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Energy and Environment Directorate

Brian Riley

Brian Riley

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
Richland, WA 99352
(509) 372-4651


Brian Riley is a Senior Materials Scientist in the Nuclear Science Division at PNNL. Dr. Riley’s work focuses on the development of waste forms (e.g., glass, glass-ceramics) for a variety of nuclear waste streams (e.g., DOE legacy wastes, UNF reprocessing wastes), off-gas management (e.g., iodine, noble gases), and materials exploration (e.g., non-oxide materials). His passions are materials development for a variety of applications.

Research Interests

  • Non-oxide materials synthesis and characterization (e.g., chalcogenides, zinc blende, chalcopyrites)
  • Glass waste form development (e.g., tellurite, phosphate, lanthanide borosilicate, high-level waste)
  • Glass-ceramic waste form development (e.g., mixed MoO3 and lanthanide waste stream)
  • Aerogel development for gaseous radionuclide capture (e.g., non-oxide chalcogels, metal-exchanged aluminosilicates)
  • Metal-exchanged zeolites for gaseous radionuclide capture
  • Molten salt reactor waste and effluent management
  • Liquidus temperature measurements of waste and simulated nuclear waste glasses

Education and Credentials

  • PhD, Materials Science and Engineering, Washington State University
  • BS, Chemistry, Eastern Washington University
  • BS, Biology, Eastern Washington University

Awards and Recognitions

  • 2020 OTY Award for Nuclear Sciences Division Mentor of the Year (12/2020)
  • Outstanding Performance Award in recognition of exception contributions to The Radiological Materials Group Leadership
  • 2019 OTY Award for EED Nuclear Sciences Division Publication of the Year (12/2019)
  • 2016 OTY Award for EED Publication of the Year (12/2016)
  • Outstanding Performance Award in recognition of outstanding contributions and collaboration to the National Security Directorate (8/2016)
  • Outstanding Performance Award in recognitions of 5 lead author publications in FY2013 (11/2013)
  • Outstanding Performance Award in recognition for outstanding efforts for infrared glass ceramics (03/2013)
  • Federal Laboratory Consortium Award for licensing the IncubATRTM technology to Simplex Scientific (02/2011)
  • R&D100 Award for IncubATRTM, The live cell monitor (07/2010)
  • Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of support on the cyber security roll-out in FY09 (01/2009)
  • Outstanding Performance Award in recognition of support of the successes on the ASGRAD project (12/2008)
  • Outstanding Performance Award in recognition of excellent work ethic and support to the EM-21 glass matrix test work (09/2008)
  • R&D100 Award for Multi-Scale Materials Integrated Processing Method (07/2008)
  • Outstanding Performance Award in recognition of contribution to education during the 2008 Bring Your Kids To Work Day (05/2008)
  • Outstanding Performance Award in support of the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant's Anti-Foam testing (02/2008)
  • Outstanding Performance Award in recognition of discovery of a new metastable crystalline phase in the Cd-Ge-As system (12/2007) which ended up on the cover of the February 2008 J. Am. Ceram. Soc.
  • Outstanding Performance Award in recognition of contribution and dedication to the completion of the Large Scale Test Evaluation (38D Test) for AMEC's Bulk Vitrification Process (10/2007)
  • 1st Place Award at the American Ceramics Society MS&T 2007 Ceramographic Competition for New Cd-Ge-As Phase Found (09/2007)
  • Outstanding Performance Award in appreciation for support to the AMEC Bulk Vitrification Project (05/2007)
  • Nominated for a Stretch Assignment Award at the PS&E FY 2004 Awards Ceremony (10/2004)
  • Nominated for a Mentoring Award at the PS&E FY 2004 Awards Ceremony (10/2004)
  • "Shining Star Award for Going Above and Beyond" (09/2004)
  • Nuclear and Environmental Technology Division Best Paper Award at the American Ceramics Society MS&T 2000 Conference (07/2001)
  • Outstanding Performance Award in recognition of support to the Americium/Curium Support Project (01/1999)

PNNL Publications


  • Kalahe J., X. Lu, B.J. Riley, J.D. Vienna, J. Du, and J. Du. 2025. "Structure-property relations of sodium iron phosphate nuclear waste glasses: Effects of iron redox ratio and glass composition." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 108, no. 2:Art. No. e20174. PNNL-SA-199255. doi:10.1111/jace.20174
  • Morrison E.C., C.G. Doll, B.J. Riley, and M.J. Schweiger. 2025. Quartz Ampoule Loading, Sealing, and Inspection. PNNL-37304. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Quartz Ampoule Loading, Sealing, and Inspection
  • Torres R.D., B.J. Riley, L.R. Hare, M.A. Hall, S.K. Johansen, A.M. Ritzmann, and M.Y. Toyooka. 2025. Technical Assessment of Off-Gas System Technologies for Potential Use in Molten Salt Reactors. PNNL-37170. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Technical Assessment of Off-Gas System Technologies for Potential Use in Molten Salt Reactors


