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Energy and Environment Directorate

Elizabeth Kautz

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
Richland, WA 99352
(978) 870-9218

PNNL Publications


  • Harilal S.S., A.K. Shaik, E.J. Kautz, A. Devaraj, A.M. Casella, and D.J. Senor. 2024. "Detection of tritium using ultrafast laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy." Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 39, no. 3:699-703. PNNL-SA-192834. doi:10.1039/D3JA00439B
  • Kautz E.J., M.P. Polek, E.C. Ronnebro, and S.S. Harilal. 2024. "Enhancing analytical merits of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of hydrogen isotopes using an orthogonal double-pulsing scheme." Spectrochimica Acta. Part B, Atomic Spectroscopy 217, no. _:Art No. 106952. PNNL-SA-196569. doi:10.1016/j.sab.2024.106952


  • Kautz E.J., A. Xu, A.V. Harilal, M.P. Polek, A.M. Casella, D.J. Senor, and S.S. Harilal. 2023. "Influence of ambient gas on self-reversal in Li transitions relevant to isotopic analysis." Optics Express 31, no. 3:3549-3564. PNNL-SA-178668. doi:10.1364/OE.477990
  • Kautz E.J., A. Zelenyuk-Imre, B. Gwalani, M.J. Olszta, M.C. Phillips, M. Manard, and C. Kimblin, et al. 2023. "Impact of environmental oxygen on nanoparticle formation and agglomeration in aluminum laser ablation plumes." Journal of Chemical Physics 159, no. 17:174303. PNNL-SA-187179. doi:10.1063/5.0167400
  • Kautz E.J., M. Song, S.L. Riechers, A.M. Koziol, S.A. Briggs, K.H. Yano, and R. Prabhakaran, et al. 2023. "Influence of processing on secondary phase formation and microstructural evolution at U-10Mo alloy and Zr interlayer interfaces." Journal of Alloys and Compounds 969. PNNL-SA-182384.
  • Kautz E.J., M.C. Phillips, and S.S. Harilal. 2023. "Tantalum oxide and nitride spectral features from a laser-produced plasma." Spectrochimica Acta. Part B, Atomic Spectroscopy 203. PNNL-SA-180150. doi:10.1016/j.sab.2023.106659
  • Kautz E.J., M.C. Phillips, P.K. Diwakar, A. Zelenyuk-Imre, and S.S. Harilal. 2023. "Comparing the kinetics of ionized and neutral atoms from single and multi-element laser-produced plasmas." Physics of Plasmas 30, no. 5:Art. No. 052106. PNNL-SA-169770. doi:10.1063/5.0146958
  • Koziol A.M., K.H. Yano, A.L. Schemer-Kohrn, A. Soulami, V.V. Joshi, S.A. Briggs, and E.J. Kautz. 2023. "Microstructure and microchemistry changes at U-10Mo fuel/AA6061 cladding interfaces with varying hot isostatic pressing conditions." Journal of Nuclear Materials 585. PNNL-SA-181312. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2023.154597
  • Phillips M.C., E.J. Kautz, and S.S. Harilal. 2023. "Comparison of excitation and kinetic temperatures in a laser-produced plasma using absorption spectroscopy." Optics Letters 48, no. 7:1942-1945. PNNL-SA-182311. doi:10.1364/OL.487910
  • Polek M.P., E.J. Kautz, T. Ahmed, B.R. Kowash, F.N. Beg, and S.S. Harilal. 2023. "Experimental and Theoretical Comparison of Ion Properties from Nanosecond Laser-Produced Plasmas of Metal Targets." Journal of Applied Physics 133, no. 20:Art. No. 203301. PNNL-SA-181955. doi:10.1063/5.0146428
  • Yu Z., E.J. Kautz, H. Zhang, A. Schneider, T. Kim, Y. Zhang, and S.M. Lambeets, et al. 2023. "Irradiation Damage Reduces Alloy Corrosion Rate via Oxide Space Charge Compensation Effects." Acta Materialia 253. PNNL-SA-189570. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2023.118956


