Sadie Bender
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
Richland, WA 99352
(509) 375-2785
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Sadie Bender is an economist that has worked on a broad range of energy and environmental economic tasks at PNNL since 2014. She has experience in the valuation and analysis design of complex systems using UML. She also has experience in regulatory economic modeling, life cycle cost analysis, employment impact analyses using Input-Output models, environmental impact assessments, environmental justice and GIS. Sadie leads the valuation tasks within the Transactive Systems Program at PNNL, focusing on implementing valuation into the core of study designs allowing for granular economic analyses of each stakeholder within a complex system.
Research Interests
- Transactive Energy Valuation
- Environmental Justice and Equity Considerations
- Cost/Benefit and regulatory analysis
- Economic Impact Analyses
- Input-Output Modeling
Education and Credentials
- B.S., Economics, Central Washington University
- M.B.A., Western Governors University
PNNL Publications
- Mukherjee M., T.E. McDermott, T.D. Hardy, A. Somani, S.R. Bender, and M.L. Moore. 2023. "Transactive Energy Rationing in Islanded Electric Power Systems." IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 59, no. 1:312 - 322. PNNL-SA-172220. doi:10.1109/TIA.2022.3210080
- Hanif S., S.R. Bender, J.C. Bedoya Ceballos, H.M. Reeve, T.D. Hardy, and M. Mukherjee. 2022. Valuing Demand Flexibility During a Grid Disturbance: A Granular Approach to Resilience Valuation. PNNL-33547. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Valuing Demand Flexibility During a Grid Disturbance: A Granular Approach to Resilience Valuation
- Pratt R.G., F. Bereta dos Reis, B. Bhattarai, R. Jinsiwale, A. Singhal, S.R. Bender, and H.M. Reeve. 2022. Potential for Transactive Energy to Improve the Provisioning of Grid Services from Batteries. PNNL-33599. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Potential for Transactive Energy to Improve the Provisioning of Grid Services from Batteries
- Preziuso D.C., D.S. Boff, and S.R. Bender. 2022. Modeling Value Flows in Utility Rate Structures. PNNL-33734. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Modeling Value Flows in Utility Rate Structures
- Reeve H.M., S.E. Widergren, R.G. Pratt, L.E. Hinkle, S. Hanif, S.R. Bender, and T.D. Hardy, et al. 2022. DSO+T: Expanded Study Results DSO+T Study: Volume 5. PNNL-32170-5. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. DSO+T: Expanded Study Results DSO+T Study: Volume 5
- Reeve H.M., S.E. Widergren, R.G. Pratt, T.D. Hardy, S.R. Bender, S. Hanif, and M.A. Pelton, et al. 2022. "Large-Scale Simulation of Regional Demand Flexibility Implementation and Customer Economic Impact." In 2022 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, August 21-26, 2022, Pacific Grove, CA, 12-320- 12-335. Washington, District Of Columbia:American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. PNNL-SA-171206.
- Tarufelli B.L., and S.R. Bender. 2022. "Equity in Transactive Energy Systems." In IEEE PES Transactive Energy Systems Conference (TESC 2022), May 2-6, 2022, Portland, OR, 1-5. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-171016. doi:10.1109/TESC53336.2022.9917265
- McDermott T.E., T.D. Hardy, A. Somani, S.R. Bender, and M.L. Madison. 2021. "Transactive Energy Rationing in an Islanded Electric Power System." In IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech 2021), April 7-9, 2021, Denver, CO, 323 - 330. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-158444. doi:10.1109/GreenTech48523.2021.00059
- Bender S.R., J.M. Niemeyer, M.R. Weimar, and T.D. Hardy. 2019. "Considerations for Commercial Building Participation in a Transactive Energy System." In IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT 2019), February 18-21, 2019, Washington DC. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-137666. doi:10.1109/ISGT.2019.8791602
- Dahowski R.T., C.L. Davidson, S. Yu, J.D. Horing, N. Wei, L.E. Clarke, and S.R. Bender. 2017. "The impact of CCS readiness on the evolution of China's electric power sector." Energy Procedia 114. PNNL-SA-121580. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.1817
- Yonkofski C., C.L. Davidson, L.R. Rodriguez, E.A. Porter, S.R. Bender, and C.F. Brown. 2017. "Optimized, budget-constrained monitoring well placement using DREAM." Energy Procedia 114. PNNL-SA-121523. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.1496
- Livingston O.V., S.R. Bender, M.J. Scott, and R.W. Schultz. 2015. ImSET 4.0: Impact of Sector Energy Technologies Model Description and User's Guide. PNNL-24563. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. ImSET 4.0: Impact of Sector Energy Technologies Model Description and User's Guide