  • Allec S.I., X. Lu, D.R. Cassar, X.T. Nguyen, V.I. Hegde, T.S. Mahadevan, and M. Peterson, et al. 2024. "Evaluation of GlassNet for physics-informed machine learning of glass stability and glass-forming ability." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 107, no. 12:7784-7799. PNNL-SA-196287. doi:10.1111/jace.19937
  • Beck C.L., J.S. Cervantes, S. Chiswell, A.T. Greaney, K. Johnson, T.G. Levitskaia, and L. Martin, et al. 2024. "Review of Iodine Behavior from Nuclear Fuel Dissolution to Environmental Release." RSC Advances 14, no. 48:35255 - 35274. PNNL-SA-203176. doi:10.1039/D4RA06494A
  • Chong S., and B.J. Riley. 2024. "Compositional effects on the chemical durabilities of aluminophosphate glasses: A review." Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids: X 21. PNNL-SA-191340. doi:10.1016/j.nocx.2023.100205
  • Chong S., B.J. Riley, X. Lu, J. Du, T. Mahadevan, and V.I. Hegde. 2024. "Synthesis and properties of anhydrous rare-earth phosphates, monazite and xenotime: A review." RSC Advances 14, no. 27:18978-19000. PNNL-SA-194627. doi:10.1039/D4RA01142B
  • Du J., V. Ishwar Hegde, J.E. Saal, B.J. Riley, and J.D. Vienna. 2024. "AI/ML-assisted Design of Phosphate Glass and Ceramic Nuclear Waste Forms." Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 130, no. 1:144-147. PNNL-SA-195362.
  • Evarts J.S., S. Chong, J.M. Oshiro, B.J. Riley, R.M. Asmussen, and J.S. McCloy. 2024. "Ceramic-metal (cermet) composites: A review of key properties and synthesis methods focused on nuclear waste immobilization." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 63, no. 14:6003-6023. PNNL-SA-191155. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.3c04450
  • Hegde V.I., M. Peterson, S.I. Allec, X. Lu, T.S. Mahadevan, X.T. Nguyen, and J. Kalahe, et al. 2024. "Towards informatics-driven design of nuclear waste forms." Digital Discovery 3, no. 8:1450-1466. PNNL-SA-193635. doi:10.1039/D4DD00096J
  • Kalahe J., T.S. Mahadevan, X. Lu, J.D. Vienna, B.J. Riley, J. Du, and J. Du. 2024. "Insights on the structure and properties of sodium iron phosphate glasses from molecular dynamics simulations." Journal of Nuclear Materials 594. PNNL-SA-190406. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2024.155004
  • Lere-Adams A.J., M.C. Wilkins, D.L. Bollinger, S. Stariha, R. Farzana, P. Dayal, and D. Gregg, et al. 2024. "Glass-bonded ceramic waste forms for immobilization of radioiodine from caustic scrubber wastes." Journal of Nuclear Materials 591, no. _:Art. No. 154938. PNNL-SA-192252. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2024.154938
  • McCloy J.S., B.J. Riley, M.C. Wilkins, J.S. Evarts, J. Bussey, J.D. Vienna, and P.A. Bingham, et al. 2024. "International Perspectives on Glass Waste Form Development for Low-Level and Intermediate-Level Radioactive Waste." Materials Today 80, no. _:594-618. PNNL-SA-200763. doi:10.1016/j.mattod.2024.08.025
  • Murray P., H. Werth, S. Sullivan, B.J. Riley, M. Simpson, C.E. Lonergan, and K. Carlson. 2024. "Phosphate-based dechlorination of electrorefiner salt waste using a phosphoric acid precursor." ACS Omega 9, no. 17:19395-19400. PNNL-SA-192116. doi:10.1021/acsomega.4c00542
  • Oshiro J.M., A. Fujii Yamagata, S. Sharma, R.M. Asmussen, S. Chong, B.J. Riley, and J.V. Crum, et al. 2024. "Pelletization with spark plasma sintering and characterization of metal iodides: An assessment of long-term radioiodine immobilization options." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 63, no. 46:20009-20019. PNNL-SA-199799. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.4c02320
  • Oshiro J.M., V. Gervasio, J. Crum, B.J. Riley, J. Reiser, M. Snyder, and D.R. Dixon, et al. 2024. "Glass Formulation and Lab-Scale Testing of Glasses Designed for In-Can Melter and In-Container Vitrification of High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium Aqueous Polishing Raffinate Waste." Journal of Nuclear Materials 597, no. _:Art. No. 155102. PNNL-SA-193734. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2024.155102
  • Riley B.J. 2024. "A multifunctional technology platform for sorbent construction using polyacrylonitrile scaffolds." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 63, no. 19:8647-8662. PNNL-SA-193801. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.4c00100
  • Riley B.J., C.L. Beck, J.S. Evarts, S. Chong, A.M. Lines, H.M. Felmy, and J. Mcfarlane, et al. 2024. "Analytical capabilities for iodine detection: Review of possibilities for different applications." AIP Advances 14, no. 8:Art. No. 080701. PNNL-SA-195189. doi:10.1063/5.0208591
  • Riley B.J., N.L. Canfield, S. Chong, and J. Crum. 2024. "Metal-Encapsulated, Polymer-Containing Halide Salt Composites as Potential Long-Term Hosts for Radioiodine: Evaluating Halmets, Polyhalmets, and Halcermets." ACS Omega 9, no. 32:34661-34674. PNNL-SA-196206. doi:10.1021/acsomega.4c03378
  • Riley B.J., N.L. Canfield, S. Chong, J.M. Oshiro, J.L. George, C. Burns, and J.L. Helgeland. 2024. Evaluating Iodine Immobilization Technologies: Cermets, Polycermets, and Polyhalmets. PNNL-35738. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Evaluating Iodine Immobilization Technologies: Cermets, Polycermets, and Polyhalmets
  • Riley B.J., S. Chong, and N.L. Canfield. 2024. "Synthesis of and Iodine capture with MSx (Ag2S, Bi2S3, Cu2S)-polyacrylonitrile composites." New Journal of Chemistry 48, no. 8:3352-3356. PNNL-SA-193562. doi:10.1039/D3NJ05961H
  • Robinson A.J., H.M. Johnson, S. Chong, B.J. Riley, M.K. Murphy, P.K. Okabe, and P.K. Thallapally. 2024. "Noble Gas Management with Radiation-Tolerant MOF for Molten Salt Reactors." Cell Reports Physical Science 5, no. 2:Art. No. 101829. PNNL-SA-191719. doi:10.1016/j.xcrp.2024.101829


  • Asmussen R.M., A.M. Westesen, E. Cordova, A. Fujii Yamagata, P.P. Schonewill, A.C. Moore, and A. Bourchy, et al. 2023. "Iodine Removal from Carbonate-Containing Alkaline Liquids using Strong Base Resins, Hybrid Resins, and Silver Precipitation." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 62, no. 7:3271-3281. PNNL-SA-178096. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.2c03527
  • Crum J.V., J.D. Vienna, B.J. Riley, J.A. Silverstein, R.M. Kissinger, J.J. Neeway, and J.L. George, et al. 2023. "Formulation and Testing of a High-Tin Borosilicate Nuclear Waste Glass for In-Can Melting." Journal of Nuclear Materials 585. PNNL-SA-182284. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2023.154643
  • Riley B.J., N.L. Canfield, M. Peterson, J.L. George, S. Chong, and J.V. Crum. 2023. Crystalline versus Glassy Nature of Iron Phosphate Waste Forms Subjected to Different Slow Cooling Curves. PNNL-34917. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Crystalline versus Glassy Nature of Iron Phosphate Waste Forms Subjected to Different Slow Cooling Curves
  • Riley B.J., S. Chong, M. Zhao, and J. Lian. 2023. "Densification and immobilization of AgI-containing iodine waste forms using spark plasma sintering." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 62, no. 22:8779-8792. PNNL-SA-183003. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.3c00892
  • Yadav A., S. Chong, B.J. Riley, J.S. McCloy, and A. Goel. 2023. "Iodine capture by Ag-loaded solid sorbents followed by Ag recycling and iodine immobilization: An end-to-end process." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 62, no. 8:3635-3646. PNNL-SA-179871. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.2c04357


