubin, DW Keith, CF Gilboy, 1, 891-900. Amsterdam:Elsevier. PNWD-SA-6519.
- Dooley J.J., R.T. Dahowski, C.L. Davidson, S. Bachu, N. Gupta, N. Gupta, and J. Gale. 2004. "A CO2 STORAGE SUPPLY CURVE FOR NORTH AMERICA AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR THE DEPLOYMENT OF CARBON DIOXIDE CAPTURE AND STORAGE SYSTEMS." In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT7), edited by ES Rubin, DW Keith, CF Gilboy, 1, 593-604. Amsterdam:Elsevier. PNWD-SA-6518.
- Dahowski R.T., and J.J. Dooley. 2003. "CARBON MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES FOR EXISTING U.S. GENERATION CAPACITY: A VINTAGE-BASED APPROACH." In Sixth International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, edited by Gale, J.; Kaya, Y., 2, 1107-1112. Oxford:Permagon Press. PNNL-SA-36871.
- Davidson C.L., J.J. Dooley, R.T. Dahowski, and N. Mahasenan. 2003. "An Analysis Of The Impact Of Selected Carbon Capture And Storage Policy Scenarios On The US Fossil-Based Electric Power Sector." In Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship Technical Forum Proceedings, DOE/FE-0464. Washington, Dc:US Dept of Energy, Office of Fossil Energy. PNNL-SA-39453.
- Dooley J.J., and R.T. Dahowski. 2003. "EXAMINING PLANNED U.S. POWER PLANT CAPACITY ADDITIONS IN THE CONTEXT OF CLIMATE CHANGE." In Sixth International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, edited by Gale, J.; Kaya, Y., 2, 1113-1118. Oxford:Pergamon. PNNL-SA-36829.
- Dooley J.J., J.A. Edmonds, R.T. Dahowski, and M.A. Wise. 2003. "Modeling Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies in Energy and Economic Models." In Proceedings of the IPCC Workshop for Carbon Capture and Storage, 161-172. Petten:ECN. PNWD-SA-5848.
- Dahowski R.T., J.J. Dooley, D.R. Brown, A. Mizoguchi, and M. Shiozaki. 2001. "Understanding Carbon Sequestration Options in the United States: Capabilities of a Carbon Management Geographic Information System." In Proceedings of the First National Conference on Carbon Sequestration. PNWD-SA-5295. Understanding Carbon Sequestration Options in the United States: Capabilities of a Carbon Management Geographic Information System
- Dahowski R.T., J.J. Dooley, D.R. Brown, and A.J. Stephan. 2001. "Economic Screening of Geologic Sequestration Options in the United States with a Carbon Management Geographic Information System." In Eighteenth Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference Proceedings, December 3-7, 2001, Newcastle, NSW, Australia, edited by Badie I. Morsi, CD-ROM. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:Pittsburgh Coal Conference. PNNL-SA-35388.