  • Harilal S.S., E.J. Kautz, and M.C. Phillips. 2022. "Optical spectroscopic tools for standoff uranium detection." In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers: Applied Industrial Spectroscopy (AIS 2022), July 11-15, 2022, Vancouver, Canada, Art. No. LTu4B.1. Washington, District Of Columbia:Optica Publishing Group. PNNL-SA-172015.
  • Harilal S.S., E.J. Kautz, and M.C. Phillips. 2022. "Spatiotemporal evolution of emission and absorption signatures in a laser-produced plasma." Journal of Applied Physics 131, no. 6:Art. No. 063101. PNNL-SA-168683. doi:10.1063/5.0081597
  • Kautz E.J., A. Zelenyuk-Imre, B. Gwalani, M.C. Phillips, and S.S. Harilal. 2022. "Gas-phase oxidation and nanoparticle formation in multi-element laser ablation plumes." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24, no. 43:26583-26590. PNNL-SA-174235. doi:10.1039/D2CP02437C


  • Akers S.M., E.J. Kautz, A. Trevino-Gavito, M.J. Olszta, B.E. Matthews, L. Wang, and Y. Du, et al. 2021. "Rapid and Flexible Segmentation of Electron Microscopy Data Using Few-Shot Machine Learning." npj Computational Materials 7. PNNL-SA-160786. doi:10.1038/s41524-021-00652-z
  • Baskaran A., E.J. Kautz, A. Chowdhury, W. Ma, B. Yener, and D.J. Lewis. 2021. "Adoption of image-driven machine learning for microstructure characterization and materials design: A Perspective." JOM. The Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society 73, no. 11:3639-3657. PNNL-SA-159271. doi:10.1007/s11837-021-04805-9
  • Harilal S.S., C.M. Murzyn, E.J. Kautz, M.K. Edwards, S.I. Sinkov, S.E. Bisson, and J.B. Martin. 2021. "Spectral Dynamics and Gas-phase Oxidation of Laser-produced Plutonium Plasmas." Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 36, no. 1:150-156. PNNL-SA-154924. doi:10.1039/D0JA00416B
  • Harilal S.S., E.J. Kautz, and M.C. Phillips. 2021. "Time-resolved absorption spectroscopic characterization of ultrafast laser-produced plasmas under varying background pressures." Physical Review E 103, no. 1:013213. PNNL-SA-157790. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.103.013213
  • Harilal S.S., E.J. Kautz, R. Jones, and M.C. Phillips. 2021. "Spectro-temporal comparisons of optical emission, absorption, and laser-induced fluorescence for characterizing ns and fs laser-produced plasmas." Plasma Sources Science and Technology 30, no. 4:045007. PNNL-SA-157897. doi:10.1088/1361-6595/abefa5
  • Kautz E.J. 2021. "Predicting material microstructure evolution via data-driven machine learning." Patterns 2, no. 7:Article No.100285. PNNL-SA-161929. doi:10.1016/j.patter.2021.100285
  • Kautz E.J., A. Devaraj, D.J. Senor, and S.S. Harilal. 2021. "Hydrogen isotopic analysis of nuclear reactor materials using ultrafast laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy." Optics Express 29, no. 4:4936-4946. PNNL-SA-157227. doi:10.1364/OE.412351
  • Kautz E.J., D.K. Schreiber, A. Devaraj, and B. Gwalani. 2021. "Mechanistic insights into selective oxidation and corrosion of multi-principal element alloys from high resolution and in situ microscopy." Materialia 18. PNNL-SA-160297. doi:10.1016/j.mtla.2021.101148
  • Kautz E.J., E.C. Ronnebro, A. Devaraj, D.J. Senor, and S.S. Harilal. 2021. "Detection of hydrogen isotopes in Zircaloy-4 via femtosecond LIBS." Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 36, no. 6:1217-1227. PNNL-SA-159411. doi:10.1039/d1ja00034a
  • Kautz E.J., J.B. Cliff, T.G. Lach, D.D. Reilly, and A. Devaraj. 2021. "Correlating Nanoscale Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry and Atom Probe Tomography Analysis of Uranium Enrichment in Metallic Nuclear Fuel." Analyst 146, no. 1:69-74. PNNL-SA-155746. doi:10.1039/D0AN01831G
  • Kautz E.J., M.C. Phillips, and S.S. Harilal. 2021. "Laser-induced fluorescence of filament-produced plasmas." Journal of Applied Physics 130, no. 20:Art. No. 203302. PNNL-SA-164939. doi:10.1063/5.0065240
  • Kautz E.J., S. Shahrezaei, M.T. Athon, M.A. Frank, A.L. Schemer-Kohrn, A. Soulami, and C.A. Lavender, et al. 2021. "Evaluating the microstructure and origin of nonmetallic inclusions in as-cast U-10 Mo fuel." Journal of Nuclear Materials 554. PNNL-SA-158125. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2021.152949
  • Kautz E.J., S.M. Lambeets, D.E. Perea, A.Y. Gerard, J. Han, J.R. Scully, and J.E. Saal, et al. 2021. "Element redistributions during early stages of oxidation in a Ni38Cr22Fe20Mn10Co10 multi-principal element alloy." Scripta Materialia 194. PNNL-SA-154392. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2020.10.051
  • Ohodnicki P., E.J. Kautz, A. Devaraj, Y. Yu, N. Aronhime, Y. Krimer, and M. McHenry, et al. 2021. "Nanostructure and Compositional Segregation of Soft Magnetic FeNi-Based Nanocomposites with Multiple Nanocrystalline Phases." Journal of Materials Research 36, no. 1:105-113. PNNL-SA-155230. doi:10.1557/s43578-020-00066-5