  • Asmussen R.M., J. Turner, S. Chong, and B.J. Riley. 2022. "Review of recent developments in iodine wasteform production." Frontiers in Chemistry 10. PNNL-SA-176905. doi:10.3389/fchem.2022.1043653
  • Baskaran K., M. Ali, B.J. Riley, I. Zharov, and K. Carlson. 2022. "Evaluating the physisorption and chemisorption of iodine on bismuth-functionalized carbon foams." ACS Materials Letters 4, no. 9:1780-1786. PNNL-SA-173737. doi:10.1021/acsmaterialslett.2c00466
  • Baskaran K., M. Ali, B.J. Riley, J. Bates, I. Zharov, and K. Carlson. 2022. "Membrane synthesis via in-situ pore formation in silica gels through dynamic miscibility with soybean oil." Colloids and Surfaces. A, Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 636. PNNL-SA-165506. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfa.2021.128183
  • Baskaran K., M. Ali, K.L. Gingrich, D.L. Porter, S. Chong, B.J. Riley, and C.W. Peak, et al. 2022. "Sol-gel derived silica: A review of polymer-tailored properties for energy and environmental applications." Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 336. PNNL-SA-166395. doi:10.1016/j.micromeso.2022.111874
  • Chong S., and B.J. Riley. 2022. "Thermal conversion in air of rare-earth fluorides to rare-earth oxyfluorides and rare-earth oxides." Journal of Nuclear Materials 561. PNNL-SA-167547. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2022.153538
  • Chong S., B.J. Riley, and Z.J. Nelson. 2022. "Crystalline compounds for remediation of rare-earth fission products: A review." Journal of Rare Earths 40, no. 3:365-380. PNNL-SA-156271. doi:10.1016/j.jre.2021.01.016
  • Chong S., B.J. Riley, J. Marcial, C.E. Lonergan, and D.A. Cutforth. 2022. "Synthesis of dysprosium oxychloride (DyOCl)." Journal of Chemical Crystallography 52, no. 2:185-193. PNNL-SA-158753. doi:10.1007/s10870-021-00904-2
  • Chong S., B.J. Riley, R.M. Asmussen, A. Fujii Yamagata, J. Marcial, S. Lee, and C. Burns. 2022. "Iodine capture with metal-functionalized polyacrylonitrile composite beads containing Ag0, Bi0, Cu0, or Sn0 particles." ACS Applied Polymer Materials 4, no. 12:9040-9051. PNNL-SA-174578. doi:10.1021/acsapm.2c01407
  • Kruska K., Z. Zhai, B.J. Riley, M.J. Olszta, and D.K. Schreiber. 2022. "Effect of Applied Stress on the Selective Oxidation of Alloy 600 Exposed to PWR Primary Water and Rhines Pack Environments." In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems - Water Reactors, July 17-21, 2022, Snowmass, CO, ED22-17328-SG. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:Association for Materials Protection and Performance. PNNL-SA-174340.
  • Reiser J., A.R. Lawter, N.M. Avalos, J.F. Bonnett, B.J. Riley, S. Chong, and N.L. Canfield, et al. 2022. "Review and Experimental Comparison of the Durability of Iodine Waste Forms in Semi-Dynamic Leach Testing." Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 11. PNNL-SA-165785. doi:10.1016/j.ceja.2022.100300
  • Riley B.J., and K. Carlson. 2022. "Radioiodine Sorbent Selection Criteria." Frontiers in Chemistry 10. PNNL-SA-174194. doi:10.3389/fchem.2022.969303
  • Riley B.J., and S. Chong. 2022. "Dehalogenation Reactions Between Halide Salts and Phosphate Compounds." Frontiers in Chemistry 10. PNNL-SA-173546. doi:10.3389/fchem.2022.976781
  • Riley B.J., and S. Chong. 2022. "Effects of composition and canister centerline cooling on microstructure, phase distribution, and chemical durability of dehalogenated iron phosphate waste forms." Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 579. PNNL-SA-167004. doi:10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2021.121319
  • Strzelecki A., Y. Ren, S. Chong, B.J. Riley, H. Xu, J.S. McCloy, and X. Guo. 2022. "Structure and Thermodynamics of Calcium Rare Earth Silicate Oxyapatites, Ca2RE8(SiO4)6O2 (RE = Pr, Tb, Ho, Tm)." Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 49, no. 5:Art. No. 13. PNNL-SA-167132. doi:10.1007/s00269-022-01187-5
  • Thallapally P.K., A.J. Robinson, A.A. Zbib, B.J. Riley, S. Chong, J. Liu, and M.K. Murphy, et al. 2022. Noble Gas Management: SBMOF 1 vs. NUCON Carbon - CRADA 459 (Final Report). PNNL-33314. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. doi:10.2172/1889654.Noble Gas Management: SBMOF 1 vs. NUCON Carbon - CRADA 459 (Final Report)
  • Wang G., D. Kim, M.J. Olszta, M.E. Bowden, D.K. Schreiber, S.A. Saslow, and W. Um, et al. 2022. "Metallic Technetium Sequestration in Nickel Core/Shell Microstructure during Fe(OH)2 Transformation with Ni doping." Journal of Hazardous Materials 425. PNNL-SA-146435. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.127779
  • Yang K., Y. Wang, J. Shen, S.M. Scott, B.J. Riley, J.D. Vienna, and J. Lian. 2022. "Cs3Bi2I9-hydroxyapatite composite waste forms for cesium and iodine immobilization." Journal of Advanced Ceramics 11, no. 4:712-728. PNNL-SA-166403. doi:10.1007/s40145-021-0565-z


  • Andrews H., J. Mcfarlane, S. Chapel, D.D. Bull Ezell, D.E. Holcomb, D. de Wet, and M.S. Greenwood, et al. 2021. "Review of Molten Salt Reactor Off-Gas Management Considerations." Nuclear Engineering and Design 385. PNNL-SA-161213. doi:10.1016/j.nucengdes.2021.111529
  • Beck C.L., B.J. Riley, S. Chong, A.J. Karkamkar, D.R. Seiner, and S.B. Clark. 2021. "Molecular Iodine Interactions with Metal Substrates: Towards the Understanding of Iodine Interactions in the Environment Following a Nuclear Accident." Journal of Nuclear Materials 546. PNNL-SA-153020. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2020.152771
  • Beck C.L., B.J. Riley, S. Chong, N.P. Smith, D.R. Seiner, B.N. Seiner, and M.H. Engelhard, et al. 2021. "Molecular Iodine Interactions with Fe, Ni, Cr, and Stainless Steel Alloys." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 60, no. 6:2447-2454. PNNL-SA-156259. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.0c04590
  • Beck C.L., N.P. Smith, B.J. Riley, and S.B. Clark. 2021. "Adsorption of Iodine on Metal Coupons in Humid and Dry Environments." Journal of Nuclear Materials 556. PNNL-SA-160223. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2021.153204
  • Carlson K., L. Gardner, J. Moon, B.J. Riley, J.M. Amoroso, and D. Chidambaram. 2021. "Molten Salt Reactors and Electrochemical Reprocessing: Synthesis and Chemical Durability of Potential Waste Forms for Metal and Salt Waste Streams." International Materials Reviews 66, no. 5:339-363. PNNL-SA-152661. doi:10.1080/09506608.2020.1801229
  • Chong S., B.J. Riley, W. Kuang, and M.J. Olszta. 2021. "Iodine capture with mechanically robust heat-treated Ag-Al-Si-O xerogel sorbents." ACS Omega 6, no. 17:11628-11638. PNNL-SA-158388. doi:10.1021/acsomega.1c00852
  • Gardner L.D., M. Wasnik, B.J. Riley, M. Simpson, and K. Carlson. 2021. "Effect of Reduced Dehalogenation on the Performance of Y Zeolite-Based Sintered Waste Forms." Journal of Nuclear Materials 545. PNNL-SA-157210. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2020.152753
  • Johnson C.M., J.D. Lowrey, T.R. Alexander, E.K. Mace, and B.J. Riley. 2021. Measurements of emanation of Ar-37 and Ar-39 from irradiated rocks and powders. PNNL-30868. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Measurements of emanation of Ar-37 and Ar-39 from irradiated rocks and powders
  • Kruska K., W. Jiang, X. Wang, L. Shao, B.J. Riley, and R. Devanathan. 2021. "Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy and Atom-probe Tomography Data Quantifying Component-Ratios of Multicomponent Nano-Precipitates in Ion-Irradiated Ceria." Data in Brief 39. PNNL-SA-155990. doi:10.1016/j.dib.2021.107460
  • Kruska K., W. Jiang, X. Wang, L. Shao, B.J. Riley, and R. Devanathan. 2021. "Formation of multicomponent alloy particles in doped ceria under I2+ ion irradiation and thermal annealing." Journal of Nuclear Materials 545. PNNL-SA-150713. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2020.152638
  • Riley B.J., S. Chong, and C.E. Lonergan. 2021. "Dechlorination apparatus for treating chloride salt wastes: System evaluation and scale-up." ACS Omega 6, no. 47:32239-32252. PNNL-SA-166207. doi:10.1021/acsomega.1c05065
  • Riley B.J., S. Chong, and C.L. Beck. 2021. "Iodine vapor reactions with pure metal wires at temperatures of 100°C to 139°C in air." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 60, no. 47:17162-17173. PNNL-SA-166855. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.1c03902
  • Riley B.J., S. Chong, R.M. Asmussen, A. Bourchy, and M.H. Engelhard. 2021. "Polyacrylonitrile composites of Ag-Al-Si-O aerogels and xerogels as iodine and iodide sorbents." ACS Applied Polymer Materials 3, no. 7:3344-3353. PNNL-SA-158597. doi:10.1021/acsapm.1c00237
  • Wang G., M.E. Bowden, S.A. Saslow, B.J. Riley, D. Kim, W.C. Eaton, and A.A. Kruger. 2021. "Micrometer-sized Magnetite Synthesis using Fe(OH)2(s) as a Precursor for Technetium Sequestration from Liquid Nuclear Waste Streams." Journal of Nuclear Materials 552. PNNL-SA-158404. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2021.152964
  • Yang K., W. Zhu, B.J. Riley, J.D. Vienna, D. Zhao, and J. Lian. 2021. "Perovskite-derived Cs2SnCl6-Silica Composites as Advanced Waste Forms for Chloride Salt Wastes." Environmental Science & Technology 55, no. 11:7605-7614. PNNL-SA-157795. doi:10.1021/acs.est.0c07724
  • Yang K., W. Zhu, S.M. Scott, J. Wang, B.J. Riley, J.D. Vienna, and J. Lian. 2021. "Immobilization of cesium and iodine into Cs3Bi2I9 perovskite-silica composites and core-shell waste forms with high waste loadings and chemical durability." Journal of Hazardous Materials 401. PNNL-SA-152585. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.123279


