Andrea Wilkerson

(503) 417-7562
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Andrea is a Senior Lighting Research Engineer at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, focusing on the evaluation of emerging lighting technology in support of the U.S. Department of Energy Solid-State Lighting Program. She earned her doctorate from Penn State and her BS and MAE from the University of Nebraska in the respective architectural engineering programs. Andrea serves as President of the International Association of Lighting Designers Education Trust Board of Directors and participates on the National Council on Qualifications for the Lighting Professions Exam committee, the Oregon State University School of Civil and Construction Engineering Industry Advisory Board and the Illuminating Engineering Society Educational Facilities, Libraries and Offices committee.
Research Interests
- Lighting Efficiency and Quality
- Lighting Metrics
- Human Factors
- Lighting Education
Education and Credentials
- B.S. and M.A.E. in Architectural Engineering, University of Nebraska
- Ph.D. in Architectural Engineering, Penn State University
PNNL Publications
- Collier J.M., A. Wilkerson, D. Durmus, and E. Rodriguez-Feo Bermudez. 2023. "Studying Response to Light in Offices: A Literature Review and Pilot Study." Buildings 13, no. 2:Art. No. 471. PNNL-SA-176284. doi:10.3390/buildings13020471
- Kelly J.M., and A. Wilkerson. 2023. Comparing Occupant Light Exposure in Factory and Office Spaces. PNNL-34490. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Comparing Occupant Light Exposure in Factory and Office Spaces
- Wilkerson A., S.F. Safranek, L.C. Irvin, and L. Tredinnick. 2023. "Lighting System Control Data to Improve Design and Operation: Tunable lighting system data from NICU patient rooms." LEUKOS - The Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America 19, no. 1:94-109. PNNL-SA-167201. doi:10.1080/15502724.2022.2059669
- Dubose J., R.G. Davis, G. Campiglia, A. Wilkerson, and C. Zimring. 2022. "Lighting the patient room of the future: Evaluating different lighting conditions from the patient perspective." Health Environments Research and Design 15, no. 2:79-95. PNNL-SA-162959. doi:10.1177/19375867211063481
- Elliott J., A. McBride, N. Balba, S.V. Thomas, C. Pattinson, B. Morasco, and A. Wilkerson, et al. 2022. "Feasibility and preliminary efficacy for morning bright light therapy to improve sleep and plasma biomarkers in US Veterans with TBI. A prospective, open-label, single-arm trial." PLoS One 17, no. 4:Art. No. e0262955. PNNL-SA-154724. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0262955
- Elliott J., C.E. Jones, C. Reynolds, R. Olson, K. Weymann, W.M. Au-Yeung, and A. Wilkerson, et al. 2022. "Tunable White Light for Elders (TWLITE): A Protocol Demonstrating Feasibility and Acceptability for Deployment, Remote Data Collection, and Analysis of a Home-Based Lighting Intervention in Older Adults." Sensors 22, no. 14:Art. No. 5372. PNNL-SA-168379. doi:10.3390/s22145372
- Mccunn L.J., S.F. Safranek, A. Wilkerson, and R.G. Davis. 2021. "Lighting Control in Patient Rooms: Understanding Nurses' Perceptions of Hospital Lighting Using Qualitative Methods." Health Environments Research and Design 14, no. 2:204-218. PNNL-SA-152350. doi:10.1177/1937586720946669
- Safranek S.F., A. Wilkerson, L.C. Irvin, and C. Casey. 2021. "Using advanced lighting systems to understand opportunities for energy optimization: control data from a hospital NICU." Energy and Buildings 251. PNNL-SA-161114. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.111357
- Davis R.G., L.J. McCunn, A. Wilkerson, and S.F. Safranek. 2020. "Nurses' Satisfaction with Patient Room Lighting Conditions: A Study of Nurses in Four Hospitals with Differences in the Environment of Care." Health Environments Research and Design 13, no. 3:110-124. PNNL-SA-145366. doi:10.1177/1937586719890940
- Royer M.P., M. Wei, A. Wilkerson, and S.F. Safranek. 2020. "Experimental validation of color rendition specification criteria based on ANSI/IES TM-30-18." Lighting Research & Technology 52, no. 3:323-349. PNNL-SA-142381. doi:10.1177/1477153519857625
- Safranek S.F., J.M. Collier, A. Wilkerson, and R.G. Davis. 2020. "Energy impact of human health and wellness lighting recommendations for office and classroom applications." Energy and Buildings 226. PNNL-SA-151604. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.110365
- Davis R.G., A. Wilkerson, and B.R. Kinzey. 2019. "Luminaire dirt depreciation (LDD): Field data from several exterior lighting projects." LEUKOS - The Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America 15, no. 1:55-63. PNNL-SA-130333. doi:10.1080/15502724.2018.1517598
- Wilkerson A. 2019. "Opinion: The Role of Energy Efficiency in the Light and Health Conversation." Lighting Research & Technology 51, no. 7:982. PNNL-SA-143533. doi:10.1177/1477153519881576
- Wilkerson A. 2018. "Long-Term Performance in the Arizona Desert." LD+A Magazine 48, no. 4:30-34. PNNL-SA-132410.
- Royer M.P., A. Wilkerson, M. Wei, K.W. Houser, and R.G. Davis. 2017. "Human perceptions of colour rendition vary with average fidelity, average gamut, and gamut shape." Lighting Research & Technology 49, no. 8:966-991. PNNL-SA-116963. doi:10.1177/1477153516663615
- Wilkerson A. 2017. "Promising Innovations for the Lighting Profession: Big Data, New Tools." Architectural Lighting. PNNL-SA-124420.
- Wilkerson A. 2016. "Going the Extra Mile." LD+A Magazine. PNNL-SA-115071.
- Wilkerson A., A. Donohue, and R.G. Davis. 2015. "Designing for the Active Classroom." LD+A Magazine (February 2015). PNNL-SA-107285.