  • Frank M., S.S. Nene, Y. Chen, B. Gwalani, E.J. Kautz, A. Devaraj, and K. An, et al. 2020. "Correlating work hardening with co-activation of stacking fault strengthening and transformation in a high entropy alloy using in-situ neutron diffraction." Scientific Reports 10, no. 1:Article No. 22263. PNNL-SA-157863. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-79492-8
  • Gerard A.Y., J. Han, S.J. McDonnell, K. Ogle, E.J. Kautz, D.K. Schreiber, and P. Lu, et al. 2020. "Aqueous Passivation of Multi-Principal Element Alloy Ni38Fe20Cr22Mn10Co10: Unexpected High Cr Enrichment within the Passive Film." Acta Materialia 198. PNNL-SA-154404. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2020.07.024
  • Gwalani B., M.J. Olszta, S. Varma, L. Li, A. Soulami, E.J. Kautz, and S. Pathak, et al. 2020. "Extreme Shear-Deformation-Induced Modification of Defect Structures and Hierarchical Microstructure in an Al-Si Alloy." Communications Materials 1. PNNL-SA-153669. doi:10.1038/s43246-020-00087-x
  • Jiang W., S.R. Spurgeon, B.E. Matthews, A.K. Battu, S. China, T. Varga, and A. Devaraj, et al. 2020. "Carbonaceous deposits on aluminide coatings in tritium-producing assemblies." Nuclear Materials and Energy 25. PNNL-SA-153196. doi:10.1016/j.nme.2020.100797
  • Kautz E.J., B. Gwalani, S.M. Lambeets, L. Kovarik, D.K. Schreiber, D.E. Perea, and D.J. Senor, et al. 2020. "Rapid assessment of structural and compositional changes during early stages of zirconium alloy oxidation." npj Materials Degradation 4, no. 1:Article No. 29. PNNL-SA-150333. doi:10.1038/s41529-020-00133-6
  • Kautz E.J., J. Yeak, B.E. Bernacki, M.C. Phillips, and S.S. Harilal. 2020. "Expansion dynamics and chemistry evolution in ultrafast laser filament produced plasmas." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22, no. 16:8304-8314. PNNL-SA-150315. doi:10.1039/D0CP00078G
  • Kautz E.J., J. Yeak, B.E. Bernacki, M.C. Phillips, and S.S. Harilal. 2020. "The role of ambient gas confinement, plasma chemistry, and focusing conditions on emission features of femtosecond laser-produced plasmas." Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 35, no. 8:1574-1586. PNNL-SA-152200. doi:10.1039/D0JA00111B
  • Kautz E.J., M.C. Phillips, and S.S. Harilal. 2020. "Unraveling spatio-temporal chemistry evolution in laser ablation plumes and its relation to initial plasma conditions." Analytical Chemistry 92, no. 20:13839-13846. PNNL-SA-153748. doi:10.1021/acs.analchem.0c02477
  • Kautz E.J., W. Ma, S. Jana, A. Devaraj, V.V. Joshi, B. Yener, and D.J. Lewis. 2020. "An image-driven machine learning approach to kinetic modeling of a discontinuous precipitation reaction." Materials Characterization 166. PNNL-SA-144375. doi:10.1016/j.matchar.2020.110379
  • Ma W., E.J. Kautz, A. Baskaran, A. Chowdhury, V.V. Joshi, B. Yener, and D.J. Lewis. 2020. "Image-driven discriminative and generative machine learning algorithms for establishing microstructure-processing relationships." Journal of Applied Physics 128, no. 13:Article No. 134901. PNNL-SA-153190. doi:10.1063/5.0013720
  • Reehl S.M., K.S. Kappagantula, E.J. Kautz, L.J. Gosink, and E.A. Machorro. 2020. Mirostructure Characterization of Friction Consolidated Copper-Nickel using a Machine Learning Approach: Developing Process to Microstructure Associations. PNNL-30565. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Mirostructure Characterization of Friction Consolidated Copper-Nickel using a Machine Learning Approach: Developing Process to Microstructure Associations