  • Chong S., B.J. Riley, and Z.J. Nelson. 2020. "Dehydration synthesis and crystal structure of terbium oxychloride, TbOCl." Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications E76, no. 5:621-624. PNNL-SA-151493. doi:10.1107/S2056989020004387
  • Chong S., B.J. Riley, J.A. Peterson, M.J. Olszta, and Z.J. Nelson. 2020. "Gaseous Iodine Sorbents: A Comparison between Ag-Loaded Aerogel and Xerogel Scaffolds." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12, no. 23:26127-26136. PNNL-SA-146826. doi:10.1021/acsami.0c02396
  • Chong S., B.J. Riley, R.M. Asmussen, A.R. Lawter, S. Bruffey, J. Nam, and J.S. McCloy, et al. 2020. "Iodosodalite synthesis with hot isostatic pressing of precursors produced from aqueous and hydrothermal processes." Journal of Nuclear Materials 538. PNNL-SA-149138. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2020.152222
  • Chong S., B.J. Riley, Z.J. Nelson, and S. Perry. 2020. "Crystal structures and comparison of huntite aluminum borates REAl3(BO3)4 (RE = Tb, Dy, Ho)." Acta Crystallographica. Section E: Structure Reports Online E76. PNNL-SA-150573. doi:10.1107/S2056989020001802
  • Chong S., S. Perry, B.J. Riley, and Z.J. Nelson. 2020. "Crystal structures and comparisons of potassium rare-earth molybdates KRE(MoO4)2 (RE = Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu)." Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications 76, no. 12:1871-1875. PNNL-SA-154240. doi:10.1107/S205698902001542X
  • Cordova E., V.A. Garayburu-Caruso, C.I. Pearce, K.J. Cantrell, J.W. Morad, E.C. Gillispie, and B.J. Riley, et al. 2020. "Hybrid Sorbents for 129I Capture from Contaminated Groundwater." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12, no. 23:26113-26126. PNNL-SA-147889. doi:10.1021/acsami.0c01527
  • Gardner L., M. Wasnik, B.J. Riley, S. Chong, M. Simpson, and K. Carlson. 2020. "Synthesis and Characterization of Sintered H-Y Zeolite-Derived Waste Forms for Dehalogenated Electrorefiner Salt." Ceramics International 46, no. 11A:17707-17716. PNNL-SA-152502. doi:10.1016/j.ceramint.2020.04.075
  • Kissinger R.M., S. Chong, B.J. Riley, and J.V. Crum. 2020. "Synthesis and crystal structure of a mixed alkaline-earth powellite, Ca0.84Sr0.16MoO4." Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications E76, no. 2:121-124. PNNL-SA-150035. doi:10.1107/S2056989019017092
  • Kroll J.O., B.J. Riley, J.S. McCloy, and J.A. Peterson. 2020. "Sol-gel synthesis of iodosodalite precursors and subsequent consolidation with a glass binder made from oxides and sol-gel routes." Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 96, no. 3:564-575. PNNL-SA-150209. doi:10.1007/s10971-020-05348-2
  • Riley B.J. 2020. "Electrochemical Salt Wasteform Development: A Review of Salt Treatment and Immobilization Options." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 59, no. 21:9760-9774. PNNL-SA-151993. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.0c01357
  • Riley B.J., and S. Chong. 2020. "Crystalline Aluminosilicates for Radionuclide Remediation." In An Introduction to Aluminosilicates, edited by N.R. Blevins. 249-272. Hauppauge, New York:Nova Science Publishers, Inc. PNNL-SA-148162.
  • Riley B.J., and S. Chong. 2020. "Environmental remediation with functional aerogels and xerogels." Global Challenges 4, no. 10:2000013. PNNL-SA-151800. doi:10.1002/gch2.202000013
  • Riley B.J., and S. Chong. 2020. "Glass waste form options for rare-earth fission products from electrochemical reprocessing." Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 545. PNNL-SA-152212. doi:10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2020.120161
  • Riley B.J., H. Park, J. Choi, K. Lee, W.L. Ebert, and N.L. Canfield. 2020. "Zinc-in-titania waste form for immobilizing lanthanide fission products from electrochemical reprocessing." Journal of Nuclear Materials 539. PNNL-SA-152586. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2020.152313
  • Riley B.J., J.A. Peterson, J.D. Vienna, W.L. Ebert, and S.M. Frank. 2020. "Dehalogenation of electrochemical processing salt simulants with ammonium phosphates and immobilization of salt cations in an iron phosphate glass waste form." Journal of Nuclear Materials 529. PNNL-SA-141932. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2019.151949
  • Riley B.J., S. Chong, M.J. Olszta, and J.A. Peterson. 2020. "Evaluation of getter metals in Na-Al-Si-O aerogels and xerogels for the capture of iodine gas." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12, no. 17:19682-19692. PNNL-SA-146084. doi:10.1021/acsami.0c03155
  • Riley B.J., S. Chong, W. Kuang, T. Varga, A.S. Helal, M. Galanek, and J. Li, et al. 2020. "Metal-Organic Framework-Polyacrylonitrile Composite Beads for Xenon Capture." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12, no. 40:45342-45350. PNNL-SA-154134. doi:10.1021/acsami.0c13717


