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Energy and Environment Directorate

Projects & Programs

Life Cycle Model

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Richland Operations Office (RL) has a cleanup mission at the Hanford Site, which is a multi-billion dollar technically complicated project with thousands of activities that must be integrated throughout the next approximately 50 years. DOE-RL has commissioned the development of a software application, the Life Cycle Model (LCM). The LCM is an integrated and comprehensive project-planning tool that will support decision-making and strategic planning for the DOE-RL mission. The LCM tool enables decision makers, senior managers and their staff to graphically illustrate and summarize the current baseline and how changes in key parameters of the project would impact the cost, schedule and risks to workers and the public. Contractor staff can use the LCM to provide detailed information in support of strategic planning to evaluate alternative scenarios and to develop long-range plans.

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