  • Ballor J.P., M. Ikeda, E.J. Kautz, C. Boehlert, and A. Devaraj. 2019. "Composition-Dependent Microstructure-Property Relationships of Fe and Al Modified Ti-12Cr (wt.%)." JOM. The Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society 71, no. 7:2321-2330. PNNL-SA-148014. doi:10.1007/s11837-019-03467-y
  • Harilal S.S., E.J. Kautz, B.E. Bernacki, M.C. Phillips, P.J. Skrodzki, M. Burger, and I. Jovanovic. 2019. "Physical conditions for UO formation in laser-produced uranium plumes." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21, no. 29:16161-16169. PNNL-SA-142809. doi:10.1039/C9CP02250C
  • Harilal S.S., E.J. Kautz, B.E. Bernacki, M.C. Phillips, P.J. Skrodzki, M. Burger, and I. Jovanovic. 2019. "Physical conditions for UO formation in laser-produced uranium plumes." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21, no. 29:16161-16169. PNNL-SA-143238. doi:10.1039/c9cp02250c
  • Jana S., A.L. Schemer-Kohrn, N.R. Overman, L.E. Sweet, E.J. Kautz, C.A. Lavender, and V.V. Joshi. 2019. Eutectoid Transformation in U10Mo Alloy: Effect of Deformation History and Homogenization Heat Treatment. PNNL-28519. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. doi:10.2172/1503687.Eutectoid Transformation in U10Mo Alloy: Effect of Deformation History and Homogenization Heat Treatment
  • Kautz E.J., A.R. Hagen, J.M. Johns, and D. Burkes. 2019. "A machine learning approach to thermal conductivity modeling: A case study on irradiated uranium-molybdenum nuclear fuels." Computational Materials Science 161. PNNL-SA-138923. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2019.01.044
  • Kautz E.J., D. Burkes, V.V. Joshi, C.A. Lavender, and A. Devaraj. 2019. "Nanoscale spatially resolved mapping of uranium enrichment." Scientific Reports 9, no. 1:Article No. 12302. PNNL-SA-139895. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-48479-5
  • Kautz E.J., P.J. Skrodzki, M. Burger, B.E. Bernacki, I. Jovanovic, M.C. Phillips, and S.S. Harilal. 2019. "Time-resolved imaging of atoms and molecules in laser-produced uranium plasmas." Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 34, no. 11:2236-2243. PNNL-SA-144962. doi:10.1039/C9JA00228F
  • Perea D.E., D.K. Schreiber, A. Devaraj, D. Reilly, S. Lambeets, E.J. Kautz, and T.G. Lach, et al. 2019. "Exploring New Science Domains with Atom Probe Tomography Enabled by an Environmental Transfer Hub." In Proceedings of Microscopy and Microanalysis 2019, August 4-8, 2019, Portland, OR, 25, 276-277. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press. PNNL-SA-147028. doi:10.1017/S1431927619002113
  • Settle A., N.S. Cleveland, C. Farberow, D. Conklin, X. Huo, A. Dameron, and R. Tracy, et al. 2019. "Enhanced Catalyst Durability for Bio-Based Adipic Acid Production by Atomic Layer Deposition." Joule 3, no. 9:2219-2240. PNNL-SA-144252. doi:10.1016/j.joule.2019.06.022


  • Devaraj A., E.J. Kautz, L. Kovarik, S. Jana, N.R. Overman, C.A. Lavender, and V.V. Joshi. 2018. "Phase transformation of metastable discontinuous precipitation products to equilibrium phases in U10Mo alloys." Scripta Materialia 156. PNNL-SA-134393. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2018.07.010
  • Devaraj A., L. Kovarik, E.J. Kautz, B.W. Arey, S. Jana, C.A. Lavender, and V.V. Joshi. 2018. "Grain Boundary Engineering to Control the Discontinuous Precipitation in Multicomponent U10Mo Alloy." Acta Materialia 151. PNNL-SA-129167. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2018.03.039

Energy and Environment

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