  • Crum J., S. Chong, J.A. Peterson, and B.J. Riley. 2019. "Syntheses, crystal structures, and comparisons of rare-earth oxyapatites Ca2RE8(SiO4)6O2 (RE = La, Nd, Sm, Eu, Yb) and NaLa9(SiO4)6O2." Acta Crystallographica. Section E: Structure Reports Online 75. PNNL-SA-143316. doi:10.1107/S2056989019008442
  • Gardner L., B.J. Riley, C. Elliott, M. Simpson, and K. Carlson. 2019. "Viscosities and working region predictions for bismuth aluminoborosilicate glasses." International Journal of Applied Glass Science 10, no. 2:190-201. PNNL-SA-142983. doi:10.1111/ijag.12973
  • Kroll J.O., J.V. Crum, B.J. Riley, J.J. Neeway, R.M. Asmussen, and M. Liezers. 2019. "Synthesis of Nd3BSi2O10 using a LiCl-flux method." Journal of Nuclear Materials 515. PNNL-SA-133296. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.12.016
  • Kruska K., D.K. Schreiber, M.J. Olszta, B.J. Riley, and S.M. Bruemmer. 2019. "Comparison of selective oxidation in Ni-based alloys exposed to PWR primary water and Rhines Pack environments." In 19th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems - Water Reactors, (EnvDeg 2019), August 18-22, 2019, Boston, MA, 572-581. La Grange Park, Illinois:American Nuclear Society. PNNL-SA-146936.
  • Lee K., B.J. Riley, H. Park, J. Choi, S. Han, J. Hur, and J.A. Peterson, et al. 2019. "Investigation of physical and chemical properties for upgraded SAP (SiO2-Al2O3-P2O5) waste form to immobilize radioactive waste salt." Journal of Nuclear Materials 515, no. 2019:382-391. PNNL-SA-130870. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2019.01.004
  • McCloy J.S., B.J. Riley, J.V. Crum, J. Marcial, J.T. Reiser, K. Kruska, and J.A. Peterson, et al. 2019. "Crystallization Study of Rare Earth and Molybdenum Containing Nuclear Waste Glass Ceramics." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 102, no. 9:5149-5163. PNNL-SA-122002. doi:10.1111/jace.16406
  • McCloy J.S., J. Marcial, B.J. Riley, J. Neuefeind, J. Crum, and D. Patil. 2019. "Method Development for High Temperature In-Situ Neutron Diffraction Measurements of Glass Crystallization on Cooling from Melt." MRS Advances. PNNL-SA-139536. doi:10.1557/adv.2019.46
  • McCloy J.S., J. Marcial, D. Patil, M. Saleh, M. Ahmadzadeh, H. Chen, and J. Crum, et al. 2019. "Glass structure and crystallization in boro-alumino-silicate glasses containing rare earth and transition metal cations: a US-UK collaborative program." MRS Advances 4, no. 17-18:1029-1043. PNNL-SA-141110. doi:10.1557/adv.2019.99
  • Mcfarlane J., G.D. Delcul, D.D. Bull Ezell, K. Myhre, S.A. Bryan, H.M. Felmy, and A.M. Lines, et al. 2019. "Fission Product Measurement and Off-Gas Scrubbing for Molten Salt Reactors." Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 121, no. 1:707-708. PNNL-SA-149521. doi:10.13182/T30752
  • Neeway J.J., R.M. Asmussen, E.M. McElroy, J.A. Peterson, B.J. Riley, and J.V. Crum. 2019. "Kinetics of Oxyapatite [Ca2Nd8(SiO4)6O2] and Powellite [(Ca,Sr,Ba)MoO4] Dissolution in Glass-Ceramic Nuclear Waste Forms in Acidic, Neutral, and Alkaline Conditions." Journal of Nuclear Materials 515. PNNL-SA-138113. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.12.043
  • Qiao H., B.J. Riley, M.K. Murphy, J.R. Roth, S.W. Martin, and J. Ballato. 2019. "Gamma Irradiation of Novel Optical Glasses at Elevated Temperature." In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 121, 447-450. PNNL-SA-145207. doi:10.13182/T31333
  • Riley B.J., and T. Garn. 2019. "Purification of Gas and Liquid Streams Using Composite Sorbents Embedded in a Polyacrylonitrile Matrix." In Advances in Materials Science Research, edited by M.C. Wythers. 119-147. Hauppauge, New York:Nova Science Publishers, Inc. PNNL-SA-136799.
  • Riley B.J., J. Mcfarlane, G.D. Delcul, J.D. Vienna, and C.I. Contescu. 2019. "Molten salt reactor waste and effluent management strategies: A review." Nuclear Engineering and Design 345. PNNL-SA-139715. doi:10.1016/j.nucengdes.2019.02.002
  • Thompson M.R., B.J. Riley, M.E. Bowden, M.J. Olszta, D.J. Edwards, J.V. Crum, and B.R. Johnson, et al. 2019. "Crystal structure and chemistry of tricadmium digermanium tetraarsenide, Cd3Ge2As4." Acta Crystallographica. Section E: Structure Reports Online E75. PNNL-SA-144599. doi:10.1107/S2056989019010636


  • Chong S., J.A. Peterson, B.J. Riley, D. Tabada, D.E. Wall, C.L. Corkhill, and J.S. McCloy. 2018. "Glass-bonded iodosodalite waste form for immobilization of 129I." Journal of Nuclear Materials 504. PNNL-SA-130829. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.03.033
  • Kruska K., D.K. Schreiber, M.J. Olszta, B.J. Riley, and S.M. Bruemmer. 2018. "Temperature-dependent selective oxidation processes for Ni-5Cr and Ni-4Al." Corrosion Science 139. PNNL-SA-129585. doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2018.04.037
  • Nam J., S. Chong, B.J. Riley, and J.S. McCloy. 2018. "Iodosodalite Waste Forms from Low-Temperature Aqueous Process." MRS Advances 3, no. 20:1093-1103. PNNL-SA-131095. doi:10.1557/adv.2018.225
  • Peterson J.A., J.V. Crum, B.J. Riley, R.M. Asmussen, and J.J. Neeway. 2018. "Synthesis and characterization of oxyapatite [Ca2Nd8(SiO4)6O2] and mixed-alkaline-earth powellite [(Ca,Sr,Ba)MoO4] for a glass-ceramic waste form." Journal of Nuclear Materials 510. PNNL-SA-133874. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.08.048
  • Riley B.J., D.A. Pierce, J.V. Crum, B.D. Williams, M. Snyder, and J.A. Peterson. 2018. "Waste form evaluation for RECl3 and REOx fission products separated from used electrochemical salt." Progress in Nuclear Energy 104. PNNL-SA-124232. doi:10.1016/j.pnucene.2017.09.005
  • Riley B.J., J.A. Peterson, J.O. Kroll, and S.M. Frank. 2018. "Immobilization of LiCl-Li2O pyroprocessing salt wastes in chlorosodalite using glass-bonded hydrothermal and salt-occlusion methods." Journal of Nuclear Materials 502. PNNL-SA-131232. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.02.005
  • Riley B.J., J.V. Crum, W.C. Buchmiller, B.T. Rieck, M.J. Schweiger, and J.D. Vienna. 2018. "Laboratory-scale quartz crucible melter tests for vitrifying a high-MoO3 raffinate waste simulant." Progress in Nuclear Energy 110. PNNL-SA-128158. doi:10.1016/j.pnucene.2018.08.022
  • Riley B.J., P.R. Hrma, J.V. Crum, J.D. Vienna, M.J. Schweiger, C.P. Rodriguez, and J.A. Peterson. 2018. "Liquidus temperature in the spinel primary phase field: A comparison between optical and crystal fraction methods." Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 483. PNNL-SA-128799. doi:10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2017.11.033


  • Chong S., J.A. Peterson, J. Nam, B.J. Riley, and J.S. McCloy. 2017. "Synthesis and Characterization of Iodosodalite." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 100, no. 5:2273-2284. PNNL-SA-119593. doi:10.1111/jace.14772
  • Riley B.J., J.D. Vienna, S.M. Frank, J.O. Kroll, J.A. Peterson, N.L. Canfield, and Z. Zhu, et al. 2017. "Glass Binder Development for a Glass-Bonded Sodalite Ceramic Waste Form." Journal of Nuclear Materials 489. PNNL-SA-123338. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2017.03.041
  • Riley B.J., J.O. Kroll, J.A. Peterson, D.A. Pierce, W.L. Ebert, B.D. Williams, and M. Snyder, et al. 2017. "Assessment of lead tellurite glass for immobilizing electrochemical salt wastes from used nuclear fuel reprocessing." Journal of Nuclear Materials 495. PNNL-SA-125402. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2017.08.037
  • Saslow S.A., W. Um, C.I. Pearce, M.H. Engelhard, M.E. Bowden, W.W. Lukens, and I.I. Leavy, et al. 2017. "Reduction and Simultaneous Removal of 99Tc and Cr by Fe(OH)2(s) Mineral Transformation." Environmental Science & Technology 51, no. 15:8635-8642. PNNL-SA-125836. doi:10.1021/acs.est.7b02278
  • Subrahmanyam K.S., I. Spanopoulos, J. Chun, B.J. Riley, P.K. Thallapally, P.N. Trikalitis, and M.G. Kanatzidis. 2017. "Chalcogenide Aerogels as Sorbents for Noble Gases (Xe, Kr)." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9, no. 39:33389-33394. PNNL-SA-121769. doi:10.1021/acsami.6b15896


  • Luksic S.A., B.J. Riley, K.E. Parker, and P.R. Hrma. 2016. "Sodalite as a vehicle to increase Re retention in waste glass simulant during vitrification." Journal of Nuclear Materials 479. PNNL-SA-111510. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2016.07.002
  • Mohd Fadzil S., P.R. Hrma, M.J. Schweiger, and B.J. Riley. 2016. "Component effects on crystallization of RE-containing aluminoborosilicate glass." Journal of Nuclear Materials 478. PNNL-SA-121537. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2016.06.018
  • Neeway J.J., R.M. Asmussen, A.R. Lawter, M.E. Bowden, W.W. Lukens, D. Sarma, and B.J. Riley, et al. 2016. "Removal of TcO4- from Representative Nuclear Waste Streams with Layered Potassium Metal Sulfide Materials." Chemistry of Materials 28, no. 11:3976-3983. PNNL-SA-116928. doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.6b01296
  • Riley B.J., J.D. Vienna, D.M. Strachan, J.S. McCloy, and J.L. Jerden. 2016. "Materials and Processes for the Effective Capture and Immobilization of Radioiodine: A Review." Journal of Nuclear Materials 470. PNNL-SA-111665. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2015.11.038
  • Riley B.J., W.C. Lepry, and J.V. Crum. 2016. "Solution-Derived Sodalite Made with Si- and Ge-Ethoxide Precursors for Immobilizing electrorefiner salt." Journal of Nuclear Materials 468. PNNL-SA-112411. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2015.11.011
  • Serne R., J.V. Crum, B.J. Riley, and T.G. Levitskaia. 2016. Options for the Separation and Immobilization of Technetium. PNNL-25834;EMSP-RPT-029Rev0. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. doi:10.2172/1333455.Options for the Separation and Immobilization of Technetium
  • Xu K., P.R. Hrma, J.A. Rice, M.J. Schweiger, B.J. Riley, N.R. Overman, and A.A. Kruger. 2016. "Conversion of Nuclear Waste to Molten Glass: Cold-Cap Reactions in Crucible Tests." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 99, no. 9:2964-2970. PNNL-SA-115889. doi:10.1111/jace.14310


  • Dixon D.R., M.J. Schweiger, B.J. Riley, R. Pokorny, and P.R. Hrma. 2015. "Cold-Cap Temperature Profile Comparison between the Laboratory and Mathematical Model." In Annual Waste Management Symposium (WM 2015), March 15-19, 2015, Phoenix, Arizona, 2, 1553-1566. Tucson, Arizona:Waste Management Symposia, Inc. PNNL-SA-106678.
  • Dixon D.R., M.J. Schweiger, B.J. Riley, R. Pokorny, and P.R. Hrma. 2015. "Temperature Distribution within a Cold Cap during Nuclear Waste Vitrification." Environmental Science & Technology 49, no. 14:8856-8863. PNNL-SA-108118. doi:10.1021/acs.est.5b00931
  • Henager C.H., K.J. Alvine, M. Bliss, B.J. Riley, and J.A. Stave. 2015. "The Influence of Constitutional Supercooling on the Distribution of Te-particles in Melt-Grown CZT." Journal of Electronic Materials 44, no. 11:4604-4621. PNNL-SA-107729. doi:10.1007/s11664-015-3995-y
  • Luksic S.A., B.J. Riley, M.J. Schweiger, and P.R. Hrma. 2015. "Incorporating Technetium in Minerals and Other Solids: A Review." Journal of Nuclear Materials 466. PNNL-SA-110310. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2015.08.052
  • McCloy J.S., B.J. Riley, and D.A. Pierce. 2015. "Infrared-Transparent Glass Ceramics: an Exploratory Study." Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 410. PNNL-SA-104269. doi:10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2014.11.040
  • Mohd Fadzil S., P.R. Hrma, M.J. Schweiger, and B.J. Riley. 2015. "Liquidus temperature and chemical durability of selected glasses to immobilize rare earth oxides waste." Journal of Nuclear Materials 465. PNNL-SA-111234. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2015.06.050
  • Riley B.J., D.A. Pierce, S.M. Frank, J. Matyas, and C.A. Burns. 2015. "Efficacy of a Solution-Based Approach for Making Sodalite Waste Forms for an Oxide Reduction Salt Utilized in the Reprocessing of Used Uranium Oxide Fuel." Journal of Nuclear Materials 459. PNNL-SA-103835. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.09.042
  • Xu K., P.R. Hrma, J.A. Rice, B.J. Riley, M.J. Schweiger, and J.V. Crum. 2015. "Melter Feed Reactions at T = 700°C for Nuclear Waste Vitrification." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 98, no. 10:3105-3111. PNNL-SA-102293. doi:10.1111/jace.13766


  • Crum J.V., V. Maio, J.S. McCloy, C. Scott, B.J. Riley, B. Benefiel, and J.D. Vienna, et al. 2014. "Cold Crucible Induction Melter Studies for Making Glass Ceramic Waste Forms: A Feasibility Assessment." Journal of Nuclear Materials 444, no. 1-3:481-492. PNNL-SA-95078. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.10.029
  • Hrma P.R., B.J. Riley, J.V. Crum, and J. Matyas. 2014. "The effect of high-level waste glass composition on spinel liquidus temperature." Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 384. PNNL-SA-91584. doi:10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2013.02.014
  • Riley B.J., D.A. Pierce, J. Chun, J. Matyas, W.C. Lepry, T. Garn, and J. Law, et al. 2014. "Polyacrylonitrile-Chalcogel Hybrid Sorbents for Radioiodine Capture." Environmental Science & Technology 48, no. 10:5832-5839. PNNL-SA-99817. doi:10.1021/es405807w
  • Riley B.J., M.J. Schweiger, D. Kim, W.W. Lukens, B.D. Williams, C. Iovin, and C.P. Rodriguez, et al. 2014. "Iodine Solubility in Low-Activity Waste Borosilicate Glass at 1000 °C." Journal of Nuclear Materials 452, no. 1-3:178-188. PNNL-SA-100866. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.04.027
  • Shpotyuk M., O. Shpotyuk, R. Golovchak, J.S. McCloy, and B.J. Riley. 2014. "Compositional trends of ?-induced optical changes observed in chalcogenide glasses of binary As-S system." Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 386. PNNL-SA-100236. doi:10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2013.12.001
  • Tang M., A. Kossoy, G.D. Jarvinen, J.V. Crum, L.A. Turo, B.J. Riley, and K. Brinkman, et al. 2014. "Radiation stability test on multiphase glass ceramic and crystalline ceramic waste forms." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 326. PNNL-SA-103808. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2013.10.092


  • Goel A., J.S. McCloy, C.F. Windisch, B.J. Riley, M.J. Schweiger, C.P. Rodriguez, and J.M. Ferreira. 2013. "Structure of rhenium-containing sodium borosilicate glass." International Journal of Applied Glass Science 4, no. 1:42-52. PNNL-SA-89618. doi:10.1111/ijag.12003
  • Lepry W.C., B.J. Riley, J.V. Crum, C.P. Rodriguez, and D.A. Pierce. 2013. "Solution-based approaches for making high-density sodalite waste forms to immobilize spent electrochemical salts." Journal of Nuclear Materials 442, no. 1-3:350-359. PNNL-SA-94213. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.08.033
  • McCloy J.S., B.J. Riley, A.S. Lipton, C.F. Windisch, N.M. Washton, M.J. Olszta, and C.P. Rodriguez. 2013. "Structure and Chemistry in Halide Lead-Tellurite Glasses." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, no. 7:3456-3466. PNNL-SA-91103. doi:10.1021/jp310820t
  • McCloy J.S., B.J. Riley, D.A. Pierce, B.R. Johnson, and H. Qiao. 2013. "Infrared-Transmitting Glass-Ceramics: A Review." In Window and Dome Technologies and Materials XIII, April 29, 2013, Baltimore, Maryland. Proceedings of the SPIE, edited by RW Tustison and BJ Zelinski, 8708, Article No. 87080N. Bellingham, Washington:SPIE. PNWD-SA-10109. doi:10.1117/12.2019142
  • Riley B.J., B.R. Johnson, H.T. Schaef, and S.K. Sundaram. 2013. "Sublimation-Condensation of Multiscale Tellurium Structures." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, no. 19:10128-10134. PNNL-SA-92535. doi:10.1021/jp400363a
  • Riley B.J., J. Chun, D.A. Pierce, W.C. Lepry, and J. Matyas. 2013. "Chalcogels for Iodine Adsorption and Immobilization." In Separations and Waste Forms Research and Development FY 2013 Accomplishments Report, edited by J Schulthess and D Hamelin. 74-75. Idaho Falls, Idaho:Idaho National Laboratory. PNNL-SA-99079.
  • Riley B.J., J. Chun, W. Um, W.C. Lepry, J. Matyas, M.J. Olszta, and X. Li, et al. 2013. "Chalcogen-Based Aerogels as Sorbents for Radionuclide Remediation." Environmental Science & Technology 47, no. 13:7540-7547. PNNL-SA-93370. doi:10.1021/es400595z
  • Riley B.J., J.S. McCloy, A. Goel, M. Liezers, M.J. Schweiger, J. Liu, and C.P. Rodriguez, et al. 2013. "Crystallization of rhenium salts in a simulated low-activity waste borosilicate glass." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 96, no. 4:1150-1157. PNNL-SA-89210. doi:10.1111/jace.12280
  • Sundaram S.K., C.A. Sacksteder, T.J. Weber, B.J. Riley, R.S. Addleman, B.J. Harrer, and J.W. Peterman. 2013. "Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy for rapid screening and live-cell monitoring: application to nanotoxicology." Nanomedicine 8, no. 1:145-156. PNNL-SA-92373. doi:10.2217/nnm.12.186


  • Crum J.V., L.A. Turo, B.J. Riley, M. Tang, and A. Kossoy. 2012. "Multi-phase glass-ceramics as a waste form for combined fission products: alkalis, alkaline earths, lanthanides, and transition metals." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 95, no. 4:1297-1303. PNNL-SA-82525. doi:10.1111/j.1551-2916.2012.05089.x
  • Goel A., J.S. McCloy, K.M. Fox, K.M. Fox, C.J. Leslie, B.J. Riley, and C.P. Rodriguez, et al. 2012. "Structural analysis of some sodium and alumina rich high-level nuclear waste glasses." Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 358, no. 3:674-679. PNNL-SA-82983. doi:10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2011.11.015
  • McCloy J.S., B.J. Riley, A. Goel, M. Liezers, M.J. Schweiger, C.P. Rodriguez, and P.R. Hrma, et al. 2012. "Rhenium Solubility in Borosilicate Nuclear Waste Glass: Implications for the Processing and Immobilization of Technetium-99." Environmental Science & Technology 46, no. 22:12616-12622. PNNL-SA-88118.
  • Pierce D.A., P.R. Hrma, J. Marcial, B.J. Riley, and M.J. Schweiger. 2012. "Effect of Alumina Source on the Rate of Melting Demonstrated with Nuclear Waste Glass Batch." International Journal of Applied Glass Science 3, no. 1:59-68. PNNL-SA-76805. doi:10.1111/j.2041-1294.2012.00079.x
  • Riley B.J., B.R. Johnson, J.V. Crum, and M.R. Thompson. 2012. "Tricadmium Digermanium Tetraarsenide: a New Crystalline Phase Made with a Double-Containment Ampoule Method." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 95, no. 7:2161-2168. PNNL-SA-82633.
  • Riley B.J., B.T. Rieck, J.S. McCloy, J.V. Crum, S.K. Sundaram, and J.D. Vienna. 2012. "Tellurite glass as a waste form for a simulated mixed chloride waste stream: Candidate materials selection and initial testing." Journal of Nuclear Materials 424, no. 1-3:29-37. PNNL-SA-77804. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2012.01.024
  • Riley B.J., J.V. Crum, J. Matyas, J.S. McCloy, and W.C. Lepry. 2012. "Solution-Derived, Chloride-Containing Minerals as a Waste Form for Alkali Chlorides." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 95, no. 10:3115-3123. PNNL-SA-86321. doi:10.1111/j.1551-2916.2012.05363.x
  • Riley B.J., P.R. Hrma, J.D. Vienna, M.J. Schweiger, C.P. Rodriguez, J.V. Crum, and J.B. Lang, et al. 2012. "The liquidus temperature of nuclear waste glasses: an international Round-Robin Study." International Journal of Applied Glass Science 2, no. 4:321-333. PNNL-SA-80149. doi:10.1111/j.2041-1294.2011.00063.x
  • Sundaram S.K., J.S. McCloy, B.J. Riley, M.K. Murphy, H. Qiao, C.F. Windisch, and E.D. Walter, et al. 2012. "Gamma Radiation Effects on Physical, Optical, and Structural Properties of Binary As-S glasses." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 95, no. 3:1048-1055. PNNL-SA-78558. doi:10.1111/j.1551-2916.2011.04938.x


  • Golovchak R., O. Shpotyuk, A. Kozdras, B.J. Riley, S.K. Sundaram, and J.S. McCloy. 2011. "RADIATION EFFECTS IN PHYSICAL AGING OF BINARY As-S AND As-Se GLASSES." Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 103, no. 1:213-218. PNNL-SA-72887. doi:10.1007/s10973-010-0876-8
  • Lucas P., E.A. King, R.G. Erdmann, B.J. Riley, S.K. Sundaram, and J.S. McCloy. 2011. "Thermal and Gamma-ray induced relaxation in As-S glasses: modeling and experiment." Journal of Physics D. Applied Physics 44, no. 39:Article No. 395402. PNNL-SA-81291. doi:10.1088/0022-3727/44/39/395402
  • Riley B.J., J. Chun, J.V. Ryan, J. Matyas, X.S. Li, D.W. Matson, and S.K. Sundaram, et al. 2011. "Chalcogen-based aerogels as a multifunctional platform for remediation of radioactive iodine." RSC Advances 1, no. 9:1704-1715. PNNL-SA-80633. doi:10.1039/C1RA00351H
  • Riley B.J., J.V. Crum, J.S. McCloy, and J. Matyas. 2011. "Advanced Electrochemical Waste Forms." In Separations and Waste Forms FY 2011 Accomplishments Report: Separations and Waste Forms Research and Development. 120-122. Idaho Falls, Idaho:Idaho National Laboratory. PNNL-20834; INL/EXT-11-24155 Rev 0.
  • Sundaram S.K., C.H. Henager, D.J. Edwards, A.L. Schemer-Kohrn, M. Bliss, and B.J. Riley. 2011. "Electron Backscatter Diffraction Analysis of a CZT Growth Tip from a Vertical Gradient Freeze Furnace." Journal of Crystal Growth 329, no. 1:12-19. PNNL-SA-73552. doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2011.02.008
  • Sundaram S.K., C.H. Henager, D.J. Edwards, A.L. Schemer-Kohrn, M. Bliss, B.J. Riley, and M.B. Toloczko, et al. 2011. "Hierarchical Microstructures in CZT." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 652, no. 1:174-177. PNNL-SA-73553. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.09.128


  • Golovchak R., O. Shpotyuk, J.S. McCloy, B.J. Riley, C.F. Windisch, S.K. Sundaram, and A.P. Kovalskiy, et al. 2010. "Structural model of homogeneous As-S glasses derived from Raman spectroscopy and high-resolution XPS." Philosophical Magazine. Structure and Properties of Condensed Matter 90, no. 34:4489-4501. PNNL-SA-72362. doi:10.1080/14786435.2010.510455
  • McCloy J.S., B.J. Riley, B.R. Johnson, M.J. Schweiger, H. Qiao, and N. Carlie. 2010. "The Predictive Power of Electronic Polarizability for Tailoring the Refractivity of High Index Glasses Optical Basicity Versus the Single Oscillator Model." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 93, no. 6:1650-1662. PNNL-SA-67214.
  • McCloy J.S., B.J. Riley, S.K. Sundaram, H. Qiao, J.V. Crum, and B.R. Johnson. 2010. "Structure-Optical Property Correlations of Arsenic Sulfide Glasses in Visible, Infrared, and Sub-millimeter Regions." Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 356, no. 25-27:1288-1293. PNNL-SA-68840.
  • McCloy J.S., C.P. Rodriguez, C.F. Windisch, C.J. Leslie, M.J. Schweiger, B.J. Riley, and J.D. Vienna. 2010. "ALKALI/ AKALINE-EARTH CONTENT EFFECTS ON PROPERTIES OF HIGH-ALUMINA NUCLEAR WASTE GLASSES." In Advances in Materials Science for Environmental and Nuclear Technology: Ceramic Transactions, edited by K Fox, E Hoffman, N Manjooran and G Pickrell, 222, 63-76. Hoboken, New Jersey:Wiley. PNNL-SA-68731.
  • Schweiger M.J., P.R. Hrma, C.J. Humrickhouse, J. Marcial, B.J. Riley, and N.E. TeGrotenhuis. 2010. "Cluster formation of silica particles in glass batches during melting." Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 356, no. 25-27:1359-1367. PNNL-SA-68732.


  • Crum J.V., B.J. Riley, and J.D. Vienna. 2009. "Binary Phase Diagram of the Manganese Oxide-Iron Oxide System." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 92, no. 10:2378-2384. PNNL-SA-50830. doi:10.1111/j.1551-2916.2009.03230.x
  • Johnson B.R., B.J. Riley, S.K. Sundaram, J.V. Crum, C.H. Henager, Y. Zhang, and V. Shutthanandan, et al. 2009. "Synthesis and Characterization of Bulk Vitreous Cadmium Germanium Arsenide." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 92, no. 6:1236-1243. PNNL-SA-60889. doi:10.1111/j.1551-2916.2009.03001.x
  • Johnson B.R., J.V. Crum, S.K. Sundaram, R.M. Van Ginhoven, C.E. Seifert, B.J. Riley, and J.V. Ryan. 2009. "DC Ionization Conductivity of Amorphous Semiconductors for Radiation Detection Applications." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 56, no. 3, PT. 2:863-868. PNNL-SA-61380.


  • Henager C.H., D.J. Edwards, A.L. Schemer-Kohrn, S.K. Sundaram, B.J. Riley, and M. Bliss. 2008. "Electron Backscatter Diffraction of a Ge Growth Tip from a Vertical Gradient Freeze Furnace." Journal of Crystal Growth 311, no. 1:10-14. PNNL-SA-61619.


  • Dutta D., S.K. Sundaram, J.G. Teeguarden, B.J. Riley, L.S. Fifield, J.M. Jacobs, and R.S. Addleman, et al. 2007. "Adsorbed Proteins Influence the Biological Activity and Molecular Targeting of Nanomaterials." Toxicological Sciences 100, no. 1:303-315. PNNL-SA-55139. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfm217
  • Riley B.J., S.K. Sundaram, B.R. Johnson, and L.V. Saraf. 2007. "Differential etching of chalcogenides for infrared photonic waveguide structures." Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 354, no. 10-11:813-816. PNNL-SA-54554. doi:10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2007.08.061


  • Ho N., M.C. Phillips, H. Qiao, P.J. Allen, K. Krishnaswami, B.J. Riley, and T.L. Myers, et al. 2006. "Single-mode low-loss chalcogenide glass waveguides for the mid-infrared." Optics Letters 31, no. 12:1860 - 1862. PNNL-SA-48379.
  • Riley B.J., B.R. Johnson, S.K. Sundaram, M.H. Engelhard, R.E. Williford, and J.D. Olmstead. 2006. "Pressure-temperature dependence of nanowire formation in the arsenic-sulfur system." Physics and Chemistry of Glasses 47, no. 6:675-680. PNNL-SA-41762.


  • Allen P.J., B.R. Johnson, and B.J. Riley. 2005. "Photo-oxidation of Thermally Evaporated As2S3 Thin Films." Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 7, no. 4:1759-1764. PNNL-SA-46332.


  • Sundaram S.K., B.R. Johnson, M.J. Schweiger, J.E. Martinez, B.J. Riley, L.V. Saraf, and N.C. Anheier, et al. 2004. "Chalcogenide glasses and structures for quantum sensing." In Quantum sensing and nanophotonic devices, PROCEEDINGS- SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, edited by Manijeh Razeghi, Gail J. Brown, 5359, 234-245. Bellingham, Wa, Washington:S.P.I.E. PNWD-SA-6304.


  • Hrma P.R., B.J. Riley, and J.D. Vienna. 2002. "Corrosion of Partially Crystallized Glasses." In Environmental Issues and Waste Management Technologies in the Ceramic and Nuclear Industries VIII: Proceedings of the symposium held at the 104th Annual Meeting of The American Ceramic Society, Ceramic Transactions, edited by SK Sundaram, DR Spearing, JD Vienna, 143, 291-300. Westerville, Ohio:American Ceramic Society. PNNL-SA-36493.


  • Peeler D.K., T.B. Edwards, I.A. Reamer, J.D. Vienna, D.E. Smith, M.J. Schweiger, and B.J. Riley, et al. 2000. "Composition/Property Relationships for the Phase I Am/Cm Glass Variability Study." In Environmental Issues and Waste Management Technologies in the Ceramic and Nuclear Industries V, Americam Ceramic Society Conf., Ceramic Transactions, 107, 427-439. Westerville, Ohio:Americam Ceramic Society. PNWD-SA-4651.


  • Riley B.J., J.D. Vienna, M.J. Schweiger, D.K. Peeler, and I.A. Reamer. 1999. "Liquidus Temperature Of Rare Earth-Aluminoborosilicate Glasses For Treatment Of Americium And Curium." In Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXIII. (Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings vol. 608), 23, 677-682. Warrendale, Pennsylvania:Materials Research Society. PNNL-SA-32376.

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